Friday, November 19, 2021

After the storm

I saw the kingfisher today.  He landed on branches above the river right beside me.  It was about the only day I didn’t have my camera phone or Nikon.  I felt like my ‘blue bird of happiness’ was telling me to experience my life not just ‘record’ my life. There was a time a few decades back when I put away my cameras and did that for a few years.  I like both but need balance.  It was the same with the tv. I love movies but during my unversity years I’d put the tv in the closet so that it took an effort to set up and watch, I’d also plan to watch a movie using the TV guide.  Today I’m usually eating dinner before the tv and sometimes ‘wasting’ life.  The same is with Facebook. I can idly scroll along dulling my mind to memes and images, losing the capacity to do the heavy lifting I enjoy reading scientific articles and in depth historical books.  I mostly read novels these days. I’d like to write one.  I struggle with the idea of plot.  I signed up for a novel writing class, paid and nothing happened. It may be a scam.
Now I’m trying to plan a conference holidays and fear that some of the conferences are scams.  I’ve decided to take Laura with me.  We have had some good travels together and I so enjoy her company.  Madigan and Laura are my best friends.

I am so pleased my nephews are well.

The floods have cut off Vancouver from the rest of Canada. People are worried about supplies. There’s even that toilet paper glazed look in folks eyes as they prepare to hoard. My thermostat died in the deluge of rain and wind. No reason.  I tried what I could and disconnect the ground, rebooting it. No luck.  I was so thankful that  Calvin at Travco answered my distress call. Thermostats like mine, though common, are all out of stalk. Calvin came over and installed a new generic simple thermostat like the one in the camper.  The sound the furnace coming on was music to my ears!  Cliche saying. I was stoked.  I’d had electric heat but it only keeps the place at about 67 degrees because I’ve only a 15 am fuse on that line.  I have to run my office and kitchen too. To make coffee in the Delonghi expresso machine I have to turn the electric heater off. Still I blew the circuit breaker wit the little space heater I put in the washroom.  I have to have one in my office, the garage of the toyhauler.  I really was thankful when Calvin solved my problem. I had talked to the Kevin at Adventure camper but he was held up for a week wth the storm damage in Chilliwack.  Finding a local RV repair service is so reassuring. I’d depended on Eric till he left and had anyone since.  Peace of mind.

I’ve been working a lot.  Evenings and long days. Lots of demands for letters and forms and more people with despair and cognitive difficulties.

I’m feeling better. A weekend with Laura simply was uplifting.  Madigan had a happy time too.  

I dreamed that a Colonel in the Vets was asking me not to swear as it was language ‘unbecoming an officer’.  Put that way, I think I’ll try not saying fuck again, It’s like Tourette’s or nail biting.  But I ‘ll try.  

I hear of more people retiring or dying.  I learned that the psychopath drug addict and her biker boyfriend have both died.  I believe that’s the Archangel Michael watching out for me It’s vindication but I pray always now for Christ’s protection.  The news that the College was being sued by their own lawyer was uplifting but I expect karma to do it’s job on some of the individuals there who indeed have backed and promoted psychopaths like the girl who extorted me when I fired her for doing crack on the job all when my mother died and I was grieving,  I just felt it was somehow ‘right’ when I heard Laurie was dead.  Divine justice.  Divine retribution. It’s been a recurrent theme with all those who have hurt me directly . I’m a doctor just trying to do his job helping people. I get paid for my work. It’s less than other doctors and less than other tradespeople but it’s more than others in guilds.  I have always done my best and been good and to have the college parasites suck my blood for their Marxist ideology backing psychopaths who complain because they have self loathing as doctors.  I’m transparent.  Jesus said ‘do not be afraid’.  I’m always trying to extinguish fear at it’s source.  Fear of economic security will leave us. And now this constant industry of fear mongering out of the machinations of the UN Corruption Incorporated,

I attended a UBC webinar and enjoyed hearing my colleagues sound relatively normal.  Hauling wate4r and chopping wood,

I’m certainly here in the front lines, doing the next right thing, suiting up and showing up,.  

I just roasted another couple of weeks of Ethiopian Sedona coffee beans.  I

Daryl just phoned about a new Ford F-350.  Laura and I were at Coastal talking to the manager, I’d made and enquire and Daryl has been keeping up with it.  The new gas truck has the capacity to tow this Fusion 371 forty foot fifth wheel loaded,  The engine is 7.3 whereas my 2017 Lariat edition F350 only has a 6.2 engine. This makes the towing capacity more than sufficient for this home on wheels.  Further the new truck wouldn’t have the long box which makes it impossible in city driving.  

I was meditating asking God what to do and had the idea appear that I really should sell my sailboat. That would pay for the new land adventure and living changes.  I called Thaun Vo and Gary’s Appraisals to find out if my Camper will be written off or repaired. If it’s written off I could get another very similar to match the new truck . If it’s not written off it may be better to stick with my truck which matches the camper. I need to learn if my camper weight and length would fit a shorter box too.  The fact is I’d like a new truck and in addition to my trip to UK with Laura that would be a pretty good Christmas and birthday present.  I’d probably finance it and I don’t like ‘owing’ but the fact is even though the investment is depreciating its no difficulty working to have that $1000 a month going out to financing.  This Fifth Wheel is still being paid off and the Camper was almost paid off and the truck was paid off along with the vehicles. I have enough i the bank to pay out the costs but there’s no real advantage now as the ‘mortgage’ are such low interest.  I find mysel thinking I’ll work another 5 years too but I have this real hankering to take 3 months off and drive around the US and Canada in the camper with the dog and maybe Laura ….it’s really the inspiration of Travels with Charley. But add Laura because she’s a good companion, 

I want to write but blogging is all I seen to do now because it doesn’t require sustained focus.  I’ve over a million views but view meters keep resetting or dropping tens of thousands of view. I’m almost again at 1 million and said I’d rearrange my blog into separate lines of 
I’d like to publish some books and write some novels and even sit in a library and research and write serious treatise on a particular subject from work.  That’s always been my dream, like wintering in Arizona or New Mexico and summering in northern Canada. 

I’ve work to do today.  I really should move along,  Laura’s coming over and Madigan is chewing a bone after his river walk.  

thank you Jesus.

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