Thursday, October 6, 2022

Starlink, Autumn, Changes

I ordered Elon Musk’s Starlink and it arrived in a couple of weeks. I love that the dish is little and portable. It really was easy to set up. I was surprised climbing the ladder to put it on the roof that I realized I’d not climbed a ladder since before covid. A lot of times I have the ‘before covid’ thought.  Like my life was on hold. I certainly didn’t exercise as I might have.  I used to climb masts routinely but just climbing that ladder I realized I’d not been letting those muscles lapse,
I had some difficulty with setting up the user and pass word name and knowing ‘stinky’ was the temporary site. But really, easy. I liked that.  I really did.
Meanwhile the camera on Scotia bank isn’t allowing me to scan cheques.  The Apple TV wanted me to re set up my tv account with my phone but when I went to do that the IOS 16 necessary for that pairing isn’t yet out of the beta stage.  I don’t know if I’ll be able to watch tv until it is.  
I loved walking Madigan along the river.  I took some nice autumn pictures, posted them to FB and enjoyed the acclaim,
A Stellar’s Jay landed on the tree in front of my window and I was able to get a picture.  Common in the country but rare for me to see them here. The bird migrations have begun and I have a front row seat.
My hair dresses Sharin went home to Iran to see family and for weeks the riots have gone on there against the tyranny.  Chatters has arranged an alternative.
I’m off to Princeton hunting with Madigan and Laura.  I’ve red acrylic nails and frankly don’t like the thought of damaging them.  We’re staying in the Ace Motel so have a shower. I didn’t like the dirt and dust last time. I also didn’t like dealing with the heavy machinery.  I have aspirations of floating down the Nile on a barge with someone feeding me grapes. I’m not too excited by hunting. Yet I’d love venison stew and barbecued venison. I am looking forward to the grouse hunting to see Madigan retrieving the birds. He’s the best buddy and now a full fledged retriever and hunting dog.  I don’t like that there’s so much gear. I want to be ‘lighter’ and to ‘lighten up.’  We will enjoy being with Laura
I’m looking forward to a month au femme shorts, skirts,   skorts and sun dresses and t shirts Yuma. It s a dream like Greece.  I so like the ‘lightness of being’.  A couple of suitcase, clothes and computer and camera but no heavy equipment. I’ll be in the Mini not driving the truck as I do hunting.  I am really looking forward to that.  
I was touched by the heavy fear mongering and the constant alarmism of the covid push.  I’m glad to see that the doctors are suing the FDA for their demonizing invermectin. The demonizing of hydroxychloroquine and later Luvox was an abomination to clinicians. Government overreach and bullying.  Still I’ve mildly compromised lungs, 10 years of smoking, TB dx, annual bad flu’s for a decade and fear. I had what was likely Covid at the beginning and literally couldn’t breathe like my scuba diving accident when I ran out of air trying to dive under the reef at the last leg.  I’m so looking forward to the desert air. I’ve also had continual chronic lumbar back pain that thankfully has improved so much the last few months seeing Dr. Ready, the chiropracter every couple of weeks. I’m no longer fragile and experiencing constant sharp pain but am still sore.  I’m still cautious. I am hoping the desert air and resting in the sun by the pool soaking up Vit D will give me some relief. I’m looking forward to day trips to Mexico maybe eve n to the Sea of Cortez beach mostly for the Spanish language and to see if I want to come back next year. I am hoping my camper will be repaired and imagine going back in spring or summer,
I applied to the conference in Thailand but haven’t heard back.  I wanted to go to Berlin, Vienna and Venice and also Brazil and maybe Africa.  But I find myself wondering weather its safe au femme and would I rather go au drab. It’s such a transition. I’m ambivalent thinking of the future.
I enjoyed the men’s meeting last night.  
I’m enjoying working from home mostly.  I’m glad to be of service.  
Thank you Jesus for this day and all of these blessings. Thank you for watching over my family, madigan, his cousins, friends. Thank you for Laura. Thank you for my home and especially. Thank you for the balmy weather and the sunshine.


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