Monday, July 22, 2019

Holy Spirit

Jesus said he’d send the Holy Spirit. The Pentecost was when the Holy Spirit descended later on the gathering of the disciples.

I’ve had trouble with the basic trinity. I accept God the Father and God the Son.  But it’s family to say, God the Mother rather than Holy Spirit. My mother however did know everything that was going on and seemed to be everywhere when I was growing up. She’s always been like the Holy Spirit.

So I gave it a little more thought. The basis Jesus story is that a whole bunch of folk are making money of God claiming that they’re his agents.  Jesus throws these out of his temple and further pisses them off by saying that God is love. He says that God is a ‘servant God’ not a swaggering, arrogant, fear mongering, punishing God.  He is whacked of course. That’s the story of the Bible. The leadership of government kills him. The local and global government of the day both conspire to kill the Son of God.  

So Jesus rises from the grave. Yes, death is not permanent.  Jesus raised Lazarus before he walked out of the cave after the crucifixion and visitted his disciples.  Even ‘doubting’ Thomas accepted that this was Jesus and he had risen from the grave.  This earth life is temporary. The bullies are only in temporary control. The big picture is a loving God.

So I imagine if I was killed by the government I’d have when I was young said, “Don’t worry I’m sending my mother!”  Holy Spirit is code for “mother’.  Not only would my mother comfort my friends but she’d kick ass.  

We’ve seen since the time of Jesus that ungodly governments, especially those treating their people badly have come to very bad ends.  I think this is Jesus’ spiritual mother reigning divine retribution on the unwashed and ungodly.  

Just my thoughts on the matter.  I think it’s spiritually sound even if the theology hasn’t caught up with the story.  The trinity is mother father son.  I’m waiting for the Christ Sequel where Jesus identical twin sister Jennifer comes saying God is love and stop using his temple to make money.  The government rapes and kills Jennifer.  Tom Hanks may play in a new movie in which her baby fertilized egg is extracted and a new genetic strain is created with super powers.  She comes alive, out of the morgue, meets with her disciples, all the tattooed sisters.  They watch her rise to join God and Jesus.  She says I’m sending my mother. 

Now the Mother Holy Spirit having just got some rest after doing all that stuff for Jesus now has to get off her reclining chair and come back and whack the evil doing government bureaucrats and security council leaders because they’ve now killed her holy daughter.  

Family is Christian. The Church is family. The Holy Spirit is the comforter.  St. Michael whacks enemies too. Maybe the Holy Spirit imbues St. Michael with power and St. Michael whacks the enemies.  I’m supposed to be forgiving. It’s easier to be forgiving of my enemies if I know my mother is keeping score and karma is right on track. Just a Christian thought.  

PS.  Jesus was not a chimera.  The DNA of Jesus is not God Y and Mary, mother of God, X.  Jesus was all God and all man.  If he was only God he’d not suffer so much and if he was only man he’d not have superpowers.  At the time they actually thought that God used the womb of Mary as the ‘soil’ too.  Women’s contribution to genetics in patriarchal Judaic days of old was not what modern scientists Watson and Crick discovered.  Obviously God can turbocharge human DNA and people who have had grand spiritual experiences have been seen to others a ‘glowing’, like mother glow when they are carrying babies.  God makes the children of God glow.  Mary Mother of God is called the mother not because she solely gave birth to Jesus but because she raised him. We’re all said to be adopted brothers and sisters of Jesus.  

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