Saturday, October 9, 2021

Alan Hay and Megan Mardus Wedding

Alan Hay is the youngest of my nephews.  Son of my deceased brother Ron whose presence I’ve felt all week.  

Megan Mardus and Alan Hay were in England during Covid and made it home thankfully.  Alan’s a child psychologist and Megan, a forensic  research psychologist.  Their wedding last year was cancelled due to Covid.  They’re staying at Hay Bay for now.  This year due to the vaccinations their wedding could go on  at Grange de la Gatineau, Queb4c.  The Grange was a bed and breakfast before covid.  A lovely location.
At Andrews wedding Adell had all the boys get the Hunting Hay kilt, a blue tartan.  For Alan’s wedding the boys were all in the modern Royal Hay Tartan.  My first kilt some 30 years ago was the ancient orange Hay tartan. Next I had the Modern Hay tartan.  Then the Hunting Blue for Andrew’s wedding.  I’ve found that the kilts shrink as I grow older. 

I brought the hunting blue  kilt but Adell saved the day by having me wear Ron’s kilt which had 2 more inches of girth. Covid has not been kind to my pear shape,  Ron’s kilt was a god send.  Adell dressed me in Ron’s cumberbund, bow tie, formal shirt, and  black sporran which matched the other nephews.  My white socks and Prince Charley jacket was all  that  passed mustard with the mother of the groom.  Laura said after I looked dashing.  The Sean Connery look.  I’ve always loved Laura’s generosity.  She loved lovely in a black and pink cocktail dress.  

I was really thankful for Ron’s kilt as it meant I could sit and eat. In mine seating or eating might not have been possible, The last time I’d worn it, Laura had tugged on the strap laughing, “It’s like getting a  girl into  skinny jeans.”  I was not amused. I must exercise more and eat less.

Megan was gowned in a lovely traditional German red dress with white petticoat and white veil.  She had 4 inch high heals which were a challenge in the outdoor venue.  She did well. 

Poor Madigan on arrival was swatted as he attempted to exit the car by a ginger attack cat that roamed the parking lot.  He cried out and hid behind my leg while the cat made several lunges which I stopped by putting myself between the attack cat and Madigan . Poor Madigan had never encountered such a monster.  After the initial win he would be plotting revenge the rest of the day until the two of them seemed to call a truce.  

Laura watched Madigan while I went off for the family photos.  Lovely photographer.  Fun to be with the family all in Scottish regalia.   Megan’s bridesmaids we’re in white with spectacular red high heels.  I didn’t recognise one as Megan’s sister I’d met years before. Mulvine was there but we missed Velma. Alan’s friend Justin was there and he was with Nicole Megan’s bridesmaid. I loved seeing Tanya. She’d left Fin and Elliott with his sisters allowing her and Andrew a moment or rare peace.  They radiated love and happiness

Adell looked truly regal with her sparkling grey dress and long hair down. 

I confess I felt I was representing my brother and was doing my best not to be myself.  I resisted quips,  debate,  entendre and repartee. I resisting commenting on Quebec or the present incompetent corrupt national government and focussed on the positive of Alan and Megan wedding.   I was ‘nice’.  Everyone said I was ‘nice’. I suspect only Laura knows the effort that took. I did appreciate Laura saying I was behaving well.   Adell said she really appreciated my being there.  I’m suddenly the oldest in the immediate family. I don’t forgive my brother leaving me in this role. I’ve never acted my age except in work and court. I’ve always dependent on Ron to be the adult.   

Meanwhile my dog to our surprise was a perfect companion and didn’t once have diarrhea or chew on something important.  

Alan and Meagan’s friends from university were there.  I was amused at their youth and had to remind myself that I was the old man. I don’t feel it.  “We’re all nerds,” Alan said and they were indeed an intellectual group.  

There was a wedding mingle bingo in which everyone had to score by answering questions which they’d learn from mingling. I met Redmund , the English fellow through that and learned that Natasha, Alan’s best man,  had her own business making pancakes. I met her brother the suis chef from Vancouver too. Because of covid he’s gone back to school at BCIT to become an electrician.  

The ceremony had a traditional bit of wrapping banners around the bride and grooms joined arms, one from Megan’s family and the tartan one from our family.  Another darling feature was the sawing of the log, introduced by Michael, Megan’s father.  It was an old German village tradition in which the couple demonstrated they could work well together.  I loved it.  

There were speeches with humour and finally Adell and I had to come up. Adell had written some history of the Hay clan and our family which I read with an addition of personal anecdotes, meeting our aunt the Queen’s chambermaid at Holyrood Palace, and Grandad Hay the Reeve in northern Manitoba.  I also read the history of Adell’s Scottish family.  Then she presented the Hay tartan sash she’d made for Megan, a Scottish wedding tradition done by the mother of the groom.  

After this ceremony and standing in the beautiful sun by the Gatineau river with the glorious autumn colours of forest about, we were directed by Adell to head to the National Art Gallery Terrace Restaurant taking along Jodie, the mother of the bride.  Thank God for the iPhone map and the lady vocal direction. Adell had also warned us about the secret agent entrance to the parking lot so we arrived on time in the right place.

The Terrace restaurant required Vaccination passports and ID and eventually let us in. The best was that Madigan was welcome and truly continued to amaze us being a very good dog, lying down most of the meal in his Therapy Dog vest only once and a while popping up to put in nose at the end of the table to ascertain what he was missing. He did also bark at a dog that passed. We were on the canal and watched boats go by.   A truly spectacular and elegant restaurant with retracting heating panels and additions that appeared to allow for outdoor dining much of the year,

The choices were tenderloin or Arctic char.  Laura had the tenderloin and I had the Arctic char. The whole meal was superb,  Pleasant conversation about the wedding, the art gallery, vegetarianism, meditation, curling and aging.

When we left we had just enough juice in the iPhone to be guided back to Kanata and reach the Holiday Inn where we were staying.  

What a delightful day. Congratulations Alan and Megan!


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