Monday, October 31, 2022

Rainy Weekend, Monday Morning

Thank you for this weekend with Laura.  Madigan enjoys these visits as much as me.  
We loved the George Bizet’s Pearl Fishers Performed by the Vancouver Opera Thursday night.  I didn’t work Friday but did my international doctors meeting on line and loved that. 
It rained all day.  I ordered pizza. We watched a movie. I walked Madigan in the rain.  I had a swim and hot tub soak.  
Laura and I read at each end of the couch.  Madigan moved back and forth between us.  
Saturday I made a visit to the chiropractor. The traumatic arthritis has been worse with the barometric weather fluctuations.  Dr. Ready has helped immensely with my mobility. I’m trying to do more stretching exercise.  I’ve been taking handful of ibuprofen, acetominophen and Robaxin. Then I had to take a tect.
In the afternoon we both had a pedicure and manicure at Professionals.  I stayed with red, but got the Christmas sparkle.  Laura chose silver saying she was going for Joanne’s nails. Fun.
We shopped at Reitman’s.  She, for pants, I for a jacket.  I’m pleased with the colours.  Shopping and nails. Then home to Madigan and a hot tub.  
That night I barbecued steaks with potatoes and sour cream, and zucchin with cauliflower and cheese.  I like barbecuing. It was great to see the Bustards shot and elk and later seeing Kendra grinding burger. It found the story of my elk shooting and flipping this ATV.  My back pain today comes mostly from that day.  The beginning, though the plane crash and the car 360 contributed.  So many trauma’s.  
I’m physically disabled now and hoping the sun and dry help the inflammation. I am taking a break from provider protector rescuer. I will be gentle and careful for the month.  I just can’t normally take it easy. I will relax this month. I’m forcing myself to heal and consider my self. I’m planning tai chi in the winter too. Maybe another course on line.  
Can ‘t wait to be on the road and let go of the weight. Lighten up.  Have fun.  
One day I’ll retire. These breaks in routine make it possible for me to continue now.  I’d like to pay off the mortgage without using savings . I’m procrastinating on selling off assets that are depreciating.  It’s just that physically I can’t predict what I will want to do or be capable of doing year to year now.  
Yesterday I missed a meeting. I’d made grouse with curry cumin and cayenne pepper slow cooking in butter with mandarin slices, then poured over saffron rice. It really was tasty but they changed the time of the meeting so again I’ve not adjusted to the new time.  I am a creature of habit and always think of the serenity prayer and change.  I didn’t make it to church.  Heavy downpour all weekend and all we wanted to do was stay inside and  read. I did get to the hot tub again but that was it.
Now Laura’s gone in a taxi.
I’ve put all my valuables in storage. Just a few more days of work and then i’m away.  I’ve pack my suitcase but have to cull the pack. When I’ve thought of something this last week I put it in not knowing for sure if I’d take it but not wanting to forget the consideration.  I’d planned a couple of days camping en route but only if it’s dry. I don’t want to be dealing with wet gear.  I also don’t like getting a motel for an 8 hour sleep.  This is where those chinese airport type sleep places would work but they’d have to be dog friend. The tenting idea is as much for him. It’s hard to find dog friendly accommodation at the last minute and he really does like the outdoors.  He’s going to be in a hotel for some time so it was the idea of a bit wild and freedom before we did the city.
Thank you God for this day. Thank you God for Laura. Thank you for the rain as it helps the plants. Thank you for the delayed summer. Thank you for this home and heat. Thank you for the people I work with. Thank you for Madigan. Thank you for all the blessings.

Thank you. 

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