Monday, November 22, 2021

A weekend with Laura and Madigan

The storms have passed.  Abbotsford remains flooded .The Sumas lake has returned. At one point all the routes into and out of Vancouver to the rest of Canada were blocked by flooding or landslides. The pictures of the destruction of parts of the Coquahalla were incredible.  Farmers and friends helping cows and horses to escape from islands in the valley.  Princeton and Merritt under water.  Canoes and flat boats being used on city streets.  Rescuing folk from second stories.  
The border to the US open but with the Canadian Trudeau requirement of testing to return.  Then the letting up as more backlash of sanity reaches the PM on permanent mental vacation, his wife lying about her family’s accomplishments and demanding a third nanny.  Emperor Trudeau and Marie Antoinette.  Wolfe is rolling over in his grave as Quebec allies with Saudi and fights Alberta oil while continue to expect the West to pay for the Snow Birds.  We only just learned that Quebec doctors work half the hours of the rest of Canada’s doctors.  Burn out is a western Canada problem as waitlists here increase.
Laura came with her bags on Friday giving no end of joy to Madigan.  He does pirouettes in the air when she arrives.  I hugged and kissed her and welcomed her home here while Madigan tried to hump her leg when he wasn’t vying for a three way kiss if we were on the couch on in bed.
I actually committed to the buying of air tickets for our spring vacation in the UK.  It’s a birthday present. Both of us are having momentous birthdays.  Meanwhile Madigan now one celebrated the anniversary of meeting Laura this weekend. It’s been a year.  He destroyed his bunny soft toy in celebration.  
With Covid and lockdowns I came to live only day to day, survival mode. The decision to commit to a vacation at the significant cost in these inflationary times of Trudeau greed and corruption took a lot.  When i did it though I felt like there was hope. I ‘d committed to the future. I also figured I could continue to work. I wonder about retirement.  Seeing patients and helping with my knowledge and experience continues to bring joy and a sense of satisfaction. I am thankful for the staff who address the administration issue. The government remains at arms length actually having better things to do than demoralize , humiliated and demean doctors for doing their work.  We continue without the promised resources and daily patients wake to the false promise of health care as they face more and more waitlists. 
Thank goodness Dave has a very conscientious doctor. My nephew had his heart procedure only to have a blood clot days later and a few more days in hospital.  The doctors are excellent and the nurses are too but the lack of funding and misappropriation of Ottawa and poor management means there’s holes through the system, I’m thankful when patients get good care and am glad to be there when I see they’re being overlooked.  
We did enjoy watching Tombstone last night and Jungle Cruise, the Disney fun movie with Emily Blunt.  Having done some service and felt the spiritual uplifting that comes with volunteerism I actually went to Costco for the first time since Covid.  I’ve been anxious about getting sick and taking all the precautions.  Now with a European trip planned I feel I really am motivated to be well, exercise, and sleep, with avoidance of unnecessary risk.  Costco was fine. Busy but not as much as I remembered.  There were all the fear mongering Menes on FB about shortages.  Gas prices were up and prices in general were high but there was all the meat and cheese and staples that Costco is famous for. I naturally bought more than I’d planned having mainly wanted steak and chicken and some drinks.  It was a good visit and Laura was there at the door to take the food after Madigan inspected every bag.  He came with me to park the car.
It was raining most of the weekend so we only had short walks. I had a good time arranging ballet and opera tickets overseas.  It’s like Kedging, putting this anchor into the future to get the boat of one’s life off the shore.  At least out of the shallows. I feel I’ve dived in.
The Rittenhouse Trial concluded with the boy being found not guilty. The judge agreed he shot in self defence and contrary to media coverage there was no racism. The men who attacked him were all white with horrible criminal records.  Unbelievably biased press coverage.
We also stopped by Coastal Ford to look at a new truck. I am considering trading mine in.  With a shorter box and the bigger engine of the new Super duty I could pull my Fifth Wheel within the specified parameters. I’m just on the cusp. Dave gave me a great idea of putting an extra spring in my present truck. But this one I have had to take off the tailgate when I have the Camper on. The tailgate is heavy and sits off most of the year along with the back up camera and step.  With the short box I would just put the tailgate down with the camper. My camper is in Frazerway waiting for the assessor to decide if the damage is worth fixing or if it will be written off and I’d need another camper. The question is would my camper fit the smaller box truck or would I get a smaller camper.  
These are all future oriented considerations .  It’s also a practical reason for work. I van pay for this with work rather than retirement savings. I could with a smaller truck also not need my car. I am considering selling my boat too so there’s a lot of considerations. Cadillac problems.  
I am thankful for God in my life. Daily prayer and meditation.  I am grateful for my life and reflect when I really didn’t care.  My back hurts but that’s been an off and on matter at different times in my later life. Old guys get tougher and share their back tales.  Nothing unique there.  
It was only a year or two ago that I wasn’t sure I’d want to live long but now I’m actually looking forward to life continuing. I don’t have a desire to escape from work. Working from home and part time in the office isn’t onerous and though there’s so much despair and anxiety I find the patients collectively are less aggressive .  This is even with my seeing a lot of people with addiction and psychopathy. I’ve always done the heavy lifting. Many of my patients are not wanted in psychiatric teams or in private psychiatric offices.  I’m pleased to care but refused another patient last week because she wanted perfection and was threatening blaming me for the limits of resourced that are directly the consequence of Trudeau’s corruption greed and mismanagement. 
Thankful Horgan and Dix continue to do well.It was sad to hear Mr. Horgan had throat cancer.  Hopefully he’ll recover.  So much stress.  Meanwhile Trudeau avoids any of it taking vacation after vacation when he’s not in his mothers basement appearing to have been on a run when he appears occasionally to blame Harper and Jesus for his failings.
I’m rude. I will one day need to forgive government. It was government that killed Jesus.  Yet he rose and will come again.  Hallelujah
Must get ready and go to work.  It’s a good day. Madigan and I saw Laura off and had a walk already. Now he can come with me and see his friends , Belinda and Karen at the office. He likes all the women there actually and loves meeting my patients thinking they come to play with him.  
Thank you Jesus! Hallelujah.

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