Thursday, August 27, 2020

Another day in Covid times

I will keep on trucking. I will remain positive. I will have hope. I will keep regular hours. I will get up early each day. I will wash. I will make coffee and eat. I will get exercise outside. I will go about whatever work I have to do. I will carry on. I will have faith. I will pray. 
I am a spiritual being experiencing a limited material existence. I will one day know why. I am blessed to have this day. I must focus on the positive. I will be grateful for what is good. If something aches I will be thankful for that which doesn’t ache. If something doesn’t work I will be thankful for what does work. I will look to the positive. It is one day. I can get through this one day. I will not panic. I will not be afraid. 
I will not run naked down the street. I will not bark at the passing people. I will not dry hump the furniture or the bushes in the yard. I will not poop on the street. I will not loot. I will not scream obscenities at the authorities.  I will not kill and eat the brains of the neighbours.  I am not a vegan. I will barbecue. I will enjoy my food. I will chew. I will use my toothbrush.  I will make more coffee. 
I will read uplifting books like crime thrillers and westerns and science fiction of invading alien hoards .I will remember that we were once faced with Neanderthals and big wild cats and we prevailed.  I will not let the media influence me with thier lies, phony news and fear mongering. Many journalists and politicians are losers but I am not a loser. I will thrive in these trying times. 
I will use the toilet. I will brush my teeth. I will pay my bills. I will ask for help from friends and family if I need it. I will not isolate. I will practice social distancing but I will phone friends and families and say nice things . I will not phone people and not speak and wait till they hang up and imagine them having difficulty falling back to sleep wondering who called them at 3 am. I wlll not light dog poo in paper bags on their door steps, ring the doorbell and run way, only  to laugh when they stamp out the fire with their bed room slippered feet then walk through their house getting dog poo on their carpets. I will not kick over walkers of little old ladies and laugh at them when they are down. I will not steal the lunch money of little kids. I will not rape the girls and boys of other races or religions or just because they live next door. I will not have commit incest. 
I will watch uplifting movies on television. I will not order pizza and kill and eat the organs or the delivery boys and girls and bury their remains in the back yards of neighbours late at night then kill all witnesses. I will watch less criminals minds and detective televisions and more science fiction. I will buy a telescope and look at the skies hoping for help to eventually come and bring us better leadership than the home grown stuff we have right now. I will pray for intelligence. For myself and those other people. They don’t know who I mean and that is the trouble. 
I will barbecue and drink coffee sleep and defecate in the toilet. I will change my clothes. I will not try to fly off high buildings. I will not join gangs of people on the streets for the purpose of beating up people and stealing their stuff and claiming I’m a good guy, no matter what euphemistic names they give themselves.  I will not fool myself or others. I will avoid insanity. I will try not to be delusional. 
I will read this carefully and ask for forgiveness from whatever higher power I have for wanting a cigarette, crack cocaine, human body parts, death to enemies , fentanyl and carfentanil, I will avoid drinking copious amounts of alcohol and smoking copious amounts of substances. I will not inject my arms with foreign substances .I will not binge eat even socially acceptable foods. 
I repeat I will not run naked down the street screaming fuck fuck fuck. I will get up at the right time each day and go about the normal things that normal people do that I may never have done because I’ve never been normal but I know what they mean even if they are not normal either and I just assume other people are doing normal things when I find out they are having mass orgies with stolen aboriginal children on billionaire islands with designer drugs made in university labs and hanging out with beauty queens and lawyers and accountants,  apparently learning to have fun from rocks stars and jazz musicians. 
I will pee in the toilet. I will dress. I will eat regular meals. I will take out the garbage. I will not eat the brains of my neighbours. I will wash.  I will make more coffee. I will prevail. 

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