William Hay, winner of 3 Kenneth R. Wilson Writing Awards and Folio Award, Canadian Author Association member,author of Caesarean Section and Love Between the Sacred and Profane poetry books, and Psychiatry and Addiction, Personal Perspective book, magazine short story and prose columnist.
Sexual Deviance is one of many 'clinical' and 'legal' terms that has made it's way into common usage.
To truly appreciate the origins of such terms it's important to first reconsider what the term 'deviance' means and even the term 'sexual'. It can almost be guaranteed that others do not generally agree with you in regards to these meanings which most consider 'self evident'.
They are not.
First, sexual connotes many meanings with various shades and greater complexity in whatever context the word finds association.
The term 'Sex' is itself a word that is changing and no longer can be assumed to have a 'universal' meaning.
A joke exists as most do to bring attention to the limits of our comprehension. In this particular sexual joke a man is asked to state his sex and respond's 'no' or 'none' because he has never considered it in terms of general but solely as a 'condition' one has or doesn't have. The examiner is reasonably perplexed.
This confusion abounds today. Most of the confusion exists between those who believe in an 'innate' morality which they claim 'they have' or 'my morality' versus 'your morality'. These discussions are not new and go to the origins of ethics in the debates of Plato, Aristotle and the teachings of early church fathers and later debates of enlightenment.
Sex itself can be an 'adjective' , a 'verb', a 'noun'. Alone it is uncertain what it actually refers to. All of this is neither good, bad, right , wrong or inherently evil.
It is merely a reflection of the changing times. It is a fact that the word has changed in use, meaning and continues to change. Yet those who don't comprehend the transitional nature of language, that culture is changing and attitudes change and that there is no 'agreement' on whether the change is evolution or devolution, universal or local, have serious 'opinion's' and even more commonly speak with the authority once associated with only the queen, as in Queen Victoria, "we are not amused".
The once "catholic" and universal society has become segmented and insular with a variety of associated languages and more importantly dialects which reflect less 'regional dialectism' but rather as 'cultural'.
Sex has different meanings to different classes, to different cultures and too different ruling hierarchies.
Consequently the adjective 'sexual' is at first glance a non sequitur. It's vague and non specific. Clearly it does not refer to the gourds though with the consideration of 'fetishism' it may well.
With just this consideration, deviance is even more historical. The term 'deviance' or even the more recent clinical term "disorder' assumes all manner of attributes such as 'normal'.
Normal to the moralist is a highly different 'normal' than that of the epidemiologist.
Further, the law courts inherrently are involved in maintaining the status quo and serving the authority which exists only in the status quo. Hence the attribute of 'normal' must serve the most abnormal 'ruler' and apply more seriously to the majority. The economic division of rich and poor with the greatest wealth distributed with power to the fewest possible individuals causes the 'value systems' associated with words like 'deviance' or 'disorder' to have a wholly different context.
"Steal a little and they put you in jail, steal a lot and they make you king," is a Dylan paraphrase of English philosopher Dr. Johnson's famous words.
In the clinical setting and the textbooks accepted in the university, sexual deviance has simply referred not to the behaviour of the wealthy and ruling class but rather to those that aren't.
When I worked in Saipan the law courts had been paid for by a famous gentleman known for his charity and contribution to the islands who also loved to have sex with little girls. Like the men of the old testament who had several wives or committed adultery or didn't have sex at all their 'sexual deviance' was 'judged' in relationship to other aspects of their lives.
The present 'sexual offender' lists are like most laws not for the likes of presidents but for those who cannot afford lawyers, the majority, or justice, the majority, in societies which fall far short of any ideals of society that various 'utopians' have announced.
That said 'sexual deviance' is a term I choose to use for sexual practice or behaviour since in an historical sense all sexual behaviour has at some time or other been denigrated. Even in herterosexual marriage sexual behaviour can be deviant and missionary position sex with devious regularity may itself come under the purvey of the age old 'thought police' and may or may not fall afoul of 'political correctness'. Indeed , many 'feminist lesbians' consider the church and state sanctioned 'marriage' as 'sexual abuse of women'. Masculinists have in turn called this 'institution' of 'normality' 'state prostitution'.
Modern and post modern scientific researchers have meanwhile concluded that the variety of sexual behaviours of humans is as diverse as that of the birds which according to those researchers have demonstrated every form of sexual congress and behavior imaginable and certainly more than any non ornithologists might imagine.
