Monday, November 23, 2020

Madigan Rules

I continue to sleep on the couch. It’s low enough that if he falls or jumps off it’s not likely to cause harm him. He’s taken to sleeping at my feet when I’m lying. The first night it was 2 then 4 and now he’s up to 6 hours. It’s the best. I love sleep. I especially like when he’s asleep.  
He’s developed new interests.  Cables as dental floss and chew.  People a squeaky toys. Tripping people by suddenly attacking the back of the shoe. 
I’m distracted by FB where I actually argued with some one. First time in months.  I was triggered by the claim that ‘science is science’, the latest self aggrandization of the liberal position as intelligent, portraying opponents as stupid. A continue slur of ad hominem.  Identity politics claims that they are for the other but indeed it’s the most self serving of all ideologies condemning anyone who doesn’t agree. 74 million Republican voters are they’re all red necks and stupid. I’m not but I am anti totalitarianism and the ‘informer culture’ that makes everyone each other’s enemy and the State Dictatorship a malignant god.  The uncertainty of the Amercan election continue till mid December or Jan. 1.  All the corruption and fraud continues to be exposed. The Wuhan Lab Zombie Virus and the Election when the zombies rose to vote. All the dead voters are a scandal.  Meanwhile they continue to report cases and downplay the decline in deaths from Covid. I’m delighted with the advances in treatment.  The Regeneron is the latest. President Trump down with Covid then release 4 days later. In March earlier this year he’d likely have died. Now people are mostly living even those who require hospital. But so many are going to hospital believing themselves sick when a positive Covid test may well be coincidental to the psychosomatic illnesses that must be as high as 30% given the media hysteria and Nocebo.
I’m still isolating. Laura was over on the weekend. It was good not to be alone. I love Madigan the new cockapoo but I’m fearful for his health and wellness.  He’s such a going concern.  Having a second pair of eyes on he mutt was reassuring. I actually got to shower without neighbours calling the SPCA saying a dog was being killed. His tiny puppy cries and screeches are so loud.  He has accepted Laura as part of the pack though and isn’t so afraid of being abandoned with her.  
He’s right now playing his own game with a ball, tossing it in the air. He’s so very smart.  I noticed a bad smell in the pile of clutter, but superficially wasn’t able to find any surprises. He’s peeing on the pee pads with one accident on the stairs. I must get that special spray that covers up their scent so they don’t return to where they’ve had an accident.t He pooped twice yesterday but today hasn’t pooped this morning. He waits to come inside after a walk and poop in the warm on his pee pad.  I’ve got to work at home later and I really don’t know how he’s going to handle my being distracted.  I’m increasingly being considered less master and more the servant. My little dog in his mind is becoming the big dog. Chewing on my hands I’m guessing he’s testing for dominance.  I am glad for my close toed slippers. His needle like puppy teeth were wrecking havoc on my toes. 
He is cute.  Really adorable  I just wished I had a more puppy proof place. When I took Gilbert to the office as a puppy I had a play pen and Aim would hold him in a sling when she worked and take him for walks when he got bored. Aim is a professor now with two hairless babies having cut her teeth on the hair Gilbert who thought her his personal servant. We all laughed to see him dragging Aim about the neighbour hood on walks.  He was such a strong little guy.  Madigan is moving throug the stages.  Quickly he’s come to rule this home.  
Communist China continues to war on the west with propaganda and lies. Nefarious schemes.  It continues to persecute Buddhists and Christians and gulag them pulse the Muslim northern tribes.  Millions murdered and still their minions demonize the west in an all out assault on traditional society with it’s freedom. Right now, given Covid and the Davos 2030 and World Economic Forum, ‘RESET”, which Trudeau celebrates, having learned a new word and remembered it, is spreading like the virus itself.  As a libertarian I watch freedoms disappear. Free speech is totally constricted by Canadian liberals.  Comics are sued so no one dares joke for fear of offending the powerful and elite Trudeau government. Freedom speech is further constrained by whatever Trudeau considers Hate and the left now considers anything that is not ‘left’ hate.  Woke culture, the zombies raises from the dead, speaking in unison.  A Greek Chorus for the Roman colosseum.  Freedom of congregation has been stopped too.  Lockdowns kill more than Covid. Mental illness is on the rise. Deaths from overdose and paranoia, marital dischord, alcoholism and pot use, all government taxed and rising.  
We had Door Dash, White Spot Delivery.  The latest home service.  Laura and I love White Spot.  Madigan even got a taste of halibut and loved it.  I barbecued chicken in the evening one day. I’d made bacon sandwiches for breakfast.  We are doing well but the future is highly uncertain. I’m just concerned about this little vulnerable ball of fur.  It was good having Laura here helping. She’d been Gilbert’s mommy while he was alive and they adored each other.  
Now I’m thankful I’m still able to work and stay solvent. So many of my patients are going through life savings and declaring bankruptcies.  Businesses taking years to build are falling. Hopes and dreams dashed.
I’m looking forward to my nephew returning from England in a few weeks.  I feel he and his partner will be safer here.  The world seems so much like the 30’s on the brink of chaos. But then there were the Vietnam years when the Animals sang Eve of Destruction and we thought we’d all be conscripted. Best to continue hopefully.  I dreamed the Communist Chinese were attacking. It was a variation on the Cold War nightmare where the Communist Russians were coming across the lawn and my brother and father were defending my mother. I had a patient arrested delusional who thought the Communist Chinese and Liberals were trying to break into his home to inject him with Covid and a micro chip.  
I’m looking forward to a vaccine. I’m so impressed with the scientific progress with the red tape and bureaucracies sidelined for this ‘warp speed’ solution.  They call it ‘warp speed’ but it’s really just what occurred back in polio and insulin days because the industries of bureaucratic parasites entered into the mess claiming they are the real saviours off the world, like all the masses of paper work necessary to build a building in the city.  Progress would never have been possible it seems with all the regulators and informers.
Then there’s Space X. In this very atmosphere I question, Astranauts have gone to the Space Station and a Moon Station and a Mars colony are in the works. I’m so excited by that. My brother Ron loved Tesla and if he had lived it was his dream to own a Tesla car.  Now friends have them. Moore’s law and all that. 
God is good all of the time.  
The little guy has given me a new lease on life. I was drifting to despair. Losing focus.  I felt like I was putting in time, realized how much I missed looking forward to the ballet and symphony, how I enjoyed planning trips and taking Laura overseas.  I didn’t realize how much I enjoyed seeing family. Now I am great uncle and god father and haven’t been able to hug the new ones.  I miss all that.  Living in a Ghost Town. The abortion, war, euthanasia, zombie virus, zombie voters are creepy like death.  Now I’ve a bundle of enthusiasm and life careening about my feet excited by every novelty.  It’s hard to be jaded with a puppy angel in one’s midst.
Thank you Jesus for your gifts of life. Thank God.

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