Monday, July 27, 2009


Thank you for the morning. Thank you for the sunshine. Thank you for the breath I breathe. Thank you for feeling. Thank you for this body that moves, for the senses that help me experience the outer world, for taste, smell, sight, and hearing. Thank you for my cat. Thank you that we have a refridgerator and cupboards with food. Thank you for indoor plumbing, clean running water and hot and cold showers. Thank you for this coffee. Thank you for the ability and means to communicate, for speech, writing, computers, radios and phones. Thank you for the stories and books. Thank you for the colours. Always thank you for the colours. Thank you for my motorcycle. Thank you for all the means of transportation. Thank you for those who have passed and those who are still here. Thank you for television and movies. Thank you for sports. Thank you for my parents and family. Thank you for my friends. Thank you for my work. Thank you for education. Thank you for spirituality. Thank you for religion and government, community and family. Thank you for my enemies. May I learn to love them if only for how much they make my friends seem so special. Thank you for the planet. Thank you for the sun. Thank you for sunshine. And clean air. Thank you for the breath I take.

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