Monday, August 31, 2020

Dog walk

Laura was over for the weekend so Gilbert was so pleased. Twice the treats and twice the walks. 
I’d had to do a couple of days of sorting the storage locker for the movers. One of the storage lockers notified me they were closing and I had to move my office holdings. I had another from my previous office so spent a couple of days sorting and removing dozens of boxes of business files from clinical files for the shredders. 
It’s the timing of these things. I appreciate the motivation.I’ve had years to go through and chuck these business files from 20 years ago. 7 years is the length of time for business files. As I had the space I didn’t really feel the need to reduce except when I had another storage locker from the last move. Now I’ve given furniture and other ‘stuff’ to the church while Gilbert and Laura had wonderful sunny day walks without me. I felt I was doing good though and am ready for the movers. The shredding firm are leaving locked boxes I can throw the stuff into and then it’s just a matter of getting the fellows who digitalize old files. I was surprised at all the hospital patients I’d seen in my country work and the number of vets I’d seen. I surely did enjoy that work.
I rode to and from the storage locker on the Vespa picking up Fatburger meals for Laura and Gilbert and I for an evening of movies.
We also drove out to Chilliwack to pick up the camper to bring in for Eric to solve the water leak. It’s likely just a clamp connection issue but I don’t know how to access the pump fittings and frankly don’t want to do the work. I had Boorman’s restring my bow and fix the quiver.  Bow Hunting season begins this week and I am so looking forward to the break.  Laura and I always get away to enjoy this time of the year out camping. I hike the woods with Gilbert carrying a bow as an excuse for enjoying days in the woods. I’ve shot deer and grouse with the bow but mostly it’s just the prettiest time to be camping.
The following week rifle hunting deer season opens and the weekends over the years of the fall have usually been out in the woods with Gilbert and Laura taking care of the camp. With Gilbert having his heart condition and only able to walk short distances he’s preferred to stay at the camper with Laura while I’ve headed out into the woods on the motorcycle. This year I’m taking a Vespa since I’ve had no desire to go off the beaten path like I did when I was younger with the Honda 250 or the various quads I had over the year. Now I tend to stay on the country road or logging road, park and hike a bit in the woods, careful not to take any risks. I was immortal when I was younger and carried deer over my shoulders down mountains or rode down mountain sides with a deer on the back of the motorcycle or across the hood of a quad. No more.  I am adjusting to age and strength. 
Now walking Gilbert at his pace with lots of stops and sniffs is just fine with me. I take the camera and get bird shots.  Sorting through the files I’d found old pictures and had nostalgia moments. Mostly when I was younger I liked portrait and scenery but now I’m so enjoying little bird pictures.  I do take a lot of Gilbert too.  
Covid continues. I enjoyed a zoom doctors meeting but have only been contact with family and friends on phone only occasionally face time or zoom. All day I see or hear patients and at night I’m pretty exhausted by the medium.  Walking Gilbert has been the greatest relief.  It’s meditation in motion, a time for prayer an a time to listen to bird songs.  

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