Thursday, November 26, 2020

Madigan, Thursday

I would say that he is not only comfortable at his new home but rapidly taking charge. He monitors me like a Communist chinese police informer brigade. My every movement is relayed to his tiny constantly active brain.  If I do anything unusual he yelps. Indeed he yelps generally whenever I leave his side. He still needs me to pick him up and put him on the couch. I’ve closed off the bedroom because there’s too much clothing to be soiled or eaten. He likes chewing on clothing. My tshirts are already ratty enough. One carpet corner is now frayed.  Mostly he’s happy with the toys Laura brought him and left over Gilbert toys already partially chewed.  His favourite squeaky toy is me. His sharp little puppy teeth are like reptilian needles. Today he nipped the inside of my arm when I was in his zone. His zone is anywhere under the knee level.  His tails wagging constantly so he’s happy and letting me know it’s not personal, just puppy business.  Thankfully he’s okay with pee pads but poops can be a surprise. Yesterday a new location was under the sink.  Convenient for me to wash my feet off as I found his poop by stepping in it with bare feet.  Mostly he’s relieving himself by the pee pads in front of the washroom. I’ve been able to pick up and dispose of half dozen of his little poops in the toilet Good dog Madigan.
He’s begun playing with a soft little yellow ball the size of a golf ball. He throws it up in the air and chases it himself.  I just had my toe chomped and screamed.  He ran away appropriately rather than hanging on or going for another toe. I believe that’s evidence of his learning. He’d had a real thing for attacking toes as I walked a couple of days ago but yesterday I wore enclosed slippers and he changed his tactic of toppling the giant to made leaps and clinging to my pant legs or robe by his teeth.
Thankfully he sleeps a lot when I work. He does nap a lot. I enjoy that. I’m on the phone or video all day with a break for lunch when I walk him a bit out side.  He seems to need attention a couple of times in the day, my having him on my lap while I talk to people being adequate. I think he likes the voices of some people and has enjoyed seeing them on the screen. He appears to watch tv and know what’s going on. I believe he’s very smart. He has assessed all my weakness and knows how to make me obey mostly now.  Chewing on expensive Apple recharging cables is one of his tactics of ultimate command. I never know how these things I’ve put high seem to get back down to his level. They do and I’ve had to conclude he’s very sneaky.  Clever too.
Laura comes over on the weekend and I look forward to relief.  I confess I’ve taken to calling Madigan, “you little monster.”  I try to convince myself that it’s affectionate. I used this term after he shat in front of the kitchen sink where he knows I stand. Another time I affectionately called him that when he bit my toe.  I don’t know if this will do damage to his little psych and I will be paying exorbitant bills to the SPCA psychologists.  “Little monster,’ might be construed as emotional abuse.  He does look smug after he hears me say that.  The other thing if find I say repeatedly all day is “No! Madigan! No!.”  I try to have deep emotional conversations about love and relationships and God but that also seems to be the time that he bites me ‘in play’.  
I still love him.  I’ve not been as much of a mental wanker since he’s arrived. I’ve felt no despair in this Covid crisis. The loneliness is gone.  I’m quite exhausted keeping an eye on him.  Yesterday he found a nut and all I could think of is puppies who have had surgery for swallowing things. I don’t want an X-ray to show up with my keys or t v channel changer in his stomach so I’m watching him. That’s what Laura is good at. Having raised children and animals herself she’s developed a third eye in the back of her head. I feel Madigan knows that when she’s hear.  He can be sneaky with me but when she’s here he knows the mother is watching. I’m actually a little scared of her too then but I’m less on edge. 
We’re sleeping through the night.  Thats’ a relief. I’m looking forward to the peeing and pooping sorting itself out so I can get back to my bed.  I know he’d like that. To eat last night I had to put him in the kennel for the first time out. He really wouldn’t let me be. He howled in the sweet puppy voice till I finished the shepherds pie and let him out. I think that’s what the kitchen poop was about.  A warning.  This morning when I ignored the alarmed he pounced on my face and began chewing my nose. I felt it was best to get up as rolling over just meant he pulled my hair.
I tell him I love him. He shakes his tail . He can be so cute. I love watching him sleep. 
On the news Covid continues to spread. More lockdowns. Increasing police prescence.  Media censorship and constantly disinformation and fear mongering.  More despair in mental health.  Suicide and addiction rising.  National government mismanagement moderated by provincial government competence. American election corruption continues to be exposed. New vaccines are being released and distributed.  N Bios and Moderna.  There are moments of hope. The rains are upon us. Darkness in the day but promises of sunshine here and there. I pray for family and friends and am thankful for Madigan and the world we live in here, warmth, plumbing, fresh water, refridgerator, cell phone, satellite dishes and  internet. 

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