Sunday, March 29, 2020

Sunday, Quarantine, Covid 19

Lovely sunny day.  At home.  I’m working from home now.  I just walked Gilbert along the river.  Social distancing individuals, couples and families. Only out of controls were a few dangerously speeding cyclist.  They need to be fined.  In my day we’d just put a rope across the trail.  Taught us all caution racing on the back woods trails.  Like land mines. If you want to race go on the road.
I read another arts student journalist whose got it wrong. This lock down and quarantine isn’t going to stop you from getting Covid 19.  In Iceland and on Cruise ships and in South Korea and now in area of Britain they are finding everyone is ‘getting it’.  The good news is a whole lot of people aren’t showing symptons ever. They might have a sniffle one day or a little feeling down.  70% of cases are mild. It might be more. The key is understanding as we get older we are more likely to need hospital or ICU to get through .
The disease lastS about 21 days.  Quarantines were for 14 because of a person likelihood of showing symptons within that time. There was one extreme outlier that showed the virus 57 days out.  Exceptions that prove the rule.  You get it and it passes. Only a few end up in hospital. Only a fraction of those need ICU.
For 10 years, maybe more, the government has stolen the money for health care and given it to terrorists and pet projects.  In Canada we have the most administration, the least doctors and longest waitlists.  As doctors and nurses and patients we have been seeing people in corridors because the hospital beds have not kept up with the population increase and aging population.  We are nearly 40 on the number of beds per thousand in the western world. All the talk of how good the Canadian health care system is compared to the US has overlooked the fact that the US has more beds for their population. Japan is the best.  The US made better decisions closing their borders and being absolutely candid about their decisions.
The virus was caused by nature. The pandemic was caused by the politics of the Communist Chinese government lying. It is still lying.  It is totally reasonable to say that Communists, if they didn’t plan the pandemic, capitalized on it. Communist Chinese killed a hundred million of their people in the past. They still enslave Tibet. There is no freedom of speech and no freedom of press. We in the west were only able to react to the pandemic because of a heroic Chinese doctor who was a whistleblower and soon after died a death like Epstein.  It’s only in democracies that individual lives count.   
The statistics of Communist countries and other dictatorships are conservatively estimated at a factor of 10 times deviant from the truth. China’s ally Iran reports a few deaths whereas families described all the doctors dead in a hospital and American satellites reporting mass graves.  These war lord nations always use stats as a weapon of their perpetual war.  The truth that followed the USSR fall was amazing. It only occurred because the only rising infant mortality in the western world, a statistics they forgot to conceal, showed that all their other glowing reports were skewed way off.
China has opened new quarantine centres.  
Black faced shame faced Trudeau called everyone racist for criticizing his policy of accepting thousands of Chinese from Communist china to land unvetted and move into the community without being quarantined.  Singapore and Taiwan are predominantly Chinese and did a magnificent job of vetting travellers and following up on contacts. Trudeau was the most racist, refusing to protect Canadians and lying about vetting as he had done regarding refusal to vet Migrants so that so many ISIS and disturbed diseased individuals continued to come legally and now illegally into Canada.  They want the increasingly rationed health care services.  Trump and the US were earliest to restrict borders saving thousands of lives by slowing down the demand on health care resources.
The Communist Chinese refused to share scientific and medical information until the now dead whistleblower did his wiki leak.  The pseudoscience of the Climate Change Alarmist industry with their hysterical adolescents screaming ‘how dare you’ and declaration the North Pole ice would be gone by decade ago or that we ‘d all be dead unless we gave them world control before 12 years, all was crying Wolf. There is Not and never was a ‘climate emergency’.  The language of terror coming from so called scientists and the communist and dictator dominated UN IPCC delayed the reaction to a real emergency with rising death rate and a need to act.
Thankfully the west did act.  It was estimated that there would be 1.5 million deaths by Covid 19 in the US by this summer.  Italy has 10, 000. Dr. Fauci is now estimating that with the protective measures and social distancing and quarantine the number of dead will be more like 100,000.  Dr. Bonnie Henry, Public Health Officer, British Columbia estimates the matter has halved the speed of spread.
Trudeau gave tens of tons of emergency medical supplies to China against medical advice and against Who advice.  Italy was overwhelmed because they didn’t have proper protective wear.  We needed n95 masks.  We needed respirators. Trudeau gave them away and the most harrowing thing I saw was nurses swabbing coughing patients in the test site wearing inadéquate surgical masks which solely protect patients from them not the other way around. China now is giving the west defective masks and thermometers. Who really is saving Canadians and who is the enemy?
Despite the national mismanagement, politicking, lying and rank obscenity, the Premiers especially NDEP Premier Hogan of BC and his government have been doing sterling work to managed this real ‘emergency’.  Hoarders were fined for reselling. Businesses were closed who wouldn’t follow public health laws.  
All of these measures are to ‘slow down the spread’.  They are working. We have now had time to produce tests and laboratories have ranked up their prodution. Vancouver has now got drive through testing sites and independent testing sites in Burnaby and Chilliwack.  Testing initially overwhelmed at 1000 tests a day, so given to the most needy, are now ramping up to a hundred thousand a day and like South Korea we’re testing more to see that so many are fine despite having the disease. Everyone is likely to get it in time. But that’is the key.
Without hospitals the rate of death in the elderly, the immunosuppressed or those with heart disease, lung disease, and diabetes, is 5 time greater.  This is not going to be the case here.  The College of Physicians and Surgeons has moved doctor resources and streamlined processes to address the problem. UBC Faculty of Medicine and the BC CDC have had time to get into action. These are the great minds that contributed to curing Aids and finding cures for cancer. Trials are already being done on the most likely cures.
 In the US the present administration is moving forward on treatments by removing beurocratic delays that would have meant years but now hospitals will have tools in weeks.  
Mr Trump was right though pilloried as usual. The sun and heat will slow the virus spread. There is a likelihood of a vaccine perhaps by fall.  I said we’d be out of the extreme medical crisis and need to quarantine and lock down by June. Mr. Trump says end of April. I hope he’s right. India just went into a 21 days lock down of 1.5 billion people.  The next crisis which some continue to fear was the Chinese communist plan is the economic crisis.
The world will not go back to normal. Not until we all have a safe vaccine and 70% of us at least get it.  That’s months away simply because of the fixed delay on trial of a vaccine in humans.  It’s not as quick as finding Hydroxychloroquine is an amazing treatment that reduces symptons and may prevent disease. India has recommended it’s frontline health care workers all take hydroxychloroquine. It’s not ‘proved’ by double blind controlled scientific studies but there is strong scientific evidence for it.  Vitamin C, D and zinc are all recommended. Now add sunshine to that.
The problem with our media today is that there is no objective ‘truth’ in this post modern world. Everything is going subjective and partisan. 
We are fortunate here at home. The question is now when to return to work. April, May or June. How and when. Also we must ensure our government doesn’t steal healthcare resources putting us all at risk for personal self aggrandizement. We also must celebrate the courage and great service we have seen from so many.

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