Seeing the set up I remembered other hunting and trapping cabins I'd stayed in while hunting and winter cross country skiing. There was an alpine lodge too I used down hill skiing one year. These are amazing shelters that keep one alive in the cold of winter.
I'd done my time as a young doctor learning how to make Quincies and staying in Igloos in Churchill Manitoba, While they were terrific solutions to cold weather I personally still prefer a good old cast iron wood stove and lots of room to dress, cook and have coffee.
Luke who was hunting with Tom and I this fall had stayed in this one one year when the temperature was 20 below. They'd been enjoying a balmy day hunting only to have the evening temperature drop through the floor. He said they really had enjoyed the stove then.
We had lunch there and the camp friend, the Whiskey Jack, flew down and took food out of Luke's hand. He would have been even more daring but Gilbert kept barking at the begging competition.
There was no need for a stove on this day. We had incredibly high temperatures for late September with everyone going in shirt sleeves in the afternoon.

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Just watched a video of this beautiful place so tranquil. Hunker down
Looks like a nice stay. Hunker Down!
Same here! While enjoying a step two!
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