Friday, November 13, 2020

The Left

It was ever thus with the left. Fighting and bashing heads.  Claiming to be intellectuals yet in the end it’s bludgeons and guns.  Bolsheviks and Mensheviks. Maoists.  Marxists. The latest prophet is the merest fashion. Frankfurt school. People’s republic. Whole academies full of modern Jesuits. They manufacture gods like ancients manufactured pots.  An immense waste of talent and resources.  All leading to war and more war.
What would you have instead darling.
More time to kiss your genitals and tongue my ideas on your lips and tits dear. I thought it was obvious. I would while I away drinking in the juices of your desires and pleasure you till you cried for me to stop exhausted. I would war with the flesh. I would resist the temptation to join with you again and again and try desperately to make a life for myself and us. But I’d never want to leave our bed. Though it be a barren love nest our youth past us I’ve no desire to send the young to fight the wars I fought and won.  I have had a good life. I’ve lived and loved and known Valhalla but now I just want to cuddle. Is that too much to ask.
I’ve tired you out then.
You have . Riding me like some carved Christmas pony you discovered under the tree.
It doesn’t seem right that they should fight so much.  Do you think they all have small penis.  
The Jesuits did.  I guess Origen’s must have been huge if he cut it off himself. I doubt the modern judges could find theirs beneat the great folds of fat. 
The past was leaner
Fat was always a sign of decadence and wealth.  A luxury of waste and obsession. Lust is the enemy of Sloth and gluttony. Lust at best requires such exercise and restraint while gluttony and sloth have always appealed to the old and truly decadent who these days trade in child sex slaves hoping their youth and exercise will re ignite the burnt out lust of yesteryear.
Those are the intellectuals of the left.
Of course. They have made their ideas their Gods and can’t look elsewhere for enlightenment so much seek self worth in ownership control and slaves.
The Republicans abolished slavery.
That’s another part of history they’d gladly re write.  I saw that ISIS has destroyed more churches, synogaoguse and Zorastrian temples. The tribal gods and the modern gods are vying together like Ribbentrop for the Post Modern world.  A 21st century scrap up of ideas and perhaps less bodies in actual violence.  Malthus just desired control. He didn’t care if it was war, pestilence or old age.He liked manageable numbers. They’re always short sighted these sorts. Columbus fought them in his day when Europ[eans thought the world over full and only the Queen of Spain had vision.  The adventures today send ships to outer space and Buckmister Fuller long in his grave can’t understand why the sea is still not populated with geodesic domes. Those pompous kids and their irritating adult handlers scream about climate change but a fool can see all the real estate along the shores of the oceans.  The cranes alone speak louder than the rape of taxation to line the pockets of the hollow little men and their ugly painted women.  Remember all those portraitures of the worldly. I so preferred the pirates and the theological.  Where is the mother and child today?  So much abstract art and not a bowl of fruit or a mother and child to help judge the craft of the artist who more often than not would have been best to hold a gun than a brush or scalpel.  Did you know the Christians fought each other like the intellectuals today?
Before Constantine.
Yes. Their churches were more like soccer clubs where they kept their weapons to use when they attacked the heretics until there was an orthodoxy. Have you seen how the left comes and goes in decades and the church lasted hundreds and thousands of years.  They simply can’t agree.  They only agree they want what’s yours. I admire that because my Irish ancestors used to make a business of raiding their neighbours cattle, wives and children on an annual basis.  The aboriginals did the same.  It was all before the world domination of imperialists Bolsheviks.  They suffered envy and sought to topple the Czar only to raise Lenin as their Jesus with a gun. Now there’s Mao and Castro’s and whole slough of Mohammeds on his camels with modern swords and tanks. They claim to think but it’s all muscle and penis. The Joan’s of Arc are no better with their lust for worldly symbols, land and nations and identities woven in war and custom and language. 
Like Mickey Mouse and Iron man today.
