Saturday, November 7, 2020

Friday, Burnaby Lake, Media Election

Laura and I had a lovely walk in the sun to Burnaby Lake. Great trail. No bikes.  Everyone enjoying the peace and quiet.  We finally arrived at the lake where the ducks hang out, glad for the seed treats people bring. I saw the Mandarin Duck again. The wood ducks are always there. The delight this time was the Green Winged Teal. Also loved the Red Winged Black Birds. 
 It was a wonderful escape from the cacaphony of the election. It really is disturbing , all the corporate corruption and election graft.  I don’t like Biden.  A corporate ‘nice imposter’, with the monster son who he uses. 
Then there’s Kamala, the US Eva Brawn. I thought Obama was more than his colour but to hear women on FB Kamala is just a brown vagina. Any brown vagina who gets a head is good enough for them. I can’t recall ever thinking like that about men or women. I was raised on meritocracy and believed the best pilot should fly the plane. That’s all gone now with Identity Politics and Gender Studies.  All men in Canada are primarily in their job because of their penis and a vagina would do better.  It’s South Africa all over again where white is now murdered by blacks and still there are people who think that is good. I am so out of it. I really have these outdated ideas of ‘Love thy neighbour.’  But Islam is not Christian. Communism is the religion of Aetheism. 
I look back on my life and all the times I didn’t stoop to be have like a Trudeau or a Biden cost me financially.  Now it’s all about euthanasia and MAiD.  God is great all of the time.  In this world the authorities killed Jesus.  Canada is a war monger state that lies.  Trudeau just sold 80 billion dollars in weapons and brought in more measures of dictatorship than his bro, Obama, whose spying on citizens is second only to Communist China and Koumeni Islam.  I am afraid. I’ve been brash and outspoken. My friends say they learned to ‘whisper’ in Islam.  The leaders of Islam are celebrating the beheading of anyone who makes fun of their God who clearly has no sense of humor despite being a joke to anyone not ruled by the sword. 
I’m actually enjoying my life. I’m safe. For now. I’ve heat and shelter and running water and indoor plumbing. I have all those physiological needs that Maslow said were basic. I have friends and family and my emotional needs are met. I have work and purpose and meaning so that I’m likely to survive even Auschwitz given what Victor Frankl said of his experience as a psychiatrist. The issue is self actualization.  Poets and writers are always the first killed in totalitarian states. I’ve been passed over for promotion because I’ve believed in objective truth and stated it against the lies of leadership. I’ve watched a blatant lying psychopaths fiction been preferred to sane truth by the corrupt authorities. 
It’s been worse each year but now I’m rather old and easily wasted. I can be disappeared or arrested and no one cares. The very leaders of Hong Kong are now in jail for questioning the evil Borg regime of Xi JinPing, Trudeau’s friend and likely lover.  Nothing makes sense of present day politics except the lists of those who met together on Epstein’s Island.  They are all anti Trump. I disagree with pedophilia even if that sentiment is no longer consider a true Canadian value. I celebrate adult sexuality between consenting adults and object to the Courts persisting in the sexist chivalry and political decisions.  But I’m passe. I reread the last of King Lear and hoped that that was not what we were seeing here.  Cornelia as Ivanka. 
 I don’t like George Soros, the Nazi sympathizer any more than I like Hanoi Jane and Benghazi HIllary or alleged pedophile Trudeau the stoner and liar. But frankly I don’t know these people. 
I met Trudeau’s father, an intellectual cold fish, loved the power and leadership of Chrétien who I met as well. I also thoroughly respected Turner who I spent a day with and truly admired Harper who I spent an evening with.  The difference is that these are real people. All these other images I speak about, Trump, Biden, Kamala, are media characatures.  Comic strip people created by dumbed down leftist corporate America. The translation of world by the low brow likes of corrupt Zuckerberg, a rather evil little man who thoroughly delights in abusing powers and others as the Congress hearings have taught us. These corporate leaders are not the stuff of history.  
I loved walking and looking at the colourful birds. It was good to be with Laura. We missed Gilbert, our cockapoo and talk a lot about a coming puppy.  She has her sister, children, grand children. I’ve nephews and family in the distance, friends here. But it was the dog I lived for. I miss the dogs and cats.  I’m rather lonely in my empty house thankful for a visit from Laura in these Covid times of isolation and alienation.  
I had hoped for some relief and reassurance with the election but Xi JinPing continues to rule the world with the UN at his bidding and he now looks to invade Taiwan as he has Hong Kong. That concerns me.  Clearly Trump was a formidable leader whose skills challenged the low brow stoner trust fund mentality of slacker Trudeau.  Bide and Kamala with their criminal histories will work with Quebec’s corrupt corporate SNC Lavalin. There’s more destruction of the middle class, my class and the elite will continue to get richer and more powerful with a new Maga Carta in the works but nothing for us squished down with the peasants to fit the Marxist binary vision.  We’ll get more free Heroin and free Marijuana and maybe more cheap sex with younger and younger people  The temple boys and girls given instead of work and position that gives one self esteem.  
I’ve chosen good over wrong. I’ve been a moral and ethical person.  This is Rome and the Empire moves along.  The Dark Star has always been there. Jesus said that this world was ruled by Satan. It’s all Money and Power. Marx said, Money is the God of the Jews.  Money and power is all that communism is about. Power is all that Sharia is about.   Satan is more apparent now.  I didn’t see the powers and principalities when I was young even though I read Brothers Karamasov.  It’s taken age to help me appreciate the wisdom of the classics.
I may have to stop writing to avoid jail or to avoid economic reprisal but I can continue to take pictures of birds. I’m too old to get by with sexual favours but I could sell a kidney if the need arose.  Others will face that.  It was so sad to see the active drug addicts in Malaysia and India.  The power of AA in Mexico was wonderful to see. The Church has always been there in times of terror and strife.  These are dark times. Gandhi said that we needed to meditate more. Martin Luther King said, it’s going to be a tough day, so need to spend more time one our knees.  
Thank you Jesus for all the blessings I’ve known and have today.  Guide me this day and in the days to come. Help me be of service to my fellow man and woman. St. Patrick protect me. Christ in front of me. Christ behind me. Christ to the left of me. Christ to the right of me. Christ beneath me. Christ above me. Christ within me and Christ without. Christ in the thoughts that everyone has of me. Holy Spirit come.  Hallelujah. God is good all of the time. Thank you St. Francis for the birds.
Red winged black bird

Mandarin duck
Green winged teal
Wood duck
Bird voyeur with Nikon and chef’s hat beret

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