Sunday, September 26, 2021

Sunday, Cogburn Wilderness Camp, Lake Harrison

Another night of unusual dreams. I do believe the clutter and chaos of the city get worked out and refiled when I’m in wilderness.  The roots of the trees and the forest itself surround us.  Sky and lake are the fabric of this housing. 

I woke with strange men in suits fighting each other and leaving me alone.  They’d somehow concluded I was valuable.  I didn’t know what their argument was.  Some boardroom somewhere. I’d just been sailing in my dream.

Here I’ve had a wonderful sleep.  Last night I ran the furnace before sleep, reading in the galley. I’d barbecued magnificent steaks and shared them with Madigan. He’s still such a puppy so enthusiastic this morning. The sky is over cast. The forecast is rain. I’ve slept in till 8. Now I’m having a coffee. 

I’ve been packing and stowing. A lot of work for a day of hunting, I have a grouse and memories.  Madigan is much more a bird dog than he was last week.
 I don’t hunt the morning I leave anymore. I’ve had 2 evening hunts and one morning hunt. Madigan killed his first grouse so is officially a bird dog. I’ve had two swims in the lakes. The celery has been magnificent. It’s been a truly wonderful wilderness break. Lots of quadding and lots of grouse that got away.

I have a list of repairs, I really must get the blind replaced. It was great till it suddenly died one day.  I thought I don’t need the ATV canopy since there’s nowhere to stow the poles. I’ll just get a slicker for hunting in the rain.  I really have too much gear for this little space. It’s like the boat that way.  If I was doing more than these long weekend hunts and camping I’d have to streamline it for quick set up and stow.  It’s definitely a pretty skookum deal.

“I love the adventurer camper,” a pretty woman said in the parking lot as we were both unloading our shopping carts,”.  My husband and I bought one a couple of years back and did 6 weeks travelling through Tombstone and Custer’s Last Stand.  I came home and said , “ why do we have a house.  I so enjoyed living in the camper. “

“I motorcycles that area a few years ago. Loved Custer’s last stand. I hope to take my Adventurer there next time.” I said.

“I loved Custer’s last stand, I loved everything. We had such a good time. I love our camper. Enjoy your weekend, 

“You too!”

I really look forward to travelling with this camper in the states visiting historical sites and galleries.  I’d not be taking a trailer only having the Vespa on the front. 

There was wood here for a campfires but I only like campfires when its warm rather read inside with the furnace on and candles. I can sit outside around a campfire outside when it’s warmer not that I didn’t appreciate camper fires winter camping in igloos in the subarctic. I do see campfires in my future too. I’ve not played guitar much and campfires are great places for guitar,

I’ve a restless dog, He’s hoping we’re going hunting on the ATV but I”m just packing up,  I’ve got the slow ride out on the hard logging road.  It’s a challenge watching for potholes and going slow.  

It’s been a great weekend. So much wilderness eye candy. Great scents of the outdoors.  Madigan is in heaven.  We have to go back to the city and work. Time to return to the city . We’ll been back in the camper in a few more weeks.


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