Monday, October 24, 2022

SPIKEVAX Bivalent Covid and Omnicron Variant Vaccine (Moderna)

I just received my SPIKEVAX Bivalent -Original/Omnicron (Moderna) Vaccine.  I also had a regular Flu vaccine as the newest vaccine wasn’t available.  This was at Life Care pharmacy with Pharmacist Patel , all very professionally done.  
I prayed before the experience. 
As Christians we fear less about what goes in our body than what comes out.  Historically spiritual folk have survived poisoning and  handled snakes. I don’t think taking a 9mm in would be wise though.  
Half those I know are reasonably anti covid vaccines for themselves.  I know their concerns individually are likely valid.  The public health position is good too despite the fact that the leadership in Canada has been irresponsible and tyrannical making it difficult as a doctor to support their at times draconian positions.  I’ve had 2 covid and 3 boosters and a couple of other vaccines in the last couple of years.  I’m thankful and believe for myself I’m choosing correctly. If I wake up a beatle maybe not.  I loved Metamorphosis. 
I’m here a Starbucks having picked up the mail. I had a small mocha.  I ‘ve chatted with family and Laura.  I’m going to pick up lunch for Madigan and I. I have the afternoon off as I didn’t know how I’d react. Others have been tired and I was after one of the vaccines.  Glad to have so self love,
Loved being at the clinic this morning seeing patients. So enjoyed talking with Belinda and Karen and saying hello to Lydia who’d just returned from a Salt Spring weekend.  When asked why I don’t retire, I say I love working at the clinics.  The people at Royal Columbia Medical Clinic are skookum. Also like Mary Lou and Gary and Dr. Rogers at the Docside Clinic.  I always love seeing patients .  I’m a doctor . They’re sick. I love my work.  Do no harm and help.  I’m thankful but no longer want to deal with administration or tyranny of stupidity or the banality of mediocrity.  I used to get sucked into that drama but now seem to be able to avoid it.  Thank God
God is all of interconnected.  I am the bubble make me the sea.  We are the family of souls, Jesus our brother.  
I am waiting to enter heaven as the last to go through the door. I get to move one when those have gone before.  
I’m kind of coasting.  I don’t feel any need to face major challenges.  I think of working in the jails or for the military.  I wonder about what I’ve not done, the most difficult. I’m already working with the dual diagnosis.  I sailed solo across an ocean but don’t feel like sailing a 40 foot sailboat solo any more. 
I’m looking forward to driving my mini south for a work vacation.  I like the idea of wearing a sun dresss and swimming in a bikini.  Off work I’ll be completely off work. 
There was a medical emergency and I was wearing a dress and I thought I’m old.  I’ve handled dozens of emergencies on holiday, in planes, in trains and more.  But nothing like nails and stockings cause a pause.  Do I reallly want to get involved.  If no one else stepped forward I likely would. But I watched and the young couple who stepped forward had first responder training.  I didn’t need to so relaxed.  Au drab I might forget and serve.  
I want to soak up the rays and relax.  Increasingly I’m delineating work and limited the service. I’m on call but only to return calls every 1-3 days. I was on first call for decades for free and did hospital and clinic call in person countless days and nights for decades.  One in three and one in two. All our service as doctors was stolen by administration who continued to extend their empire while doctors did double time and overtime unpaid.  Recently our service has been denigrated by PM Trudeau who accused doctors of stealing with their RRSP’s.  The greatest most unethical tyrant in Canadian history attacks doctors and gives our personal protection equipment to China and allows the Communist Chines Military and the Communist Chinese Police to operate in Canada.  
I have these intrussive thoughts.  I am having a great day. Despite vaccine and working. It’s a good life. God is good all of the time. I m blessed by family and friends. I’m well fed and well clothed.  All is well. I have peace of mind and joy. I just need to block the past and future.  Resentment and fears break through into my day.  Carpe Diem.
One day at a time. God is in the present.  I need to be here and now. This is the gift of God.

Thank you Jesus. 

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