Monday, January 11, 2021

Death of a Salesman, Jan, 2020

I was never bothered by President’s Trump’s persona.  He was a salesman.  Salesmen had made America great. Death of a Salesman came to mind. That literature classic of the day.  President Trump reminded me of every late night salesman and car salesman and realtor I’d ever dealt with. A wheeler dealer hustler entrepreneur.  Glad handing and exaggerating, optimistic and powerful. A popular personality.  A good man essentially. A breath of fresh air after the reign of the lawyer class with their charming smiles and back room deals, stilletoe and lying eyes.  Forked tongues.  A good lawyer is rare these days. A corrupt lawyer is a dime a dozen.  They were once a marvellous class especially the Confusian lawyer bureaurocrats of the Min Dynasty and the duty bound lawyer entrepreneur of the British Empire and Roman Empire. Necessary fixtures of the size of organizations.  Yet, nothing original. No real heart or drive.  Caretakers to a large extent.  Old man Bush was CIA like Putin.  Real company men. Then the Clintons, lawyers and the Bush son, lawyer.  I don’t think democracy and dynasty go together. The whole idea of democracy is free for all, fight to the finish, competition and meritocracy. Dynasty stinks of priviledge and getting a leg up.  Bush and Trudeau are the brightest in the bunch and without the name and Brand neither could have won on their own.  They might too have been okay except for the lies of Weapons of Mass Destruction and for Trudeau the SNC Lavalin and We corruptions. Dynasties are notorious corrupt. Obama, a lawyer offered hope but he destroyed the fabric of respectful society, spying on every citizen, including his allies and moving America out of the path of democracy solidly on the route to communism.  The Communist Party controls everything in the great religion of aetheism committee dictatorships.  The Political Lawyer Party in the West was little more than a heartless Freemasonry driven by corporate law and greed.  No I wearied of lawyers before President Trump.  He gave me hope.
Archetypically President Trump like Prime Minister Harper with father figures.  Reagan and old man Bush sorts. President Trumps manners and ways were greeted with the exact same disdain Churchill and Kennedy faced. They were outsiders. Churchill had an American mother.  Chamberlain by contrast was everything Biden is.  History repeats itself. There’s a quality of déjà vu watching politic.  Family affairs like soap operas.  Justin Trudeau and George Bush Jr and Obama were not father figures. They were siblings, what Iron John’s creator would call the ‘Sibling Society’ people. Not threatening. Like the girl next door in the playboy series.  But men. A precursor to the attractive female.  Someone who could focus on their socks or joke about doing cocaine.  Margaret Thatcher had been a parental figure. A mother, like the Queen. But men and father’s were out in the fashion conscious political scene of the cafe society of the sterile city.  Mr. Trump reminded me of Mr. Chrétien. Powerful Alpha male characters who sadly today threaten the abortion angry women forgetful of prevention and happy in the mass killing orgy of infant sacrifice. The mother’s don’t see themselves killing themselves but rather killing the men within. The great divider and raging division in the world the death culture of abortion and rising euthanasia. I liked that Mr. Trump had two families, that he provided for his present and ex wife and that he loved his children so clearly and had such long standing friends.  I was angry when my colleagues in the states so blinded by greed began to call him names reserved for clinical settings. I was deeply disappointed when the medical licensing bodies didn’t reprimand them and take their licenses and require they do remedial training in medical ethics.  