So I use the term sexual deviance as a means to group sexual behaviour and discuss the behaviour with consideration of it's place in context and time. Today sexual deviance might well be considered the norm or inclusive term. Those who practice missionary posiiton heterosexual monogamy (mphm) a significant minority today, would be considered 'sexually deviant' by the normative standards used at the time the terminology originated. So either our grandparents generation are collectively deviant by present day standard or the terminology should adapt to what is normative and perhaps take into consideration modern and post modern concepts of "consent", "do no harm", "adult" etc. In this way 'masturbation' once thought extremely sexually deviant would not today be group with pedophilia which morally and ethically is still considered very deviant.
I am thankful for the colour in my life. It could be in black and white. I’m thankful for the contours. It could be all flat. I’m thankful for family and friends. I could be alone. I’m thankful for life because I don’t know death and where it might be better it could be worse or it could be nothing at all. I’m thankful for what I have. I’m thankful for the air and the scents that come on breezes. I’m thankful for feelings, feeling the sun on my leg and the wind in my hair. I’m thankful for my vision, I could be blind.. I’m thankful for all my bodily perceptions as I could be without any of them and that would make life more difficult for sure. I’m thankful for mobility. I’m thankful for my fingers. I’m thankful for all the internal organs and glands that work independent of me. I’m thankful for the autonomic nervous system. I’m thankful for my cat. I’m thankful for my faith. I’m thankful for hope. I’m thankful for the trees and plants and animals and flowers. I’m thankful for the sun and moon and sky. I’m thankful for the earth. I’m thankful for skin and clothing. I’m thankful for taste. I’m thankful for children and old people and houses and apartments and buildings and tents. I’m thankful for trucks and motorcycles and bicycles. I’m thankful for sports and crafts and books. I’m thankful for furniture . I’m thankful for birdsong. I’m thankful for coffee. I’m thankful for boats. I’m thankful for music and instruments. I’m thankful for harmony and collaboration. I’m thankful for money and banks and storage lockers and carpets and hard wood floors. I’m thankful for rain and snow and wind. I’m thankful for typing and writing and paper and pen and computers and television. I’m thankful for planes and trains. I’m thankful for humor and altruism and spaceships and planets. I’m thankful for orgasms and good feelings and fine thoughts and eureka and aha. I’m thankful for confidence and self esteem and dreams. I’m thankful for hats. I’m thankful for shoes. I thankful for thankfulness. When I have it I have no fear, anxiety or depression. An attitude of gratitude pushes out all negativity. I’m thankful for gratitude.
I’m at Wendel’s Bookstore and Café, Glover Road, Fort Langley. I’ve had the smoked salmon bagel and am drinking a mocha coffee. It’s sunny and country pleasant. Fort Langley has become a great tourist town, a terrific destination for a day out of Vancouver. Today I came out on the #1 freeway and will return that way. In the past I’ve taken the circle route using the Albion Ferry which connects the North and South Sides of the Frazer River.
There are a lot of café’s in this town and a lot of outdoor tables. Both the motorcyclists and cyclists who abound here like that. The outdoor tables keep us close to our bikes.
On the road it was great to be alive. The farmer’s fields were magnificent with green, green and more green. The sun was on my face, the wind in my hair and my Harley Davidson 1200 engine was sounding great. Perfect day for touring.
On the way back I arrived on a hit and run with a cyclist down. Another cyclist had been the first responder and was doing a great job when 2 medical specialists arrived including an anesthetist. I was the third MD. The Fort Langley Fire Dept and Ambulance arrived and were superb. Then the police arrived and seeing that the downed man was in good hands went right to asking questions about the hit and run. Having little to do I was able to watch with admiration as fellow humans were at their caring best. I sent the pictures I took to the Langley paper hoping they’d show that.
Earlier in the day, I’d stopped at Trev Dealy for the latest in armour inserts, T Pro CE, to be slipped into shoulder and elbow pouches of my summer jacket. $30 of insurance I hope to never need.
On the #1 freeway doing 120 km/hr I was wearing my Junior Air Bird Glasses and the little helmut for scooping up brains after a crash. I’m usually wearing a full face mask. A beetle hit the tip of my ear. It really stung. Just then a guy passed on a HD Classic riding in shorts and shirtless. He was young , tanned and had a contoured body. “Just wait till a beetle hits your nipple,” I thought "at" him thankful for my armoured jacket which concealed my middle aged ponch.
