Monday, June 12, 2023

Early Morning, Harrison Lake

I awoke positive, good dreams, good sleep, rested. I only realized that it was only 5 am when I checked the time coming out of the washroom.  Madigan was actually sleepy.  Laura was sleeping in, a blond tousle of crazy hair on her pillow.  I only had to add shorts and Teva Sandals and put a leash on my sleepy dog
A brisk walk around the lagoon is what the morning called for . Mist rising off the snow capped mountains.  Shades of blues flowing into each other from the grey blue sky to the turquoise lake.  An eagle was chased away from a tree top nest by two black birds.  A v of eagles honked overhead.  What a glorious morning! 
I was thankful to be walking and breathing.  Harrison’s is a tourist paradise. I think of those I know who have come to live here permanently to take the waters and heal from work injuries.  
Yesterday I had a lot of exercise. I assembled the folding electric bicycle and did a turn of the park, picking up the bacon egg sandwiches from Suzy’s for our breakfast.  I walked Madigan twice around the lagoon. I assembled the Body Glove Inflatable Paddle board twice, once with electric pump and the second with hand pump. I was tuckered by the time I’d hand pumped the board.  Taking off the hose and closing the valve lost too much air. My back was already aching.  I stood on the board with it stabilized with one end on the beach.  Laura was primed with the camera, I made it one or two board lengths out into the lagoon until the movement and my unsteadiness on my feat and gravity all brought me to my knees on the board.  It was then I remembered that I had difficult standing up from a solid surface like the ground There was no assistance. I actually thought a walker would help me up. It was like that last time tenting when in the morning I crawled out of the tent and wanted to call in helicopter to help me get upright.  
I paddled about sitting on the board.  Back at the beach I tried one more time before I was again on my knees clinging to the board, thankful the water was calm and there was little more than a breeze.  My back was weak and sore.  Proof of concept. Yes that’s what this was,  Enough for today.  
After that I had a good swim enjoying the cold water though I’d taken a mouthful wondering what algae and goose poop germs I’d ingested.
It was exercise. Deflating and carrying the paddle board home I was definitely read for the healing minerals waters of the public pool. I’d so enjoyed them the day before.  But no the pool was closed with apologies.  The hours are only 10 to 3.  Today I’ll enjoy relief.
“So who do you think you’ll give the paddle board to now,” said a very astute Laura. I have a history of buying floatable items and passing them along to friends who get great joy and pleasure out of them.  Kayaks, pontoon boats, dinghies.  Along with that various electric bicycles.  I give them away.  Other’s would sell them but I have no desire to have strangers come to my place when I can as easily give friends the results of my experiment.  A wiser man like my brother would have borrowed or rented a paddle board and learne that he couldn’t stand up on water any easier than he could stand up on land saving himself hundreds of dollars, I’ve not given up. It’s now a storage locker thing and thankfully it reduces nicely so that likely for years I’ll struggle with the nonsense, I do need the exercise 
I read another Peter Zimmer, completing the Asian series, with a lot of horny Englishmen chasing equally randy young women in London, Rhodesia, Sarawak, New York and Hong Kong. A peculiar episode of Mad Men. The series began before the war and ended with the adult children after the war. The satirical comments of the older generation were enjoyable while everyone drank way too much and smoked cigars as somehow the business of insurance and empires carried on. Interesting comments about communism and capitalism and the euroasian.
I’m now reading a continuation of McCall Smith’s 44 Scotland, thoroughly enjoying Bertie and Dominica and Pat.  He is such a prolific writer with such uplifting comments and insightful takes on life that I’m both inspired as a writer and deflated before such genius. A modern day Somerset Maugham and Mark Twain.  Of course I think I should be writing telling stories and not distracted by the antics of the ‘something rotten in the state of Denmark.’
Our Dumb and Dumber PM and the head of the NDP continue to spend money overseas where there is zero accountability , even less so than on our northern reserves and all manner of creative economics occurs.  Meanwhile CSIS has been saying for several years that the communist Chinese have infiltrated the government, media and education to the highest level. An honorable politician which these thugs and goons aren’t would have stepped down now that it’s out that the Communist Chinee, today’s equivalent of the Nazis essential bought the last election for the Liberals and threatened conservative MP’s.  Not only does the idiot savant narcissist not step down or open a public enquiry he gets his family friend to say he’s a good boy while his silly partner in crime backs his play. 
I”m naturally critical and post on social media my fear of the growing dictatorship in Canada and the destruction of democracy by this tyranny who lie continuously about a climate change ‘emergency’ which is little more than another concern of the industrialization.  Thankfully Musk is like Columbus expanding our scope and anyone who ever read Buckminster Fuller of the geodesic dome as a kid would know that this snowboard druggies don’t know squat about science.  I worry naturally like John the Baptist that my questioning the federal government so vociferously will have me beheaded so the emperor want a be can get into some other child’s pants.
It’s all too bizarre,
Now I believe in the power of attraction and a loving god so theoretically should focus on the good rather than the fear mongering of media. I’m brought down by all this when I really ought to be focussing on the advances in battery cells and energy production, the miniaturization of AI and all the extraordinary advances such as the drone flying cars that are light years now beyond the ultralights.  
