Thursday, August 20, 2020

Politics of Hope

Communist China is presently imploding like all socialist communist countries do after a matter of decades.  The USSR hardly lasted a hundred years. National Socialism of Hitler lasted hardly decades.  Communist China is hanging on by a thread.  
As Margaret Thatcher said, the problem with socialism is it runs out of other people’s money.
The problem with communism is it is a dictator that rewards loyal thugs but doesn’t encourage the innovative a creative. As a kleptocracy communism’s success is sacrificing millions of the rich in their own population and stealing from it’s neighbors.  Given that the rewards always go to the managerial class of the Communist party ii is little different from any robber baron state.  Historically they have always had to build walls and laws to keep people in.  By contrast countries free with opportunity and encouragement of the creative and enterprising end up having to build walls to keep people out.  
Predators always attack the weak.  China invaded the peaceful Tibetan Buddhist nation and genocide the monks forcing the Dalai Lama to flee to India. India had a short try of socialist communism but managed to escape from the brink without the normal warfare.  It is well said that you can vote yourself into communist socialism but you can only shoot your way out.  Lenin euphemistically called it ‘Dictatorship of the Proletariat’.  
Kennedy faced down Kruschev in the famous Kennedy Missile Crisis.  The communists nuclear missiles into the communist mass murderer Castro’s  Cuba for their invasion of the United States. The world was on the brink of nuclear war.  If Kennedy had shown weakness, WW3 would have taken place on American soil.  However, like all predators Krushev backed down hoping to face a weaker American leader in the future.  They would instead continue their Fifth Column invasion of the political, education and media systems of the country.  It was Kennedy that claimed the high ground of defense in outer space as well, blocking the Russia attempt to establish an outer space garrison. It was no surprise that he was eventually assasinated, like Caesar, through the fault of external and internal betrayal.
In Canada CSIS, our national intelligence service, has declared that the Communist Chinese have infiltrated the political, education systems and media to the highest levels.  
Presideant Reagan faced off against Gorbachev in the Salt II missile treaties and subsequent desert storm arms bazaar. Reagan didn’t back down.  He was nearly assassinated but the USSR communist dictatorship collapsed.  With it’s collapse the truth became told of the worst workmanship, wide spread depression, suicide and alcoholism. Fetal deaths highest in the modern world.  Half their missies would not have fired because they didn’t have maintenance. The elite of communist countries are always the best fed with the greatest walled mansions, what the Russians called ‘dachaus’, but the people lived hopeless slave like existences constantly under threat of the Gulags. 
Now mass murderer Xi Linping’s Communist China has attacked the west. This time with the unconventional warfare of the Chimera Covid 19 virus, an internationally outlawed lab experiment that escaped but rather than being stopped was allowed to spread and infect the world.  The immediate gain for Communist Xi Linping was the armored lock down of the Hong Kong rebellions. A million of the 6 million Hong Kong Chinese, the worlds greatest minds, a peaceful industrious people like the Tibetans who the low brow uncultured barbarian  Communist Chinese massacred.  Now they broke the international treaties with Britain and the rest and arrested leading Hong Kong Freedom advocates. These are not the street riff raff that loot and murder calling themselves Antifida and being paid by George SOROS to sow dissent and dischord. These Hong Kong Freedom Movement leaders are famous men like Lai, who is the Asian Gandhi or Martin Luther King today. The Communist Chinese who have jailed millions of the Chinese after Mao before Xi Linping had murdered a hundred million of their own people in the so euphemistically Cultural Civil Wars of rape and pillage.  Now the peaceful religious Falun Gong were the latest victim of international criminal Xi Linping. Solzhenitsyn chronicled the debauchery of the Communist Socvialist Russian jailers who brutalized the intellectuals of the day, millions called ‘political dissidents’ and worked to death in Siberia, so Xi Lingping has dose the same so that American corporations can sell their vanity products cheap because of the low cost of Chinese slave labor.  But today the aging Communist Chinese elite aren’t satisfied with slave labor they now use the children for sex slave and arrest the young healthy fervent Falun Gong stealing their organs to keep the Communist elite alive.  The Ughers by the millions, have been ethnically cleansed.