I had been a member of the Psychiatrists against Political Abuse of psychiatry and saw first hand how the Communists called anyone who disagreed with them ‘psychotic’ .  If you deviate in society you are either ‘mad or bad’.  In the west if you disagree with the authorities you go to jail or asylum.  In Communist Countries and Religious dictatorships you aren’t considered ‘bad’ but ‘mad’ . The mad have no ‘rights’.  They are outside the law. I treated patients in the dangerously insane wards who were their for life under the Governor General’s warrant.  There is no place in jail as terrifying as the locked ward of the asylum where the sick can and do have medical and surgical brain experiments without protection of rights and lawyers.  China and the USSR deemed anyone who disagreed with the new God of aetheism, the STATE, or the Dictator, ‘insane’. Hitler did the same. Now here was the cry to declare Mr. Trump mentally ill.  He definitely was narcissistic but all great leaders are especially judges and lawyers and bureaurocrats. The latter hide it but the salesman and military don’t.  Psychiatrists hide their narcissism.  Indeed there’s a term ‘healthy narcisism’.  We are born narcissistic and we move through our lives to increasing altruism. To call an American president, a ‘narcisist’ is to call him at the extreme a ‘psychopath’.  Hitler may have been but it’s unlikely even Mao or Lenin were psychopaths. The narcisist psychopath lacks empathy. They don’t love their children. They are reptilian.  Great salesman and great generals don’t lack empathy. They are leader of the pack. They are perhaps wolf clan but they are warm blooded. I’ve never called Trudeau a psychopath though whatever character he had young has been lost with the glory of power and the drunkenness and drug intoxication of his above the law position.  Trump was a billionaire.  He was like Augustine and Buddha. Great passionate men who later in life devoted themselves to the community.  
I had met Pierre Trudeau and shook his hand something not that many could claim. He didn’t like to be touch. He was really very lizard like in contrast to the big hearted French Canadian Chrétien whose hand I also shook.  Great men both. But Trudeau definitely was more lizard like.  I spent the day with PM Turnder and he really was like PM Harper who I had the joy of an evening with. Good men.  Men you’d really like to go fishing with or invite over to your house for dinner. I don’t think I’d like to have any of the American Presidents for Dinner as much as I admire them all.  I’d not like to dine with the Queen either despite my utmost respect for the Royal Family. In Thailand I learned that there’s a professor in prison because he criticized a Thai king from 500 years ago.  My mother and grandmother might have caused me to watch my p’s and q’s at the table and Dad could cause shivers when he raised his tone of voice to me, but no one I know has the power of King Herod.  John the Baptist was beheaded at his dinner table because he wanted to have sex with his wife’s daughter. That’s the sort of thing Mao and Stalin and Hitler and Putin and the Prince and Sultan’s of the East can do and do do. I met some drug lords worth millions or more and they told me that they would ‘disappear me’ if I didn’t show them the respect they ‘deserved’.  Trudeau is frightening in his stupidity like a syphilis infected brain disordered king. He’s not a psychopath.  Trump didn’t kill people like Putin or even old man Bush or Clinton . They like Hillary likely ordered ‘hits’. I sat at dinner tables of the very weathy or powerful and heard them order ‘hits’.  Chilling. They were the leaders of society. Protecting their family, the communities, and a lifetime of work from a usurper or the government which is decidedly more corrupt than most criminals.  But the leaders of governments in the west are constrained in a way the corrupt courts of the east don’t do. It would be very difficult for American’s to chop up a journalist in the passport office. 
The whole idea of a ‘free’ press was one of the protections. It’s gone now. The press died these last few years.  If we said Trump had sex with a cat and Biden had sex with an iguana no one would know if it’s true or ‘fake news’.  There is no free press in dictatorships.  Lenin, Mao, Kim, Pol Pot, Putin and Xi Jinping have personally ordered the deaths of millions.  Argentina at the height of the disappearances never compared. The Armenian genocide by the Turkish Islamic leaders makes the Holocost by Hilter’s National Socialist Party SS look like kids’ play. 
America is an empire like Rome. The ‘executive’ branch is balanced by Congress and Senate and the Supreme Court. Separation of Powers means all power doesn’t rest in the executive hands. That’s the exact opposite of Aetheist Communist Dictatorships and the Christian Buddhist and Islamic Dictorships. Empire are a bit removed like the Castle of existentialist Kafka.  It’s passionless.  Religious dictatorships have a hands on quality.  The leaders ‘order’ the deaths of the Ughers or Tibetans or Christians or Jornalists. They like the personal where as in the west the lawyers like a modicum of ‘deniability’ and can’t gloat over the death of their enemies.  Mafia bosses and Clinton Family members never have any behind closed doors fun with the bodies.  Perhaps Mafia bosses do but they have to be careful. Xi Jinping and Sultan’s don’t. ISIS was. True to the faith. 