I’m pleased with my air conditioner and little house, this truck camper on wheels. We used the air conditioning yesterday and enjoyed our capacity to control this little bit of atmosphere.  Meanwhile Bill Gates and the likes are playing with the earth atmosphere with a grandiosity and recklessness that seem to follow that egomaniac,  Naturally I don’t trust him not to shit in his and our meals like Trudeau who is another not potty trained metaphorically.  Meanwhile all the wonders of the world are funneled into the military’s industrial complex which rules of the world, the wars created and decided by the ‘security council’ of the dictators club call the UN>. The WEF and WHO are another couple of 
Rotten global agencies, once part of the British empire but now taken over by those whose countries haven’t even known the Magna Carta, French Revolution, American Revolution or the 60’s.  All of these are trying to turn the world back to the 50’s wanting the materialism and free sex of yesterday. The music died and they don’t seem to know it. 
I’m lost and confused.  I don’t cling to the past but know it so see it repeating itself.  Perhaps why I enjoy historical fiction like the novels I read.  
It’s 7 am. My alarm sounded.  A song praising God to start my day which is now already hours forward.  
I hand ground Ethiopian coffee beans I roasted myself. Cooked in a stove top expresso machine I have had delicious brew topped with cream and honey.  Now I’m yawning and tired and could go back to sleep to enjoy the warmth and blessing of lying beside Laura whose tousled blond head I can just see about the folds of blankets.  
Napping is under rated. I could have a nap right now and put off writing the great Canadian novel for another day.  I was wanting to read a Neuro  chemistry text I purchased last year and have been reading a chapter at a time,  Fascinating but slow going.  I much prefer the fast reads broken up with attention grab bing sex and violence. I likely would read more physics and math if they’d have orgies between the bits of trigonometry to spice up the dull.  Looking back I don’t think anything could have helped statitistics.  Yet I use statistics more these days than ever before.  Without that heavy slow year of statistics I’d not have know how deceptive CBC and CNN were through out the Covid crisis.  Yet knowing the leadership is lying and their friends are scoundrels does little to hearten one. I feel like it’s 1939 at times then gain hope and carry on, I must try paddle boarding but not today
This weekend we’re leaving the camper in storage because it will be weeks before I can head out.  Work has been put aside a bit to recoup. I’d become so despondent with the overwhelming threats and bludgeoning of mismanagement that I wanted to hide again.  Now I’m invigorated again by nature.  I really must exercise more and have balance and not let the crazies get to me. My patients are fine but it’s management with their ever increasing demands, theft and criticism and expectation of perfection from others,  So sad each day hearing so many struggling while the party animals in power waste and profit,  Hypocricy is Canada’s growth industry.
Easy to criticize.  My back aches and physician heal thyself is at core. Take the timber out of your own eye before trying to take the mote out of your neighbour’s Judge not less thee be judged. I know all this and yet I slide.  It’s hard to walk upright dragging knuckles. 
Thank you Jesus. Help me lift up my head and mind.  Guide me today and always .  Thank you.  Harrison Lake is a blessing and here I am in heaven and paradise.  Thank you! Thank you God!!!
High school reunion happened this weekend. I paid to go before covid and contributed my support but didn’t actually make it thinking maybe the next. I’ve an IDAA conference to go to in July so feel like I’m slowly winding up.  I knew I needed time camping and that the stress in my life with the recent vicious low life attack is not going to be helped by visiting old friends, most of who are retired while I still work. I read of their lives on face bock and they mostly have children and grandchildren while I’m alone and go to work because I don’t know better. I seem in limbo too.  In Death’s waiting room. So many close to me have died. I feel like becoming a recluse to handle the grief and face my own denial and fear of death. I don’t take enough time for God and have a puppy who needs me.  I am doing baby steps. I confess the idea of retiring here to a routine of taking the waters andd walking about the lagoon with the dog is appealing. I’d garden vegetables and raise chickens. Yet on another day I like the hustle and bustle of the city enjoying my motorcycle and paying for the addition of a air conditioner to this little house.  My life is good and I’d not want anything else though I don’t know what to expect days or weeks or months ahead. I’m okay for the year but don’t know beyond that.  I think of my sailboat and often long to be sailing again but everything seems to need reduction. My world is smaller and my body struggles with decreasing strength and power. The sore back is a reminder like the unreliable dick. I ‘m fine then I’m not. I don’t feel dependable.  All my body parts have moments of crankiness like the dog.  He’s grumpy now when I want him to get out of my seat.  I worry about him.  Attitude. All the attitude about me and no respect. I can’t recall ever having ‘respect’ but like a lot of promises it has gone.  I am blessed though to day by the wonder of the air I’m breathing.  It’s so delicious.  The weather is a find too,  When I was up at 5 it was so quiet and now the town has come alive and people sounds are coming on line.  I love the colours, the flowers and trees, the bird song.  Thank you God. Thank you Jesus!

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