Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Burnaby Homecoming

I’m happy to be home. I felt good crossing the border. At least after I’d been passed through customs despite Madigan humping my arm.  In retrospect the distraction might well have been helpful in her loss of interest in the old guy and the creepy dog.  I felt at home,  Less alien.  It also felt slower.  Northern California had been slower after LA, then Oregon and Washington and now I was at a peaceful home pace.  

My first irritation was the traffic slow down only to find three fire trucks , three police cars , two ambulances and a collection of boys and girls playing emergency. No evidence of a car crash. Yet the arrogance of government workers all having a laid back government privilege moment, while the working forces and myself were delayed in the reality of life. I’d just come from LA and this charade of over kill just wouldn’t cut it.  I noted I was irritated and yet here I was home.  My attitude of gratitude was affected instantly by one of my triggers, the countless times commuting my commute was increased by a bumper whip lash moment and ICBC legal lottery game.  All the public vehicles there and a lane shut down because of their presence.  I prayed and calmed myself.  Get on with enjoying being in Vancouver!

I’d achieved my goal. The snow was gone. I’d missed another Canadian winter. I may not be rich in houses or wealth but I’m richer in summers than many.  I’m thankful too.  I have friends who remained in Winnipeg with its long ugly winters and terrible mosquito black fly springs.  I’ve lived in the Frazer Valley and Vancouver Island with mildest winters and almost no mosquitoes and black flies.  For a decade I drove most weekends for down hill skiing in Whistler but returned to the mild winter in the south. I was even winter sailing winters while living here.  

I’ve wintered in London England, in rain, in Baja California Mexico in heat, in the terrific climate of the Northern Marianas Islands.  Most years I’ve done a few weeks in Hawaii or Mexico but this year it was December and half of January in Arizona and the rest of January and most of February in California.  I’m ready now for this spring that begins in March. I always associate March here with buying my Buell Blast motorcycle for a birthday and driving it for the first time. Laura who had a motorcycle license drove in the car behind me as  I only  had my beginner’s license.

I enjoyed coming back to my home spot in Burnaby greeting Mack first then neighbours Nicoleta and Ernest.  I talked to others. Like friends, where people knew my name.

I was disappointed with Laura who had other priorities.  I would have driven into the city with my big truck but I was exhausted driving and feared an accident after the success to date. I’d hoped to run over on my motorcycle but what I thought was a dead battery turned out to be just a stuck transport mode.  I naturally found this out the next day when I bought a motorcycle battery tender at Canadian Tire. Putting it on the bike got the transport mode symbol. I had battery and just had to figure out how to get out of transport mode.  I found the other battery charger I’d taken with me when I put the next unnecessary one in storage.  

I spoke with Atilla about enhanced towing license and began the beginner process. I’d thought I’d do the whole thing this week but realized I didn’t have time. The priority was to get my passport renewed as it ran out this month. I was thankful to have colleagues be references and used my motorcycle to ride to London Drugs for passport photos. 

I had a lovely ride to Coquitlam Apple Store to have the broken glass on my iPhone repaired and to have my old mini ipad restored on Apple Care.  The earliest appointment on that day was in 2-3 hours so I made an appointment for the following week and traded in my I watch for the latest tough one for outdoors and scuba.  I had taken to leaving my iWatch on even though it wasn’t meant for the terrains I did, like hunting on the quad . This new titanium one is suited to my lifestyle and has some features I appreciate. The watch has been really helpful with maps and directions . It’s my early birthday present,

Now I’m back in my camper in Burnaby. I’ve phoned everyone I need to , the Paul from Chilliwack towing, to bring back my forty foot fifth wheel, John in Chilliwack RV storage to know my plans and to prepare to get my Mini Car back and my Fifth Wheel exchanged for the camper.  I’ve contacted the Hearling Life folk for hearing aid apt having lost one of mine.  I even contacted the clinics to let them know I was physically present. I enjoyed talking to Adell my sister in law knowing she cares that I have arrived safe and sound.

It was a big to do. Another adventure. I really was able to snowbird and work from the south through the winter.  The cost wasn’t great given I was working rather than being off for a month. Star link and cellular boost were terrific.  I’d felt the absence and cost of going to Britain and France with Laura but this trip even with Laura joining me and seeing dentists in Mexico hasn’t been the same disruption. I’ve enjoyed working having the pleasure of motorcycling on weekends. I especially liked the long lunches and will be continuing them.. I’ve been able to walk Madigan before work , over lunch and in the evening. We have benefitted from the exercise.  I’ve even learned how to access bank statements from on line and will begin sending my material to Anil ,my accountant. I feel I’ve kept up despite doing 5000 km or more of driving my home about California and Arizona and making day visits to Mexico. 

It’s been a rush. I’ve prayed. I enjoyed St. Paul’s Church in Yuma. I was glad to see Priest Emily at St. Barnabus as I returned to give thanks.  I loved visiting the Bustards, Billy, Bobby, Alex, Izek, Kendra, Kevin and Anna.  I’d been on the way to dropping off stuff at the storage locker and missed the turn ending up in Surrey so visitted and was greeted by Vader their big German Shepherd type dog and the kids,  Hugs from Kendra.  I realized too that the stuff I was taking to the storage locker belonged better with them so they received the cd’s I’d taken from the Camper for the rainy day, the hose and pumps I had for transporting lake water to camp and the old sturdiest of them all tripod.  It saved me a trip to the storage locker which needs above all to be culled.  I spent 3 months without all the ‘excess’ I have in home and in storage and now I really need to lighten up.  So good to see the god family and god children,

Thank you Jesus. Thank you God. Thank you Holy Spirit.  


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