Saturday, August 15, 2020


I believe that nature has produced male and female. This is the majority.  There are exceptions which represent millions who don’t fit in today’s society.  This group of the ‘other’ isn’t 72 genders. Male, female or other “sex” is objective biologically speaking. Once marriage was solely the union of biological men and women. Today the word ‘marriage’ refers to a wider perspective. Once family dominated society and production of children was central to the wealth and power of society.  Today that is no longer all there is.  The individual and the group of individuals loosely associated along friendship lines is a fact of reality.  Two generation back family size was commonly 6 to 10. Today it’s more likely to be 1 to 3 with many opting out of the reproductive rule.  Robert Bly wrote a book describing the new unconvential aspects of modern times as the ‘sibling society’. 

Certainly there has been a rise, much due to government policy, in the single parent families.  Traditional society is still the mainstream.  Most men and most women are heterosexual and tend to form heterosexual unions.  Most couples have children. Yet anthropologists described the modern west as ‘serial monogamy’.  Dr. Judith Wallenstein studied 50 years marriages at Stanford and they weren’t that hard to find.  When Dr. Kinsey sought to find stable homosexual couples thirty years ago they were rare. Not so today. There has been a rise, albeit small, in long term gay relationships and a decline in long term stable relationships.  Society is definitely changing in epidemiologically in western democracies where freedom has been greatest.

In communism there is still the authoritarianism and totalitarian aspects that make deviance from the norm so difficult.  Certainly Marx and Engles were anti family and saw the family as a threat to the rule of their god, the State or Collective.  Not surprisingly communism, described as hard socialism, proto communism (Stalin) and socialism as ‘soft communism’, is indeed patriarchal.  Communism with Lenin’s provision, dictatorship of the proletariat, has always been patriarchal like the Middle East dictatorship of Islam compared the more matriarchal socialism.

Matriarchy has be reconsidered in the light of modern society.  A strong argument has been made that postmodernism is just ultramodernism.  Feminism was mostly ‘imitation of men’ where imitation was the ‘sincerest form of flattery’. Joseph Campbell distinguished tribal development as differentiated between the young girls and boys and the elder men an women.  The book, Who stole feminism’ described the change from egalitarianism and matriarchy of the suffragette movement and women’s liberation to the social communism of todays’ feminism with the denigration of traditions women, mothers and their roles, compared to the masculine culture of modern feminism celebrating the tomboy and lesbian and describing the mothers as ‘breeders’.  

The transgender is an ‘other’.  Neither male or female in the traditional sense.  Biologically male or female though there are exceptions such as the XXY of Klinefelter’s Syndrome. Dredger in her classic book, the Hermaphrodites and the Medical Invention of Sex documents historically the movement to today of sexual investigation culminating in the Kinsey Institute.

Birds, thought the descendants of dinosaurs, have every possible sexual expression.  A little time in front of the chimpanzee cage shows that if Darwin was right we didn’t descend from a ‘polite sexual society’. Indeed sexual expression was first and foremost a pleasurable actiity that was repeated because of its inherent pleasure. It wasn’t until humans moved from solely hunters and gatherers to husbandry and shepherding that it can be said for sure that ‘breeding’ was understood and reproduction was connected in an early ‘aha’ moment as the repetition of the 9 month cycle occurred . For all we know early humans thought ‘spring’ caused babies. Fertility myths and rituals aren’t as clear as obstetrics and pediatric texts today by any means.  

It wasn’t always a taboo either.  French philosopher Ivan Illich in his classic book, Gender looks less to the importance of sexuality as the social role.  

Sociobiology says that the social role follows the biological drives of survival and reproduction. Clearly heterosexuality best fulfills that bill.  Children historically have been tools weapons and old age security.  Amish studies clearly show that women’s health and longevity is increased and extended up to 12 children. An African leader said a man’s manhood is the number of children.  By contrast gay men are at risk of living 10 or 20 years less than their cohort.  Transsexuals share those grim statistics.

But who says we’re here for a long time not a good time. There is a however strong evidence that the longer the association with the parents the greater wealth and success.  This gave rise to the joke, has Prince Charles left home yet?  In Asian and Middle eastern societies the elders of both sexes have tremendous importance to the family. In aboriginal society it’s the grandparents that often are the main social reservoir and guides to the next generation.  

In today’s mixed societies we have people still immersed in tribal society like Somalians compared to the post empire nationalists of European society.  The complexity of a society increases with age and size.  The attraction of the commune was it’s reversion to the apparent simplicity of the tribal society.  60’s kids opted out simply overwhelmingly the apparent demands of modern society not realizing the difficulties of tribal society..  Jared Diamond’s book the “World until Yesterday’ certainly gives great insight into the pros and cons of tribal culture that make it less attractive than escapist fantasies.

Since the introduction of scientific birth control, rythym method works for stable intelligent individuals, but the condom and later the birth control pill introduced in the 50’s were needed to fundamentally change Society.

There have always been outliers like the Joan of Arc or the Civil War female surgeons. They were exceptional like the women who choose motherhood and family today opting to maintain their marriages and have more than the prescribed one child replacement but rather celebrating woman hood and parenting with 3 or more children.  Chanel , the great fashion designer, introduced the pant suit which Hillary wore as a symbol of her identification with men, the new patriarchy.  Today women collectively are transgendered in their behavior and much of their fashion.  No longer celebrated as the mother of Alexander the First was, Queen Judith, wife of a king and mother of three kings, or Mrs. Bush, wife of the world leader and mother of another world leader. No today the girls like Myla Cyress with her ‘wrecking ball’ song and sexual activities similar to the Ghengis Kahn family noted for having the greatest progeny of all time. The trouble is that moderns don’t reproduce or raise their children blaming schools and society if they turn out to be serial murderers.