Now i digress. I always digress.
The fact is I liked Mr. Trump. I liked Mr. Harper and with Mr. Harper I saw the first sign of the east. It’s called ‘ad hominem’.  It’s the attack on the personal character of the person who disagrees with you. In a debate you lose at the point you descend to name calling and personal attack. In a fight the referee steps in and disqualifies the person who hit below the belt. But with the attack on Harper there was never any mention of his policy or what he did. It was the first of the Hate compaigns I’d seen in Canadian politics. Hate Harper. Why. No reason. Hate Harper. Why. He’s a racist. He white. He ‘s educated . He plays piano. Just Hate Harper.
We call the paranoid position ‘them and me”. .  Suddenly the paranoid position “Hate Harper’ based on fear mongering was the backbone of the Trudeau campaign . Appeal to the basest sentiment fear. Drive the electorate with fear.  Then there was Hate Trump.  Before he was elected to any level of the Republican Machiney it was Hate Trump. Trump is a very different man from Harper. Harper is an impeccable person a bit like Ralf Nader. There’s no skeltons in his sexual closet. He’s an accountant. Not like Trudeau who pays off little girls and has slept with anything warm or cold blooded. Obama and Clinton like him for that while other world leaders don’t like to shake his hand wondering what it’s touched.  Yet here was Trump attacked in the same Hate Harper way.  Cancel politics and identity Politics.  The Book Golden Bough is about the group sacrifice of the King and the cannibalism of the tribe when the rains don’t come.  Yet Canada was at the height of glory when Mr. Harper was cannibalized though Mr. Trump was taken down by the unconventional war of the Wuhan Zombie Virus and the Fentanyl exports by the Communist Chinese Military. A day of Mr. Trumps presidency didn’t go by without personal attack on his character. JFK whose personal life was a train wreck simply couldn’t have governed under that constant back stabbing by the corrupt Congress. 
It’s said there are only two things an American Congressman {and little variation for Congress women given equal or greater latitude) can’t do is, get caught in bed with a dead girl or a live boy. Congresswomen are allowed any live indescretion and can blame it on booze or assault but even they can’t be caught with dead bodies or children  in their beds. All else is okay. 
So suddenly this highly corrupt body is holding the executive to a standard the Pope can’t meet. How many blow jobs have been given in the White House. No one understands that Starr’s questions weren’t sexual they were contractual.  Clinton lied. When he said he had ‘no sexual contact’ with Monica he was bold faced lying to his judge.  The president was married and sexual affairs occur in matrimony but you must know a blow job is sexual or you can’t be allowed the trigger to nuclear holocaust. And you can’t bold face lie to the Congress. But I’ll bet that a lot of oral, anal and vaginal sex has gone on in the Whitehouse.  Liberal PM Mackenzie King used to entertain prostitues when he was PM in Canada.  More concerning he thought his dead dog Spot channeled his mother’s ghost. Which of course makes Canadian’s concerned when Trudeau hides in what once was his mother’s basement for days on end and comes out looking like a crack addict with a Porn Hub account who hasn’t slept in days.  There might be a whole party happening in the basement.  Canada doesn’t have a free press like the US once did.  Saudi Prince’s and Xi Jinping and other world leaders have never had to deal with the free press that talked of JFK and Marilyn Monroe. Journalists go missing all the time around the world. You can’t question the authorities anywhere but in a democracy.  
Now the Big Tech companies in anti trust law consolidation with big Media in anti trust law consolidation have taken control of the media and are flexing their muscles showing they can censor the sitting president of the US and silence tens of millions of conservative Christians among others.  The price in their stocks sky rocketed with that flaunting of power.  No one would dare tangle with such monsters.
