Sunday, November 28, 2021

Gratitude and Madigan Swollen River Walk

I chose gratitude as a title to uplift me. I slept in. I’ve done a long walk with Madigan. I’m thankful for air, and water and sunshine. I’m thankful for mind and heart. I’m thankful for Ethiopian coffee. I’m thankful for Madigan. I’m thankful for warmth
I enjoyed Wheel of Time. I loved Rosamund Pike.  I was thankful for the hot tub and swim yesterday.
I slept in this morning. 10 am. Latest I’ve slept in in a year.  I woke at 3:50.  I’ve done that this week . On my walk today I saw that the river had risen but the dike has several more feet of elevation .  I looked at in the wee hours to see if there was water in the streets.  We joked yesterday about my having my folding boat and outboard ready.
I’ve been reading of Scotland,
Adell actually found Grandad’s departure from Scotland. His birth was 1886. Dad used to say if he’d stayed he would have got in trouble for poaching salmon.  He was so upstanding here becoming the reeve but he loved to hunt and fish.  Dad loved to fish and I did in the ocean but not inland in BC.  I loved to fish in for pike and pickerel and bass in the interior.  Just never had the same success with rainbow. Loved ocean fishing, salmon and cod.
Now I’m here drinking coffee and considering a shower.  The walk was good today. Later I have the western canada docs meeting.  I meditated some. I’m feeling I’m on God’s bench in the game of life, waiting.  There’s a boredom when life is good.  No drama.  The threats at a distance.  I’m content and grateful. . All my problems are Cadillac problems. I love that I’ve paid the flights for the vacation and now have next the cost of hotels and major costs are taken care of I just need to keep working and saving and putting some away for the lack of income during my time away.  Work is hard. It’s draining.  Dispirited people and amongst them a soul sucker.  Rare but they are there.  They present as sad and victim but their anger is palpable.  They scare me and it’s eggshells to not offend them. They are searching for someone to blame and cannibalize for their poor choices.
I’ve had chicken lunch, read social media, walked Madigan again and had a billable conversation with a colleague. The rain is less. I’m puttering about.
Andrew thinks DNA test results aren’t secure enough and is concerned about family getting testing as smart devices can be targeted with family DNA. I contacted Hay Clan Geneologist to see if I could get more on grandad before I get there. Adell did a marvellous job of tracking his arrival in Canada. I passed results to Wayne Hay as one of the girls there is also interested in genealogy.
Thank you Jesus.
Thank you God for this day. Thank you for my fingers and toes and Madigan.

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