Sunday, June 14, 2020

June 14, 2020 The Plague of-Cultural Marxism/Social Communism

We had the plague, then the lockdown, then the riots.

Cultural Communism, Social Marxism are just a couple of the names for the wedding of Marx and Freud at the Frankfurt School.
The essence of Marxism was the paranoid position. I and them. The beogeoisie and the proletariat. Marx said there needed to be perpetual class warfare between the rich and poor till Communism won and there was a classless proletariat society.  

It was a rather reductionist, simplistic, and wrong. Fabianism, the socialist theory that said there were three classes, the upper, middle and lower gave rise to the successful Union movements. The Middle Class was the Guilds.  Ultimately a just society would put this group of meritocracy and competence central with elevation of the poor to wealth through education and cooperation. 

Where ever Marxist paranoia “I and them’ by contrast has been imposed, the poorer have become poorer and the elite rich richer.  War has prevailed.
Cultural marxism and social communism moved away from economics to social groups and then joined them, rather arbitrarily, by the word ‘oppressed’. So the salt shaker ‘oppresses’ the ‘pepper shaker’.  Men oppress women. Whites oppress blacks. Yellow oppresses red.   It goes on ad infinitum.  Leonard Cohen called it the ‘war’ and said the odd is at war with the even. 

Lenin introduced the term ‘dictatorship of the proletariat’ .  Communism has forever remained dictatorship, a gangsterism construct  always justified by dubious intellectual authority.  Intellectualism was the equivalent to Aetheist Godless Communism as the Church was to the Monarchy. To communism the State or the dictatorship, by individual or  committee.  

The dictator then makes  a list of people with grievances and uses ‘divide and conquer’  to gain greater control.   Favourites played against one another in the ‘social marxism’ or cultural communism ‘oppression’ flavour of the month.  

All women are oppressed. All men are bad.
All blacks are oppressed. All whites are bad.
All criminals  are good. All police are bad

Take any ‘binary’ and in Marxism,the Climate denier ‘oppresses’ the ‘climate change saint’.  The whites oppress the blacks.  It’s a tedious moralistic judgemental, informal based paranoid society as a result. 

The trouble is in African nations dominated by Blacks , the blacks oppress the Indians, Chinese and Whites. But as this doesn’t fit the State assigned narrative, it’s ignored.
Women who lie and falsely accuse men, putting thousands in jail for untold years out of spite are still  invariably the ‘oppressed’ and the ‘abused’.  The white slaves that were taken by the black Barbary Coast pirates are excluded from the narratives. Similarly the whole history of Communist murder, 80 million killed in USSR, 100 million killed in China, and half the country, 3 million murdered in Cambodia. All that is ignored. The lie is central.  The bigger the lie the better.

Generalizations and what Piaget called ‘concrete’ thinking, the pre adolescent, inability to abstract and think critically are the rule. Media plays predominantly to the masses which average less than high school.  College level thinking is the minority.  Hence mob violence. ANTIFA. Black Lives Matter and other Communist groups.

I don’t say that the so called ‘right’ don’t do the same. The Nazis’, National Socialists, did the same. Che Quevara jungle warfare is taught at West Point. Right now everything that was used by the Nazis to gain control and destroy Germany is being played out , not by National Socialists ,but by Communists,  International Socialists, in the world today. 

Ironically Islam is a partner in this as politics make strange bedfellows. Hitler and Stalin were allies.  Now Islam is also a construct of perpetual war.  Whereas perpetual war for Communism leads to ‘worker paradise’ with ‘dictatorship by the party’, Islam, the religion of peace, claims that when all are Muslim, then the ‘religion of peace’ will prevail.  The ends justify the means.

The difficulty with gangsterism and communism is that the other guy will turn on you when he has an opportunity so Hitler at the height of his power turned on his ally Stalin and attempted to invade Russia. 

That’s where we are today.  It’s not rocket science. I once wondered why the Mensheviks, the Russian majority communist party, lost control to the bolsheviks, the minority communist party. The reason was simple. Lenin, Tolstoy, Stalin and Molotov, Bolsheviks, promoted Assasination and Bank Robbery. They were cold blooded killers and  and thieves . They were the violent mob leaders and the Mensheviks were the moderates,  against murder and bank robbery.  Lenin and the Bolsheviks overthrew the Russian Parliamentary democracy and began to rewrite history.  

Today the Democrats are supporting violence, mob rule and robbery.  History repeats itself.  

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