Sunday, June 25, 2023

Awake Sunday

I was up late last night.  I dressed in the new Reitman and drove to the 7-11 for drinks.  Partly that and the change that had me out at midnight experiencing the Burnaby late nights Much like childhood, no one about, most everything closed. Not like a small town but close to it.
Madigan glad I returned an hour later. He’s anoxious when I’m away.  We watched another episode of the Australian Animal Kingdom.  Sons of Anarchy with Skateboards. Criminals and gangs.  Very busy lives in pleasant settings.  Lots of drama.  
Meanwhile going out after 10 is drama for me and I remember when I stayed up all night going to parties. No thanks.  Aging makes a more leisurely life style attractive.
I’m affected by aging. It’s repetitive and boring to bring it up but it’s what I’m facing.  Along with death. So many my age telling me of another loss.  It’s like going to a new school. No old friends.  Re inventing oneself regularly.
Enjoy dog walks. Talking to guys about their retirement and/or being on disability.  I’m thankful for work. It’s the contrast that appeals. I like Friday being a special day and Monday less so.  Like seasons, rain and sun. I appreciate the sunny days here more than when there were all there was in Mexico.  
I am preparing for my snow bird experience , going south for winter months and continuing to work virtual.  I was helped by Starlink service as well as changing out the old router for a new. I don’t know that the new Router was what restored the internet. I wish there was a place I could have this router checked. I’m going to moving the Starlink satellite and pole to the Truck Camper and back.
My next event is my 26 year cake then the  IDAA conference.  Laura and I have booked a couple of weeks in the fall.  I need to book a place for glamping …hook up and such so while I’m off with Madigan on the ATV , Laura has the comfort and charm of the little house .  We’re planning the first break in Pemberton area because they have grouse and deer season open, the deer being any bucks , not the 4 point requirement in the rest of BC. It’s hard enough to find a buck I don’t want to have to wait for a 4 point. I didn’t like that about Cariboo hunting, having to measure the tines.  Grouse bow hunting weekend will be followed by rifle season so that’s the plan and I’ve booked in the ATV to be serviced before the fall. 
I’m thinking of a week virtual work by a lake while Laura is off baby sitting. I loved the au femme time at Osprey lake just sun bathing, cooking meals reading and swimming every day. Very self indulgent and self caring.  I had the Vespa then but will have the ATV.  I loved the north end of Harrison but the road was where I damage the Camper last time so I’m much more cautious of off road travel when I have such plans for the year with the camper. We lost it for repairs for almost two years. 
I pray to God and talk with God and feel God’s presence but not so much as I have at other times in life. I’m struggling with the stoicism debate and the epicurean debate and the lust versus gluttony or avarice debate.  The hierarchy of pleasure.  Certainly the sexual community seems to be what the LGBT is compared to the ‘married with children’ prudish or monogamous community.  When the function of marriage was child rearing for work and support and life expectancy was shorter this was a different proposition.  I’m foregoing the pleasure of alcohol and cigarettes but not sex.  Masturbation and fornication are loving as compared to those who would argue that the state needs to be involved to sanctify this. Clearly there’s merit in the AMish life and the various religious mainstreams have their merit They’ve lasted so long by working. I just don’t like their judgementalism and pride .  By contrast to women most ment I know feel ‘rationed’ by some and the obesity that reigns as much in women suggests that the gluttony in religious bodies is epidemic.  Yet this year there’s all the rage about ‘fat shaming’ but no similiar group going on about ‘lust shaming’.  
Given my experience with women lying and engaging in proxy violence I’m as loath to be around strange women in Canada, often any women ,and also children. The false accusations are as ubiquitous as the double standards applied to Trump. I feel safer among men.  I admire the mature women who didn’t vote for Trudeau and his victim consciousness. The whole legal judge industry has turned the country into a quagmire of social injustice masquerading as justice.  Doom zooming,  Anxiety and invasion of the body snatchers. 1984.  Everyone is guilty.  
I have only god to turn to and pray everyday.
This morning I didn’t meditate. I slept in.  Now I think I’ll nap,.  I am grateful .  It’s an especially fine day.  I”m challenged by the assembly project I started and stopped yesterday 
Thank you Jesus for this day.

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