Soul Sadness by william hay
At times I am so sad;
That I know such great sadness
Cannot be mine alone.
I must tap some world reserve of suffering,
Because my own life has no such horror or loss
To explain these tears of haunting self pity
And wrenching pain.
I am blessed beyond my wildest imagination.
My life is rich and my cup overflowest.
Yet in my heart at times I flounder,
And cry alone,
Not knowing where this depth of despair
Issues from.
It cannot be mine
Else I’d have been swept away
Long ago in this abyss.
Where cries of abandoned children,
Starvation, torture, conflagration
Must resonate with my little griefs
And tiny sorrows.
Sparkle Hayter
What’s a Girl Gotta Do by Sparkle Hayterhttp://www.noexit.co.uk/hayter.htm
Robin Hudson is a reporter. She’s having a bad year. Belching into the open mike at the White House has set back her career as well as asking a woman who survived a plane crash by eating fellow passengers what they tasted like. She’s been banished to Special Stories when her husband leaves her for the younger woman reporter. A black mailer targets the television studio women and all hell breaks out. Robin becomes a suspect and everyone wonders what secrets the newsroom staff might kill over. That’s just the beginning. The characters are rich and hilarious. Robin is priceless with her bad attitude, attack cat and poor taste in men. The climax comes when Robin goes undercover on a sperm bank story. Hayters fertile imagination and indecent sense of humor couple to make this hard thrusting mystery a thorough delight. No wonder this free lance journalist and stand up comedian has won Crime Writer’s awards for these Robin Hudson mysteries which include Nice Girls Finish Last and Revenge of the Cootie Girls
I heard the choir of angels first. A 21 gun salute followed. The Queen of England waved her little wave. The prime minister of Canada nodded. Premier Gordon Campbell saluted. It was a momentous occasion. Canada’s Snowbird squadron flew over as the fireworks went off. I didn’t see it but I heard later that those on the space shuttle dipped a wing.
The GIRI left dock for the first time since arriving back from her 34 day momentous dismasted sail from Hawaii. The steering and engine continued to work avoiding potential collision with million dollar yachts that prey on poor old boats like mine. Laura, as acting First Mate, wearing her black pirate wool hat, didn’t say anything that might distract me and occasion an immediate beheading. Tom on the Naomi was already ahead steaming up Coal Harbour. No doubt someone had taken the precaution of grounding all shipping till we got some sea room leaving First Narrows behind.
It was a fabulous day in English Bay. Other sailors dared to tack their boats across our sea but we were gracious about their presence. I even phoned my 90 year old father surviving bad weather and politics in Ottawa to gloat about the glorious time we were having in British Columbia. Eventually I even got a fishing line rigged finding bits and pieces here and there throughout the boat. I’d not been fishing since we caught tuna on the trip back. Not a salmon in sight though. Then it was Bowen Island’s Mannion Bay (Next to Snug) begging for the anchor. I gave her my CQR and she was happy.
The anchor chain however had become tangled in the thrashing of the gales and seas of crossing. Thankfully enough got out to hook us before I was running back and forth from deck to chain locker below. In seconds without steroids my back and biceps had swollen with work. I was quickly twice the man I was before I sweated it all out. Tom was still hand cranking his windlass when my anchoring nightmare ended.
I threw the dinghy overboard, hauled the Yamaha motor overside and would have prided myself on the quick starting engine were it true. Much yanking on the rope later I found the kill switch was engaged, turned it off and the engine purred. When later Laura went over to bring back Tom for dinner she rowed while leaving the engine I'd started for her running.
Tom called out, “Did you hear of the Newfie logger who bought a saw only to return to the hardware store a week later to say he’d been falling trees byes the bey but it wasn’t cutting so well. The store owner pulled on the rope to start the saw and the Newfie said, “What’s that sound?”
“I’m afraid it will go too fast and I won’t be able to shut it off, “ Laura called back.
When Tom got back the two of us put together the prawn traps and crab traps without instructions, no internet consultation and no 6 week evenings and weekend assembly preparation.
Then I was left to study the technical nautical works of Alexander Kent’s, Enemy in Sight, learning grappling and cannon grapeshot techniques in case we were confronted with square rigger ships sporting tricolor pennants. Tom and Laura prepared barbecued steaks, corn and potatoes with sour cream, fit for a king.
