Sunday, January 24, 2021

Some Core Beliefs

1. I believe I exist.  See ‘Cogito Ergo Sum’
2. I believe in ‘another’.  See Martin Buber « I and it » and the move to « I and Thou ».
3. I believe in a loving God. 
4. I believe I am in the imagination of God.  This existence is a energy and imagination.  
5. I believe in the Mystery.
6.  I am playing hide and seek with God. I believe that God is infinite, omnipresent, omnipotential and one.  All is God. God is all.  I believe God has infinite capacity and an individual can communicate directly with god. I believe that spirituality is the basis of all religions which have developed based on origin.
7. I believe in determinism (fate) and free will. I may however be a ‘voice over’ on this existence.  
8. I believe insight may precede action or follow it. 
9.  I believe that all is psycho-somatic, mind and body and the Cartesian split is intellectual.
10. I believe a child experiences ‘syncresia’ and oneness with mother and environment and that as we grow be separate experience into five senses.
11. I believe there is a developmental process individually and collectively. I see evidenee all around me of this progression.
12. I believe in an afterlife and continuity of life.  I believe in divine and individual consciousness. I believe in parallel worlds and that time is not linear but stellage.  I believe each decision creates a path and that the paths are infinite. 
13.  I believe in carpe idem.  I believe in the power of now. I believe in the present.  The past and future are constructs. Each day I am born and the program might be inherent.
14. I believe we project our thoughts onto the environment and that the environment is in a feedback loop with us, creating principles such as cause and effect, karma, retribution, law of attraction and other such processes.
15. I believe the great spiritual leaders had profound truths that are guides.  Eg. Buddha ‘desire is the root of all suffering’.  Jesus « Do not be afraid.  Love God and love thy neighbour as thyself.
16.  I believe that I see others cultures through the lens of my birth place and time.
17. I believe in Meritocracy and Ecumenicalism and Libertarianism though how these are defined is controversial.
18.  I believe Love is greater than fear. I like the idea that ‘anxiety is a measure of ones distance from God and equally a measure of our humanity.’ 
19. I believe ‘this too shall pass’.
20. I believe the Holy Bible, the Gospels is a true account of God mundane and transcendent.  I was raised Christian in Canada. If I had been raised Hindu in India I might have a different basis of belief just as if I was raised native .  I believe all roads lead to god.  
21. I believe we can’t get to heaven ‘first’ but that we all get there when the least is ready.
22. I don’t believe in an ‘eternal’ hell. I believe that those who for whatever reason want hell go to hell, ie if you don’t believe in heaven but that doesn’t stop progression to the light. I believe that there is a place beyond darkness and light to which we are going. I believe in the reincarnation of Christianity. Hell may well be a perception of speed.  I believe that as Emerson did, that the ‘if the reds lawyer thinks he slays or the slain thinks he is slain, they know not well the ways I keep and turn and toss again. »
23. I believe in the tools of logic.
24. I believe in the tools of science.
25. I believe life is a journey.  I liked Campbell and Jung’s perception of the « hero’s journey’ and the archetypes and developmental sequences of tribes as related to community, the baby, the youth, the adult and the old. 
26.  These beliefs guide my approach to friends, work, religion and politics.  I believe « I am God. You are God. God is greater than we are. IF you know who you are. Then you may know I am. ». 
27. I believe we are all intrinsically interconnected physically, emotionally, intellectually, spiritually.  I believe we are ‘peepholes on reality’.  I believe we can only know the truth as we are the truth, our behaviour being the key to greater insight. I believe thought is fine but actions speak louder than words. I believe in congruence between words and actions and am concerned with hypocricy, incongruity, innappropriateness, two faced ness, forked tongues and all the normal actions of impurity typical of the adolescent or monkey mind. I believe that the elder seeks purity and simplicity.  I believe aging is a form of healing and forgiving.  I feel that if I am maturing I will love my enemy but as I love myself I will not burden my enemy with my death but would rather save my life and those closest to me from danger. I believe fools and children are not to be made leaders but are to be guided to a kind of mutually respectful cooperative living. I believe the learning of Prisoner’s Dilema that the rarest is a ‘we win’ solution and that our minds are advanced for deception and it’s recognition. Those who propose they know the ‘we win’ are mostly likely trying to convince you that their ‘I win-you lose’ is actually ‘we win’.  I believe people are intrinsically self serving and that cooperative behaviour is learned.  
28. I believe the Gospel taught that God çame to earth and the government killed him.
29. I believe we deserve the leaders we get and that the Golden Bough taught us basically that the mob is more like Lord of the Flies than a picnic.  Law and order and rules are preferred overall to revolutions but tyranny must be faced.  
30. Right now I love the expression, We are all walking each other home.   
31. I believe that we are using a minuscule part of the potential of our minds and that eventually we will know telepathy, mind over matter, space flight and aliens from other planets. Right now mothers all over the galaxy tell their children. Lock your doors when you pass the Earth. One day it will be the greatest tourist destination of the universe when it’s solved the problems of crime and drugs and alcohol.  I believe our science is 21st century but our Courts and Politics is 18th century or before.  No distribution scheme will satisfy addicts who want ‘more’, or sociopaths and psychopaths who want ‘all’.  I believe individual enlightenment is raising the collective consciousness and that those who kills and steal and are slackers when it comes to work, the sloth and gluttony, pride crowd will eventually grow up but not soon enough. Until then I doubt any wise mature race would avoid contact with us. The older and more mature one is the more precious life becomes individually and collectively. Those who kill young and old and little different than murderers individuals. I believe that the adage ‘steal a little and they put you in jail, steal a lot and they make you ruler’ is true.  But to a cannibal Einstein is just ‘old’ meat.  To the illiterate the Holy Bible or Upanishads, or the code of DNA on paper is just toilet paper. They cannot read. They cannot know.  We are limited by our own consciousness.  Humility is a guide to enlightenment.  I believe the more I learn the less I know.  

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