Thursday, March 19, 2020

Covid 19 Beginning of the wave

The city is surreal.  So few cars and people a bout.  Social isolation. Social distancing.  The SARS virus variation we called the Wuhan Flu and now Covid 19.  It’s made it to our shores from China, arriving mostly on jet. Some more carriers came from Iran and Italy.  Iran and China allies. 
The question is whether the release of the virus from the Wuhan labs was intentional or unintentional.  It’s never been seen before. The same argument used for Aids is being used for this virus. Animal human spread. That was a monkey. This was a bat.  The alternative is a bio weapon experiment gone bad or good. It remains to be seen.
The hellish lies of the pseudoscience of Climate Change has everyone skeptical.  Lawlessness and pipeline blockades with homeless tent cities had so many so utterly disappointed in the self serving government.  Now we’ve watched as PM Justin Trudeau has done most everything wrong imaginable. His not vetting migrants now continues with his lying about closing borders. By contrast Singapore has no deaths and using a hand held temperature scan checked all arrivals for fever the most common sympton of the respiratory disease.  
The Communist Chinese lost control of virus early and lied.  Fortunately for thousands a lead research doctor was a whistle blower and was severely punished and ultimately died like Jeffry Epstein.  Not a suicide but supposedly the disease he told the world about.  Thousands died in China.
The virus spreads. It’s novel. There is no natural immunity. Within a year perhaps 50% of the population will have contracted it.  Though mild comparatively for the young in 70% of cases ,those over 80 face a 15 % death rate. Without medical resources like IV’ and respirators the death rate jumps 5 fold.  
The Iranian Islam  religious police called everyone to the mosque.  This was the worst thing they could do. The stupidity of religion over science was no better shown in that sad gesture of dominance control and obedience.  A population culled by constant reign of terror gathered in the mosques and spread the disease. When the government was saying there were only 70 dead , families of friends were telling them everyone was dying. Sites of mass graves were seen from satellites.  The Iranian Islam dictatorship continued to lie.
Italy was caught off guard.  They’d been all but destroyed by the migrant crisis and now Iranians escaped there.  Tourists and businessmen returning and spread the disease. Though they have more health care resources than Canada, they have the oldest population.  They self quarantined.  Theystood in unity on balconies singing opera arias.  
Social distancing saved thousands but the health care resources were overwhelmed.  The old died. The immuno compromised, those with pre existing lung disease or heart disease or diabetes. Those on immunosuppressive drugs.  But most recovered.  70,000 recovered was the score at one point. Hundreds of thousands contracting it.  Thousands dying but tens of thousands recovering.
President Trump closed the border. He was condemned by the Democrats for closing the border to Europe and China.  PM Trudeau by contrast dithered.  Perhaps he smoked a bong. He probably changed his socks. His wife had been partying with the elite in London while Rome burned and she returned to Ottawa.  She went into isolation.  So did he. He takes any excuse to take a holiday.  Nachos call.  
Meanwhile Mr. Trump was at the helm and Boris in England and locally our NDP leader Mr. Horgan was doing an amazing job.  The Health Minister Mr. Dix and the Public Health officer Dr. Bonnie Heng all were doing everything they could despite the loose cannon in Ottawa. Their enlightened leadership has saved thousands of lives. Rapid sports and theatre closings, school clothings, excellent media and online communication. The National Post publishing excellent summaries. After a decade of propaganda even the CBC was back to true journalism and not creative writing.
The streets emptied. The exponential spread was slowed.  The wave of cases has begun. But the health care system is geared up and ready to respond.  The Centre for Disease Control in Atlanta has kept everyone informed.  John Hopkins, Stanford and Harvard have all risen to the occasion with amazing research, inter departmental and international collaboration.  The Genome was quick learned. Vaccines were rapidly in development.  San Diego which had lead the way with Ebola vaccine research was again at the forefront.  Seattle human trials of vaccine have already begun.  New Zealand and Australia are also in line. Israel is ready to test a vaccine. Saskatchewan in Canada is actually a leader in research.  In the US Gilead Pharmaceuticals that developed the Aids anti viral and prophylactic drugs has developed an anti viral now in human tests that has cleared the virus. In India 4 medications have worked.  Anti malarials  chloroquine have passed the control group human trials and can be used now to treat the worst cases. 
Spring is in the air. Daffodils blooming.  Crocuses. Even cherry blossoms.  We just need to get through the next few weeks of the WAVE without our health care resources being overwhelmed and we’ll make it collectively to summer. 
The virus doesn’t like heat. Global warming is the cure.  The plants are happy. They like CO2.  
I’m working in a clinic with a Covid 19 test lab there. The staff are amazing.  The human spirit shines.  In these dark times there’s so much to celebrate.  The economic downturn is to come.  There was a glych with evil hearts hoarding toilet paper and cleanser. But overall it’s amazing. Billions around the globe have responded to the cry for quarantine and not spread the disease to the sick and old. 
Humans rocks.  This too shall pass. As Mr. Trump declares , “we are going to win.”  
We will prevail.  

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