Saturday, July 27, 2019

Aliens Invasion

We didn’t notice. It was microscopic.  They came on tiny tiny space craft that mixed with the meteorites that commonly passed through the atmosphere. Flashes of light . Little falling stars. No one noticed them. You’d have to be looking in  a microscope in the very exact location.  They liked amoeba.  No one knows why.  A hunting party of Lilliputian raiders suddenly attacking amoeba in a wide area.  That was their diet.  But it conflicted with other’s diets too. The expansion of the alien species and the decline of our own smallest members went unnoticed for a long time.
When it was finally recognized the foothold was made.  At first it was thought that it was just another earth microbe. But the use of technology became apparent. Tiny thread like antenna running up tree bases. Filaments of wire.  The factories took a while to locate.  Each phase the exposure was accidental. Children playing in a field and seeing something unusual. The children were the greatest asset though at first no one listened. 
When we finally figured there were batallions of them on earth the children were the ones that discovered their ships. Dinky toy sized space craft.  
They weren’t interested in us perse.  
We were giants and dinosaurs to them.
Their sole interest was the amoeba but the elimination of our amoeba populations was having serious repercussions on larger species. The havoc rose up through the food chain.  
Soon the sky was full of falling stars. Soon the earth was being invaded all the time. You could hardly walk anywhere in the country without stepping on someone.  
When we retaliated they entered all our machinery and caused it to cease to function. Planes fell out of the sky. Cars stopped.  It was truly annoying.  The media fought our attempts at eliminating the problem. Claimed we were microbophobe. We were.  The power of small was increasingly apparent.  Flame throwers certainly worked but they cleared the hinterland as well.  There were just too many of them.
We got them in the lab finally.  Developed a specific anti virus.  Wiped them all out.
We’re still studying the drives on their dinky toy space craft.
The amoeba didn’t thank us. 

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