The dissatisfaction of the Chinese population has never been higher as they see their labor stolen by the corruption that is rife in communist countries.  The communists like the East German stazi files showed include the evidence that the surviellance of the people and threats to work are worse than what occurred in the USSR. It explains the shoddy workmanship and constant mobilization of internal Chinese police against their own people.  
Now with revolution spreading throughout China Xi Linping having released the virus to the world has invaded India, already moving 20 000 troops across the border and killing 20 Indian soldiers. He has in the last months sunk several Vietnamese ships and moved two air craft carriers into the China Sea claiming on the three most important waterways shared with Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia and other countries against breaking international agreements just like Hitler broke countless international laws before he invaded Poland outright with his famous Blitzkrieg.
Xi Linping poisoned the world with the Covid virus and believed that this attack would crash the west. Having loaned money to countless countries he immediately called in his loans and reposted port facilities and roads and infrastructure projects like any loan shark having created the very obstacle to repayment that allowed the Communists to foreclose. Australia had to limit Communist Chinese ownership in projects because at the height of Covid the Chinese closed one of the largest hospital to further spread disease and create chaos.  
Churchill like Reagan and Kennedy had stood firm against the Communiss. Today the person who is like Kennedy standing firm is President Donald Trump.  History repeats itself.  China with it’s floods and poverty and lack of care for their people, Communist Pol Pot had murdered fifty percent of the Cambodian population stealing their wealth. Life under communist socialism has never been good for the people but like all dictatorships the elite have done very well. The comparison between the poverty and suffering of the Communist Northern Korean and free Southern Korea is undebatable.  
When a country is floundering within with it’s citizens unwed on the verge of starvation it’s been the time when dictators attack their neighbors hoping to steal money to keep their regime going a little longer.  Communist China’s ally Iran similarly struggling with internal rebellion and low standard off living has been attacking it’s neighbors and threatening Israel. All the while Israel and the US have been making unprecedented peace treaties and trade agreements that are mutually beneficial.
The Communist Chinese back democrats, not the democrat party of Kennedy, that greatest of American institutions, but rather this abortion of UN Agenda 21 and Davos 2019 the attempt at world communists socialism with the alliance between Patriarchal Communist China and Patriarchial Sharia Iran dictatorships.  It’s been set up as a Ponzi scheme with the utter most fear monger ing from the world will end every year from one catastrophe prediction after another. The Modern Climate Change Cult now the Virus Contagion fear monger or fear pornographers have a safe con going much like the Aztecs who convinced the neighbors to give them their virgins each year or the sun would come back. Give us money and virgins the leaders said and the sun will return.  Trillions of dollars have gone to the corrupt leaders of this latest of schemes with Canada for one having given a billion and a half to Climate Change projects and the criminals intellectuals didn’t even bother to write papers or account tor the money. It just went to the great political party that has gone one since before the Magna Carta.  
Now the November election of Republicans and Freedom faces off against the Democrats puppet of Communist China.  Xi Linping or Trump. Already in Canada Trudeau has made our country a branch office of Communist China, the new USSR.  Trudeau actually gave the security contracts for our airports to the Communist Chinese and was the last to close the border to Wuhan at the height of the pandemic in march.  
History repeats itself.  Antifida are the Brown Shirts of Nazi, National Socialism. Donald Trump is as vilified by Democrat controlled media as Churchill was vilified by English media. Churchill was consider vulgar because his mother was American and he lacked the proper etiquette and manners of the English legal class.  So there’s Donald Trump, a business man who is constantly criticized by the left for his lack of the lawyer polish that Bush and Obama and Clinton had.  He’s not a lawyer. Some say the ‘lawyer class’ is the equivalent of the Communist Party or the old powerful Masonic Lodge. The truth is Donald Trump is Churchilll, Reagan and Kennedy. Xi Linping is Hiler.  In Canada Trudeau is the village idiot.

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