Totalitarianism and globalism are here.
I smelt sulphur when Mr. Harper was bull dozed by the pretty boy drug selling Trudeau brand.  Seeing Mr. Trump go down like he did was like watching Clinton fall to a slip of the tongue.  Accountability is one thing but attack on people for the ‘tone’ of a grunt in a tough bowel movement is beyond the beyond. The personal behaviour of everyone is at fault. He without sin can throw the first stone said Jesus.  King Lear said I’m more sinned against than sinning. Those words apply now.
I’m deeply sad because I see the evil of dictatorship coming from the great alliance of Sharia Communism.  The UN dictatorship is probably already upon us. Mr. Trump and Mr. Harper were that last squeaks.  Trudeau was training the Communist army. Hunter Biden served Xi Jinping and soiled his father. Obama was in bed with Iran. it’s all miserable. I often think that the Gods of Ancient Greece, that mythology we are taught is just the metaphor for the leaders of the day. Zeus fucking everything that moved like the Kings while Hera kills everything she can like the Hillaries.  It’s all above my pay grade. I was glad to learn that the CIA killed JFK.  The last few years of seeing the corruption in the FBI has been as revealing as seeing the corruption in the RCMP at the top. At the bottom of these pyramids there are hard working good men and women but power corrupts and absolute power corrupts.
When the child says to his father he wants to go into crime, the father asks , public or private. Government or individual. Steal a little and they put you in jail , steal a lot and they make you king. Dr. Johnson.  
I know that there is no truth in this world. I’m a spiritual being living in a material world. Jesus said he was not king of this world. Even Marx said Money is the God of the Jews. It’s certainly the God of corporations.  
Politics is sports for the intellectual. I know that the election was rigged like the soccer games are rigged. The head of Macau gambling explained it all to the British Police .I’ve a friend who was on the committee for an international beauty context and explained why the ‘ugly’ girl won.  Power corrupts.  This is worldly. I’m coming to the end of my time. I need to spend more time in prayer and meditation.  Gandhi said that. Martin Luther King said the same. It’s a tough day . Spend more time in prayer and meditation.
I was distracted by the politics entertainment. Now it’s more war or rumours of war.  But here I need to sit cross legged or on my knees.  
Mr. Harper and Mr. Trump are good men. It’s sad to watch them scapegoated. I fear the mob violence that has become the normal here.  Mob justice. Emotionalism. All the 1930’s behaviour that tore down Germany and Russia and China before Mao. 
I loved the Beatles song We don’t want a revolution.  Mobs and crime families rise in the breakdown of society.  The Inner Rot makes the outer walls collapse. I’m tired of being a voice in the wilderness. I just want to live out my final days peacefully. I’d go sailing but it’s not safe for Christians, white men or Canadians at home or abroad anymore. The zombies are on the march. Killing fields of Pol Pot and the Black Death gangs of Rhodesia.  Give peace a chance. It had it’s chance. It’s gone. Andy Warhol’s said everyone has 20 minutes. Not politics. Regimes last hundreds of years.  America and Canada and Europe are devolving to the Sharia Communist of the old war lords, men above the law, tyrants with more reptilian blood than human.  My friend was disappeared in Canada. I talked with a South American who fled Argentina when his friends began to disappear. I am sorry to see Hong Kong go down.  My friends are afraid for their families and have been threatened here in Canada by the Communist Chinese Secret Police. No one knows what Xi Jinping has on Trudeau.  Video, body parts. Who knows.  No one is safe today.  I’m glad Trumpe wasn’t assasinated . I miss JFK.  
In heaven we’ll get all the answers. I’m looking forward to finding out what happened to Spot, Mackenzie King’s dog.  I suspect the dogs that roamed the White House have some tales.
I feel safest with dogs these days.  People scare me. Especially people in power. Especially powerful people who abuse power. 

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