Exactly.  I can see this generation marching with a flag of Daffy Duck or Big Bird before them as they waste tons of fossil fuel to bludgeon dissent to their taxes on the air we breathe.  Meanwhile we must all agree with whatever cultural revolution or anti phobia nd bureaucratic nonsense the state and religious police insist we follow.
They’re killing babies. 
Of course. It’s all a death cult.  The last shred of life was Victorian when people actually moved out and spread their seed Now the migrations are Muslim. Nothing new there. The Crusades wouldn’t have happened if that murderer hadn’t sent his family to infest the Palestine.  The aboriginals there complain about the Jews and yet our aboriginals here in the west turn to the decadent structures of the UN to fight their masters of colonialism.  They themselves were more efficient in killing their competitors.  Without genetics we’d not know we all stole the lands and lives of the Cro Magnon. Where’s the repatriation of the Neanderthal?  REmember Culloden, I cry to a witless audience insisting only ‘me first’ and ‘give me.’ So the left like Hitler organizes their fringe groups of angry men and women who have lost all but envy, anger and lust so they can now attacks the fat cats of sloth and gluttony in another turn of the ancient circle. This one emboldened with the latest scraps of intellect fashioned into slogans like ‘make the rich pay’.  ‘My truth’.  I wish I knew instead what the Celtics druids shouted as they lead the warriors against Rome taking what they had.  Cohen had it right when he said, “first we taken Manhattan, then we take Berlin’. It’s the city folk that are the enemy of life.  
In the country and at sea they know the great expanse and look to the stars for rescue.  They even had a God  in the sky and another in the earth
Right . In the city they’ve destroyed the view. Real estate says its all about he view but the tall buildings and offices contain them so they think of petty politics instead of grand adventures.  Did you know a woman in the 30’s rode an elephant across Asia.
I liked when they landed a man on the moon. 
Do you think they’ll move onto Mars when the Transexuals become astronauts.
I don’t see why not. I’m weary of all the as like behaviour. A woman climbed Everest. A black woman climbed Everest. A gay couple climbed Everest. There’s nothing original any more. I’d vote for a Transexual who passed thurgh the centre of the earth but would gladly take a ride to mars. I like the speed of the box in vacuum and the sling shot effect of magnets. That’s promising. But instead of tales of conquest we have intellectual debates and talking heads and propaganda.
It’s ennui.
I suppose the young are more alive to the nuances of novelty. I’ve little desire now than to make one more round of your outers self savouring the bits of flesh that remain succulent. I’d not have you love this corpse that is mine when the smell sets in. 
I love bathes more than perfumes and cologne.
But I do believe that the animal was more alive when men and women didn’t wash and the scent of each other was as appealing as a dogs finds another. Of course dogs like shit too but in an age where babies were born en mass and men were slaughtering each other with rakes and swords the pheromes would have been much more evident than today when we use soap to make both men and women smell of flowers.  Without sildafenil the species wouldn’t need suction and knife to do away with the sins of desire.  Intellectuals seems so heady in their pursuit of power yet in bed they seem so sordid.  
They ‘re pornographers. The erotic is in the imagination and men and women who want control lack imagination. With little penis and flaccid vaginas they copulate in guilt and go back to arguing and act more like mommies and sons than lovers. They write such trite about their exploits that you know they’ve no erections and have not got wet anywhere but behind their ears.
You are vicious tonight. Well, it’s been years since we coupled.
It’s only hours.
See you rewrite time. You may be a leftist but I believe you’re right. Let us make the two backed beast again just to set the clocks aright at least.
Fuck off.
That’s what I want to do.
I’ll call a lawyer.
That’s what they all do now. Or the state police or some other henchman they’ve given power to. The new chivalry they call feminism. Identifying with the state and killing the family.  Traditions are decried and even the pope is a communist, the religion of aetheism.  
God works in mysterious ways.  Now lie still and put your mouth where it can do most good.
I thought you’d never shut me up.

The mother of the leftist took his head and put his lips to her teat and rocked him asleep.  


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