Sunday, January 31, 2021

Political Discernment and Covid 19

Harry: How do you know the truth in the media today?
George: It’s difficult, that’s for sure.  The first rule I use is that I’m trusting at first. I don’t want to be paranoid. So lets say I come home and find my wife naked in bed with the naked gardener. Well, I’d be suspicious.  I couldn’t be sure what they were up to unless I asked.
Harry:  You’d have to ask?
George: Yes, I like to give the benefit of the doubt if there are no weapons involved.  So I’d ask, “What are you doing?” Now if the wife and gardener said they were looking for the lawn mower. I’d pretty well consider that most unlikely and think it was a cover up.  So mostly these days I know by the cover up.
Harry:  Okay, what’s a real example
George:  Take the wet market and Wuhan lab source of the virus.  We learned later that the main virologist who said it was natural from the wet market was paid 3 million dollars.  We also learned that bats were rarely served there. We further learned that the Wuhan lab was indeed doing “gain of function’ coronavirus research.  The ‘bat girl’ who was the first leak of the virus from the lab remains missing. The Communist Chinese Army took over the lab and still won’t let the lab be investigated.  It also won’t release the ground zero genome from the early cases. The Chinese doctors who released the information truthfully were killed and the top independent chinese doctors said it came from the lab. Meanwhile if you asked Trudeau where it came from he’d stutter and say it came from the wet market.  Two nobel prize winners in chemistry and genetics have said it was a gain of function research product. Still the Communist Mainstream media continues to talk about the wet market.  So people really would believe if a guy found his wife in bed naked with the gardener , the two naked people would obviously be looking for his lawn mower there.
Harry: Okay any other example. 
George:  The WHO shut down research on Hydroxychloroquine.  The French clinicians and medical researchers showed it prevented Carona virus from getting worse and requiring hospitalization.  The Indian health care workers used it and had the least infection.  African countries where Hydroxychloroquine had been used extensively for malaria had an unusually low infection for covid.  Meanwhile Dr. Fauci himself reported it was effective for treatment of SARS , very similar to Covid. Then suddenly there was the another bedroom scene with the naked couple. This was the Lancet article that said Hydroxychloroquine was dangerous.  It turned out it was based on a falsified data base. Again the French researchers had to expose that and extraordinarily the Lancet retracted that study but the use of Hydroxychloroquine never resumed to previous level. It seemed to be politically, not scientifically, related to President Trump saying he used it for prevention. Then all hell broke out. Dr. Fauci even said in his persistent, ‘nocebo’ way only broken with his ‘placebo’ approach to vaccines, that there was no ‘double blind prospective large scale multi centre’ trial of Hydroxychloroquine.  However he backed Remdesifer and insisted, without a large scale multi centre double blind prospective study, that everyone needed the ‘good send’ vaccines.  The irony, incongruence, bald faced and even naked lies, and the hypocricy  all point to someone getting literally fucked and someone enjoying even enjoying it.
Harry:  So you don’t believe they’re really looking in the bed naked for a lawn mower?  That’s not very loving and trusting of you.
George: Look at Dr. Tam and Dr. Fauci telling everyone not to wear masks. All the while Taiwan , the best country in the world in the whole business, the Goretsky of the hockey game pandemic, was giving every adult free three masks and 5 for children a week for free.  Trudeau and Tam say that we in Vancouver who want the Vancouver International Airport shut down to Wuhan, call us ‘racists’.  Taiwan and Singapore and the US shut down their airport. They all took a whole lot of heat. Meanwhile Canada kept ferrying sick Chinese from China.We were the last country to keep international flights active to China. Now Tam tells everyone to wear masks, but they have to be three ply masks and they should wear them during sex. Also Trudeau has spent the most of all western countries on Covid but seems to show the least evidence and no accountability. He has put Canada at the last of the countries getting the actual Pfeiser and Moderna vaccines which are supposedly the best. It’s just one thing after another.  Trudeau gives away tons of the nurses and doctors personal protection equipment only to buy defective equipment back from Communist China. Netherlands said 90% of the PPE that came from China would spread the disease.  Trudeau seems like Tam and Fauci to be doing anything to spread the disease then during around with a totataliari crackdown. A Canadian kid gets fined $6000 for playing hockey on an outdoor pond without a mask whereas government cabinet members only seem to wear masks when the camera is on them and Trudeau says it’s okay to join mobs but not for people to attend church. Government pot stores are open. Government liquor stores are open. Government gambling sources are open. Government sex stores are open. But not churches.  Churches are demonized along with the symphony and small business. It’s all politics now with only a very light dusting of science which lost it’s validity by the fall. We had effective treatments by then. We knew that the false positives of the case testing was 30 to 50%. We knew that the data was highly skewed and while there clearly was a zombie viruse from the Frankenstein lab running around, the treatment was in too many cases far worse than the disease. The long term effects on immunity, mental health, community and family were devastating with the totalitarian actions and the constant scream of the mass media, “we’ve got to find the lawn mower.”
Harry: Okay, what now.
George: I’ll get the vaccine. I’ll socially distance and wash my hands.  But I’ve absolutely no trust in Trudeau. I got TB volunteering work in the northern aboriginal reserves when everyone was sick and they needed a doctor to go in.  I was doctoring in the VGH emergency department during the HIV epidemic getting bled on, getting spit on, wrestling on the floor with Aids demented ‘biter’s’. Nothing like this except the Red Cross blood transfusion scandal came close to the obscenities of politics and media of that day. Yet HIV was a hell of a lot deadlier and continues today without a vaccine.  People are still making babies too.  Further since Trudeau thinks of himself as a ‘Biden bro’ and was Xi Jinpeng’s bitch I don’t trust anything he says. I know he’s just a puppet or a mascot, who looks like he’s up all night with crack and hookers when he makes his little daily staged appearance, with the ear wig giving him his lines. But he’s been naked all along screaming “I”m looking for a lawn mower. Trust me I’m a politician.!:”
I’m going to be a lot less trusting of the wife when I find her in bed naked with the likes of the garderner.  He’s really scum. He's not even a good gardener. Everything he touches dies but it turns to gold. So I think it’s time to follow the money trails.  I just don’t believe there ever was a lawn mower in the bed.  Maybe I’m paranoid.  

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