Thursday, September 9, 2021

Working between hunts

I love the bow hunt for the joy of the season.  Walking in the woods in the fall carrying a bow with a dog trailing along has always been uplifting for me. I rarely succeed in actually bagging anything but love the excuse to get out and enjoy fall season.  It was always a time for hunting with my father and brother and the dog growing up too.  Sept 10 is when rifle season opens.  It was the time we hunting prairie chicken out east. Now I’m looking for grouse and deer.  I’ve become older too. Older than when I hunted with my Dad. I’m actually older and still hunting than all those ‘older guys’ I hunted with.  I have a Honda 420 ATV so do more driving about on logging trails than actually stalking and sitting like I did younger when I shot a lot of game. 
Laura and I had a 5 day weekend, getting back on Tuesday so I could do a couple of days of work before heading out again. I brought the truck and camper and trailer into town so I don’t have to load them.  That’s a real blessing since gearing up takes at least a half day. I’d hoped to get away tonight but the wifi guy is coming this afternoon and I need the wifi to be working well for work so I’ll get away later.  I’m really looking forward to shooting a grouse and seeing Madigan become a full fledged bird dog.

I was reading Burton Cummings stories and enjoying them. I thought though how I’ve kept an open journal transparent about my thoughts and feelings. I liked reading the FB meme ‘everyone is a little screwed up in their head, it’s when you’re screwed up in your heart that you’re a piece of shit.”  

I’m feeling a little dissociated . Not quite in the flow. I find myself looking at my ADL’s like another person was doing them. I pray and meditate but there’s not the ‘passion’.  Just a lot of going through the motion. It’s been like that with Covid and the Lockdowns and now the Vaccine Passport.  So much skullduggery.  So much confusion.  The industrial ‘push’ of the Covid 19 with FB ‘attaching’ a ‘truth’ notice whenever Covid is mentioned, pharmacies always having some mention of it. Lots of virtue signalling. An election is going on but after the media corruption and election fraud of the US and Trudeau buying CBC I’ve become fearfully apathetic. 

I’m aging and there is a sense of marginalization.  I enjoy costume and dress. I walk around anonymous whatever I’m wearing. I remember my friend who dressed as clowns and animals and how as kids we did ‘guerilla theater’ and laughed so much.  I miss theatre and dance now that I’m older. I’ve given my life in service  and done my duty and answered my calling and done service. But now I’m on the cusp of retirement wondering how many more years I can do this. I’ve only short tern goals. 

I have Aberdeen to visit. I want to take my camper and drive about the US like ‘travels with Charlie’ and ‘black like me’.  I like the RV world.  I’ve a hankering to sail again. The inside passage on the east coast, changing my 40 foot boat to a 26 foot boat that would be more maneuverable.  

I ‘m very thankful for all I’ve had in life and the older I am the more appreciate the blessing of my parents and my teachers and friends and family.  Time to get ready for work.  In a few hours I’ll be in my truck hopefully heading out on the highway for another hunting adventure.  

Thank you Lord.

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