Saturday, August 8, 2020

Saturday, Library and Apple

I woke early enough without the alarm.  Gilbert wanted a pet. I played with him a bit.  Prayer and meditation. Shower. A walk. It was raining. It was cold last night and I took out another comforter.  I ignored the rain. Gilbert wasn’t so tolerant.  After a short walk to the bridge he turned back.  He had his walk, his medications and now was ready for a morning nap. 
I had only one plan.  To get a library card.  So despite the rain, I simply donned a rain coat and headed out to New Westminster on my Vespa.The New Westminster Public Library is right across the street from the Royal City Centre. I was thankful the rain had stopped. The ladies at the library were delightful. I received my first library card in years. I had had a Vancouver Library Card but stopped using it after a lot of use a decade or so ago.  Now I want to access the online books.  I am uncomfortable with masks and Covid.  Lots of people out and about.  Business increasingly as usual. Traffics increased.  
I left the library with a new card and looked up forward to using it. I’ve bought so many Kindle books at Amazon and look forward to saving some money and having a wider selection.  it’s another learning curve too.  Eventually I’d like to figure out how to do research on line.  I do with pub med and medicine but find the internet so stacked.  I’d like to just do the old fashion research but from the comfort of my home, like I did at the inversion. For now I was pleased to have the card and do look forward to returning to the physical space of the lovely library when Covid is a little further along. 
I had dropped my IPhone 11 Pro and cracked the screen. Since it worked and I was so dependent on it for work, I’d not had it fixed. Now Apple was back open. I was concerned about getting water in the phone by accident.I felt it time to remedy the situations.
I remember when my 50 cc Honda struggled to go over the Cambie Bridge. Now I was on a Vespa 300 GT Touring Scooter about to cross the Alex Fraser Bridge. No problem. 120 km and some cross winds but the Vespa did it just fine. Nice travelling the freeway too.  
In Surrey I headed to the Guildford Mall.  At Apple I made an apt for the Genius Bar.  Face masks required and they were taking temperatures. I had a half hour to wander about the store and decided to check out Hudson’s Bay. In the Bay I realized how much I’d enjoyed shopping there over the years. Now I was uncomfortable and went outside to wait some more.  When it was my time for the Genius Bar I got the notification on the phone, went in and had a very positive encounter.  
I also bought a new pair of air pods and the new I pad keyboard. This iPad Magic Keyboard is the best.  The air pods are okay. No real advance over the skookum blue tooth ones I have and now can’t find. I think they’re in my camper.  I’m having trouble hearing some people when I’m working virtual and keep trying different systems. This will likely work. I hear on the phone well but my own voice sounds disconnected.  Definitely an improvement.
I waited outside with my iPad sitting in the sun till they’d had an hour to fix the screen. Kaloo Kalay!  No damage to the display, just a new screen needed.  Apple Care covered that. 
In the sunshine, I had a great ride home. I loved the views from the bridge.  New Westminster is beautiful.  I let Gilbert out for a pee.  Now I’m resting before taking him for a walk in the sunshine.  Thankfully we have sunshine again.  I also just ordered new all year round gnarly Vespa tires so I’ll feel safe when I take the Vespa with me first week of bow hunting.  
It’s surprising how summer is passing.  I could use  another month of July. I was just getting to enjoy the sunshine.  I have to get my bow out of the storage locker to and make sure it’s all ready to go.  I think I’ll have to bring my camper in to deal with the the water pump leak.  It only happens when I use the water pump.  But I’ll not want to have a water leak if I’m wilderness camping. I could stay where there are hookups.  
It’s what I’ve now begun to think about.  Covid and Vaccines and Antifida and Domestic Terorists BLM and Trudeau selling Canada to the Communist Chinese take second place.  What’s on my mind now is anticipation about the washer and drier I ordered, getting my bow, and arranging to bring my camper in town for repairs before hunting season.  September to November, equipment has to be ready for the opportunities that may arise to get out of the city.  I really would like venison. I’ve been saying that for a couple of years.  I’ll unthaw my last rabbit this weekend and have stew through next week. Superstitiously that will improve my fortunes.  The rule is you can’t get new game when you’re not finished the old.

Thank you God for all your blessings.  Thank you Jesus.  

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