Wednesday, October 19, 2022

New Mac

I’ve just bought a new 13 inch MacBook Pro. My last was 2019. Because I’m working it is a business expense. So far I can’t appreciate the new features as I’ve not used it much but I alrady like the ease in which I transfered the data from my old macbook to this with the ‘migration assistant’utility.  The interconnectivity with my other apple products is better. I’ll see. I really liked the Mac Book Pro though I do most of my writing on the iPad. 
I’m off to the Yuma and hope to make progress on the books I’m writing while away.
I felt how chillling this morning was but there wasn’t rain The sun has been so kind. 
Tonight’s meeting 
I take in the Ford F350 on Friday for tire rpair after the flat hunting.  
I’m book for my Covid and Flu vaccine on Monday.
I continue to do virtual psychiatry.  I was in both clinics this week and like that I’ll be working from home till next Monday.
I had back pay so was able to buy this mac and pay off the credit cards. I’m pleased that I’m r4eady to be off without concern of financial stress.  A month of work cation.
I’ve taken everything important to the storage and brought back another suitcase. I’m almost all packed though I do need to fold and arrange my one clothing suitcase.
I’m taking a tent and cot and sleeping back to camp on the 4 day drive down, maybe 2 or 3 nights.  
I am grateful for this life today.  Aches and pains but purpose and meaning and recreation.
I’m so enjoying Madigan.
The pictures of the family are a delight
I enjoy the kids on FB and the animals stories
We have new city officials after the elections.  There’s rason for hope.
I am living ODAAT as best I can , praying and meditating and thinking of God, the creator and Jesus the saviour.  I pray to be a channel of healing and for guidance and wisdom,
Thank you God. Thank you Jesus. 

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