A bowl of mandarins and melted chocolate ice cream bars with floating wooden sticks followed. I’d got the diesel heater fired up without setting the boat aflame so we were very cozy. We watched a VCR episode of Tudors, the tale of the philandering King Henry, put out by the Anglican Church of Canada to recruit divorced parishioners . We all dreamed that night of beheadings.
This morning I let Laura take first go at showering with the propane hot water heater hearing her squeal and squeal as the water temperature fluctuated hot and cold. It had not been used in years since I’d had no need for it in the tropics. After she’d got the kinks out of the system I had a splendid hot shower.
Tom arrived with the dingy full of empty traps saying we’d caught nothing. Maybe a night school diploma would have helped. Instead, I produced the eggs and cheese I’d stalked and wrestled to submission in the jungles of the Save On Supermarket. They’d already been impressed with the steak I’d speared bare handed in the frozen food section. As the great white hunter I went back to studying Alexander Kent. They produced omelettes to die for. I was already on my second cup of Starbucks coffee brewed by hand in my personal aluminum stove top expresso machine.
With a cup in my hand I weighed anchor with one foot on the electric windlass pedal watching Tom on Naomi at the back breaking task of hand winching his anchor in. What a beautiful day for a motor round Bowen to Keat’s Island. Sanding the electrical connections I got the down rigger working. The fish were not nearly as impressed. The bald eagles were all over the thermals above Hutt Island.
Pulling into Plumper Cove off Keat’s Island across from Gibson’s, I put on the new Bob Dylan album, Together Through Life. First words I heard were, “My ship is in the harbor.” You can always trust Dylan to be there with you. This has to be his best album but which one wasn’t!
Laura has the smokies cooking while Tom is eyeing all the bikini’d babes on the power boats. Something about sail boats bring out the Birkenstock in a woman. The passing kayakers compare prices on thermo underwear.
The afternoon and evening were then spent reading, kids together, no longer with comics, now we’re reading big people books, but little has changed. Bodies lie about couches. Every so often someone gets up. Drinks and cookies or macadamia nuts follow, “while you’re up.” Hours pass. I’m reading The Lost, A Search for Six of the Six Million, by Daniel Mendelsohn. Laura has Mary Maffini’s, The Dead Don’t Get Out Much and Tom’s picked up my Alexander Kent.
Another morning with light shining through the deck hatch. What a glorious sleep indeed. I’ve woken Laura with a coffee then had to suffer holding the rusted shower hose connecter to the tap. I was outside the shower curtain and turned my head gentlemanly away from all my adolescent fantasies. Later I told Tom of my chivalry and he commented loudly that he was always ‘ready to assist a damsel in distress.”
Then we got back to work connecting the alternator ground which explained why we’d had no juice that morning to turn over the engine. He’d been glad to be hailed finally on his boat to come over in the dinghy The coffee was on my boat but I wouldn’t let him at it till I had the engine charging the depleted batteries. He works best with prospect of reward even though he’s a tad ornery without his morning coffee. We both found it far easier to fix things in harbor than in 20 foot seas with winds singing in the rigging.
It began to rain so we didn’t do anything more except hang out on the boat at anchor reading and eating. It was idyllic really. No work. No phones ringing. No pagers. Pitter patter on the deck. Diesel stove flames flickering. Tom decided to make up pork chops and after we had yoghurt and peaches. Laura cleaned the dishes. I said grace and praised the cook and thanked Laura for doing the dishes. After that I complained about all the work I had to do.
The next day it was blue sky and sunshine again with bits of cloud. We weighed anchor (it was still 60 lbs) and headed back. Eventually we actually got back to the dock and rafted our boats together.
There were no police chases. No Miami Vice cigar boats or helicopters with SWAT rapid descending or SEAL frog men appearing alongside with spear gun explosives. Lightning didn’t strike. A whale didn’t swallow us, spit us up, and force us to tell America to mend her evil ways. It was really uneventful.
After my sailing solo to Hawaii in winter or Tom and I coming back last summer with a broken mast, uneventful was good. Given it was the long weekend, it’s now a short work week. Awesome!
