Thursday, March 26, 2020

Thursday March 26 At home with Gilbert

7000 dead in Italy. We are into the third week and three weeks or so behind Italy.  We haven’t the deaths and the number of cases is rising solely because of the extension of testing.  The hospitals are full but not yet overwhelmed. It will be a close call. I think by next week we will see if we are going to have the resources.  The demand is increasing.  The key is in the percentages by age who need hospital and of those what percentage need to go onto intensive care.

In hospital they have IV fluids, O2 and suction as well as IV medication.  Other than that a whole lot of TLC from already overworked nurses and doctors there’s not much more than one can get at home.  811 is the emergency number to call to discuss going for testing and even going to hospital.  Obviously if you can’t breathe call an ambulance or a friend to get you to the emergency. Personally if I get sick I’m going to stay at home as long as I can because I like my space. I have chicken noodle soup. I always prefer my own bed and I won’t be spreading disease.  Gilbert is a good nurse.

The percentage of those in hospital who go on to need mechanical assistance with breathing is the key. This is a percentage of all those who are in hospital and where the bottle neck shortage really exists. There’s a finite number of resources and too many cases for the existing number of respirators. If the hospital and ICU resources are overwhelmed then the death rate jumps five times higher.  Considèr death rate of 10 to 15% for the over 80 crowd. Without hospital beds O2 etc or respirators this group’s mortality jumps to 50 to 60%. The same holds true for all the other groups. 

Social distance and isolation reduce the ‘run’ on the limited resources.  It’s just like toilet paper whereas in that case assholes hoarded it but in the case of respirators its not that people are choosing to use them.  The good news is that respirators can be bolted to the floors in hospitals. Otherwise we would have to fear the toilet paper hoarders and the sanitizers resellers would have stolen all the respirators in the city for their own personal greed.  

That’s why I’m thankful for the police and civilization and frankly what I’ve come to know as advanced Canadian culture. Canadians are caring, sharing, generous people who are known the world over as the best of killers too. Our women soldiers and men soldiers constantly get the sniper awards for longest shots.  We just are tolerant too.  As the majority of Canadians were taught the Christian value of tolerance and forgiving, turn your cheek 70 x 70 and judge not lest you be judged, that’s a finite number. Once we have shown forgiveness ‘enough’ we act.  So the police are thankfully arresting and confiscating and fining those people who are trying to take advantage of a bad situation.

I’m in a virtual office at home. It’s tough.  Yesteray 10 hours in front of the computer mostly listening to sorrowful tales and advising. I love telling people about the great leadership by our NDP Premier Horgan and Minister of Health Dix.  I think Dr. Bonny Henry needs the highest award for her calm and smart response to this public health crisis.  I qlove Dr. Oetter head of the College of Physicians and Surgeons and their quick responses and overall brilliant leadership.  UBC Department of Medicine has always been world renown clinically and in research so we’re seeing the Immunology Department, Infectious Disease and Microbiology and Pharmacology all responding letter perfect to an unprecedented crisis. The family physicians of this province have always been lauded across the country and they are showing their mettle. The Doctors of BC are just great.

India just went on lock down  1.5 billion people quarantined for 21 days except most essential services. I am blessed to know East Indians who are sharing what their families elsewheee are experience. Through this personal communication channel too we learned that Iran was lying like China had been but that France and Germany are facing the challenge stoically. Taiwan was as amazing as South Korea. It’s a bit like watching a Science, Politics and Intelligence Olympics. Iran right now is vying for the Darwin Award but Jamaica is doing well so far.

The Coronavirus will infect everyone until we have viable vaccines or herd immunity comes along.  Some very lucky rare individuals for reasons we don’t understand have natural immunity.  We saw this in Africa with these ‘truck stop hookers’. Truthfully I can’t remember what the scientific studies name was but it’s still being investigated because these rare individuals despite constant exposure to the Aids virus somehow didn’t get the disease but then did if they moved.  It remains a mystery.  Spontaneous remission is never something to be sneered at. Miracles happen. Grace exists but as my mother said “God gave you hands and a brain to use, so get up and help.”

Everyone now is helping by washing their hands and staying at home. I”ve loved Facebook. The Guppie Girl Dance routines in quarantine have been so funny and delightful.. I love the dogs nails painted red. I love the songs about quarantine It’s just great to see people coping and carrying on. That’s the same spirit which Britain was famous for in the great Battle of Britain.  We’re in a kind of Seige and our job is to survive and not go out where the enemy is waiting to pick us off.  Of course we have to go out for essentials and that’s the same in any seige.  Soldiers get shot going for water but they must go for water. So when I go out I try not to touch things, keep my social distance of 6 feet, and take off my clothes and shoes at the door when I come in. I put them aside and believe they’re ‘decontaminated in 12 hours’.  The virus stays on surfaces for 12 hours.

Otherwise Gilbert and I enjoy walking in the woods and don’t feel afraid in nature.

I’ve got to get ready for work. I’ve not devolved to staying in a house coat at the virtual office but I can see it might happen.  

Another great day in quarantine.  Singapore is already getting back to normal allowing more businessses to open.  I see Mr. Trump is saying we might be at that place by Easter.  India is hoping 21 days will control the wave and  ‘flatten the curve’.  I think Singapore might have been 6 weeks before they could loosen up. I believe we have at least another three or four weeks of cost to face because nationally we were so slow to react .  Thankfully our province and the Mayor of Vancouver took strict measures and we’re all working together with the help of our very fine and caring police.  

Thanks to everyone. God bless.  It’s great to be sober, clean and free and awake in these dire times.  I feel I’m ready to respond to what comes my way with the help of my faith and family and friends. I do pray for their safety and look forward to getting to the other side.  Hallelujah!

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