Saturday, June 24, 2023

Quiet Saturday

I’ve another vacation day. No real plans. 
Things I can do]
1. Assemble my inversion table
2. Continue to attempt to get my Arlo Security Camera to find the new Router Wi-Fi. One works and the other doesn’t and they didn’t return my call yesterday
3. Get the blue tooth to head set to work with the iPhone and new Harley so I can read the maps from the phone on the Harley face

4. Pick up mail.

What I will do is, shower and walk the dog

I imagine riding my motorcycle with the dog somewhere.  There are trails to explore and beaches to go to. I might swim here.  I could arrange a massage. That’s a real Cadillac problem. 

I could go to the storage locker and declutter.  So much that can be reduced, especially old clothing from slim days.  That’s the least appealing because its a sunny day and I don’t want to be in the dark. I want to be outside.

One of my joys in life is riding to Commercial Street or Davie street and sitting outside and having coffee and writing and people watching. Madigan likes both. There’s no equivalent place in Burnaby.  Too sterile yet.  Davie and Commercial are stocked with characters. I expect this is done in spring when they are stocking the lakes with trouts.  All sorts of fishy and unusual people on those streets.  Theatre people.  Full range of gender expression.  Ethnic groups,  Beautiful people and ugly people.  Rich and poor.  A reall cross section.  Robson is by contrast touristy and yuppie.  East Vancouver is dangerous. I do like 4th in Kits , probably the upscale students,  A lot of eye candy there.  Kits beach is definitely the place to watch the young. Bikini city.  But do I want any of that. Not really.

I’d like to ride my motorcycle and I’ve been building up Madigan’s patience.  I fear him forcing his way out of his harness or his box.  I loved that I could ride with Gilbert everywhere but even he young escape to sitting on top of his box twice both times hanging once from the ATV and another time from the back on the motorcycle . EAch time I was terrified,  He seemed surprised.  I expect his intention was to climb over me onto my lap.  Madigan by contrast seems to like being in the box so I’m slowly moving forward. I’d drive out to Chilliwack if I was more certain of his being ready.  He’s really settling down with me though when Laura is a bout all his obedience training goes and he’s unruly again. 

I must admit with covid and lockdowns he was undersocialized and further I’ve not had the aims for him to be primarily a hunting dog and therapy dog so I’ve not been doing the formal training and obedience classes et  I’ve done with previous dogs.  He’s too shy and irritable to be a therapy dog after his bad experience with the groomer.  He’s afraid of strangers especially insensitive intrussive sorts. Gilbert being around people was much friend ly and calming.  He was good with people in crisis.  I’m not sure about Madigan.  Though I may be comparing a young madigan with the older Gilbert.  We’ll see .  

He really is intrussive and I’ce not made ‘no’ a solid command so it’s my own fault he carries on a bit beyond. Right now he’s become slow to call in from his night pee as he thinks it’s sometimes an excuse to check out the yard and it’s a task specific event. He has these lapses. He’d stopped chewing blankets but after many months with that done he’s chewed another. I expect food falls on it.  He was totally house trained but when I was out he’d pee on the wastebasket in the bathroom. I expect that’s anxiety.  But it’s gone now. He’s a good dog. So much effort into training him and companionship eve though I’ve been fairly Laissez fair. I don’t know why these ‘relapses’ but we’re going forward .  

Thank you God for this day. Thank you for Madigan. Thank you for Laura. Thank you for my home. Watch over my family and keep them well.  Thank you for the summer weather, Tahnk you for the sun. Thank you for work. Thank you for freedom from pain. Thank you for the hot tub and swimming poool. Thank you for coffee. Thank you for the shower.  Thank you for this leisurely weekend such a change from my normal on the clock and constant demands, This is a a real break.  Thank you for my motorcycle. Thank you for technology even if it is frustrating, Thank you for Starlink and my progress to being able to take it with me on the Truck Camper into the off grid world. . Thank you.  Thank you for the black and white gang. Be with Emory in his old age and with his best friend in these trying times.  Thank you for your presence in our game of peek a boo.  Be present and may I be present today. thank you.

It’s a lovely day, I’ve the door open and there’s a slight breeze. Maybe a hot day. Yesterday the sun was out and it was perfect.  Time to move along

Thank you

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