Reptiles are distinguished from animals because the latter care for the children.  They have family and social development with humans having the longest.  Girls in Islamic middle eastern and African society married as soon as they could give birth while men took wives in what the west would consider teen years. The brain of a human doesn’t stop rapidlhy until roughly 25 year  an now we see increasing numbers of children still in school and living at home until close to 30.  Again the question arises, has Prince Charles left home? He certainly hasn’t ‘grown up’ by some standards and the elite have always been recognized by their penchant for adolescent behavior late in life.  Justin Trudeau is an obvious example acting like he’s in her is early teens yet a grey haired middle aged man.

While women became outwardly transgendered in the 30’s and the war brought them into taking on traditional male roles like ship’s mechanics and pilots, surfing the war effort of the 40’s, it wasn’t until ‘men in frocks’ beat the men in uniforms or the boys in pink beat the boys in blue at the famous transgender Stonewall event that heralded the gay rights movements. Ironically it was Male to Female transvestism that celebrated the ‘outsider’ status. Yet today the gay men have identified with the mainstream culture fitting in to the role with decreasing identification with the transgender movement that was so much apart of the social change of the last years.

In Pink Swatika, the gays who were gassed with the Jews in the great Holocaust of Hitler’s Final Solution ,euthanasia ,to purge the gene pool of Jews, it was the Gypsy’s and the effeminate gays or those who tended to transgender that were gassed. By contrast the macho gays , sometimes called ‘tops’ were welcome in the SS.  Some police today  have said they are so Hyper sexual women alone can’t supply their needs. Indeed bisexuality may well be more common than once thought.  Where women are not available there is a tendency for men to switch roles fulfilling the sexual needs of the macho men for traditions provision and protection that women have historically sought. Hence in jails this is commonly seen but was also seen in the Wild West and in military units. Indeed whereeer there are prohibitions against homosexual behavior is where it was most common.

Transgender behavior is a broad category with cross dressing male being 90% heterosexual like cross dressing women have to this day. At the other extreme there are transsexual men who become women in all ways except genes and would consider sex with a woman abhorrent.  

I believe that heterosexual family oriented men and women, the mainstream of society have created this society which has been extremely successful and is the pinnacle of objective historical reality to date.  I believe that inclusion has been more extensive here than anywhere else in the world or history.  I believe that too many intellectuals especially journalists living in their parents basements come up with all manner of adolescent ideology, the kind of thing that kafetch Marx did in his day and Trudeau does today.

I speak only to the issue of adults. I think that parents have the primary investment, and ultimately do the work and risks of having children. I believe the state has long over stepped it’s authority in regards to the children. It’s propaganda and education, exposed so well by Pink Floyd, is abominable.  I do not believe the state should over ride parents but I don’t believe parents have a right to harm or sell their children.  I don’t believe they are right in collusion with the state to impose hormone treatment and surgical procedures on the children to change gender before the child is at the age of consent. 

Children have been noted from time immemorable to go through ‘stages’ of gender euphoria and role confusion.  It is the role of parents and society to assist children through these  phases till they reach an age of independence.  That age of independence has historically been the age at which time an adult can go to war in their society.  In the west this has been 18 however in Islam it’s been as young as 12 which if that is the case, then sure let those ‘adults’ make a decision independent of their family as to their gender.  Society must set some standards or accept anarchy.  Perhaps if the trend of permissive parenting and permissive society continues we can have children raised for their body parts and sold as sexual toys.  Traditionally this would be considered ‘devolution’ rather than ‘evolution’.   Bishop Spong became infamous or famous by asking should we take advice in the advanced civilization of the west from tribesman who had indeed ‘just climbed down from the trees’. 

Biology purports that here is increasingly complexity and order in the cellular world,starting with one cell creatures and culminating in man. Multiculturalism purports that man and an amoeba are equal yet multiculturalism in reality prescribes strictest rules and demonstrates the greatest hypocrisy while arguing all things are equal. In Animal Farm it is clear that some animals are more equal than others.  Such is the case with the transgender community and the LGBT community no matter how appealing the philosophy sounds.  Teenagers historically have chosen the writing of Hitler over Thomas Jefferson. Propaganda appeals to the greatest mass.  Marketing and propaganda are derived from the same root whereas truth is a different fish indeed.

The elite, the highly educated and well off, and in the west in general freedom is greater than for the slave or the man working to avoid starvation for his family.  Sexual deviance and creativity are not the stuff of the poor and struggling.  Cave drawings were thought to have been created on full stomachs. Similarly for many transgenderism is a luxury though it’s politically incorrect to tell the truth.  I don’t say for all but for some.  Most people as Thoreau so aptly said, lead lives of quiet desperation.  Not so us and not so those who come in the future.  Choices are expanding for the majority.  

Now if we were to actually invest in space travel, which we desperately need and shall do, then the colonization of the galaxy awaits and mothers will once again be celebrated as they were at the height of the empire when mothers told their daughters to lie back and think of England.  With space travel children will be needed and mothers will again be admired for their creativity but more importantly their capacity to nurture and raise their children to be the leaders of the next generation. 

 There will always be transgenderism.  Indeed a time will likely come when sexuality and gender will no longer be divisive but for that to occur we collectively will have to leave behind the dead weight of Marx and other intellectuals whose failed promises are associated with millions dead. 

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