Marijuania won't hurt you none
It's just a herb you say
Where have I heard that one
Tobacco companies
It's smoke
The lung and the heart don't like smoke
We weren't born with chimneys
Ask a fireman to go into a burning building
Without a mask
Ask an animal
Ask some horses in a burning barn
If they like smoke
Maybe if you weren't smoking that shit
Or trying to sell that shit
You wouldn't say
Marijuana don't hurt you none
It's just a herb you say
Would you want your neursurgeon to be smoking a doobie
Would you want your space shuttle pilot smoking a doobie
It's smoke
The lungs and the heart don't like smoke
It's not natural
The lungs don't like smoke
The heart doesn't like smoke
And the brain doesn't like it either.
Bad Girl in White
-william hay
If he takes you to dinner/you can let him kiss you dear
If he takes you to a movie/he can even cop a feel
But if takes you to church/he can go all the way
It’s okay with your mother/if you’re a bad girl in white
If he wants you to tie him up/he can take you to the ballet
If he wants you to talk dirty/he can take you to the opera
If wants you to do you know what /he can buy you a house
It’s okay with your mother/if you’re a bad girl in white
You’re bad girl in white living in the suburbs
If he wants to video you/he can take you on a cruise ship
If he wants to do you know what/he can buy you a car
He wants a mistress/ he can get you an in law suite
It’s okay with your mother/ if you’re a bad girl in white
Living in the suburbs, driving a porche in the suburbs
With her mother and all of her in laws.
Bad Girl in White
"Yes it' the truth about healers and doctors. Jesus was profane and his disciples worse and as doctors we're too aware that we are born between piss and shit and commonly die in piss and shit but society demands that their meat come in cellophane so they can maintain their personal lies and illusions."
I told the story of my being invited to a discussion of church service. A group of young women in their 30's possibly wanting more to attract the men had invited me to be in their midst to discuss what we were 'called' to do for Jesus. One lush thing opined that she so wanted so to serve the poor but that their smell so offended her sensitive nostrils she couldn't bring herself to be in their midst despite her ardent desire to serve her Lord.
"Vicks vapor rub", I responded. The group had turned to me and one man asked what I meant.
"As a medical student I felt the same in the cadaver room doing dissections, the smell of dead flesh and formaldehyde feces and such being almost overpowering. I'm forever grateful to a senior anatomist who told me that he put vicks vapor rub in his nose so he could work. I used it extensively when I worked on the drunken reserves in the north and doing physical examinations in the inner city ghettos, especially with the old men and women who wear layers of clothing and never wash"
One could hear a pin drop. Thereafter the Christian "ladies" literally shrank from my presence. Leaving for the night the organizer of the soiree extended her hand then retracted it as if on second thought.
I was never invited back.
My missionary doctor friend howled with laughter when I later told him the story. I said, "vicks vapor rub" is one of the hundreds of little things that my teachers passed on to me that literally saved my life. "It was as important a lesson as taking the extra minute to warm the stainless steel speculum before insertion." So much of real day to day medical practice was never put in textbooks. It's only learned at the bed side through mentorship and experience.
"She's been dining off that "excuse" for years, " my friend said. Laughing still, he added, "you've taken it away from her......I'm not surprised you weren't invited back.."
He went on to explain how they had to be very careful on how they shared their missionary experience with the people they sought money and aid from. "They just want those warm fuzzy feelings that people equate with religion. It's important what they do. We couldn't do our work without them but they couldn't sleep at night if they were ever confronted with reality. They live a world of money and things and nice feelings and call that Christianity. Indeed it is, for them. "
Sexuality – STD’s
-william hay
I was watching tv with my friend and an ad came on that said 1 in 4 adolescent girls has a Sexually Transmitted Disease. I looked over and saw that my girlfriend had tears in her eyes. I asked her why. She said she was thinking of her teen age daughters.
At that point I thought she needed some important education about how such numbers are arrived at and what they really mean.
What are STD’s . These are diseases that appear to be transmitted sexually but not solely. In contrast to diseases that pass in bodily fluids there are those that are air born. The flu is an example of the latter.
Gonorrhea is an infection that can be transmitted from penis to throat, vagina or anus or vice versa from vagina or throat or anus to penis. It’s treatable with antibiotics. It’s relatively easily recognised in men because of the common discharge and the discharge can be noticed by women too though more commonly women can have the disease, be carriers, and not know it. Being tested with a vaginal swab is the best test for women and a urethral swab for men and symptomatically throat and anus swabs will pick up the organisms that cause the disease. Usually the worst thing that untreated gonorrhea can do in women is cause pelvic inflammatory disease, painful cramping and involvement of the tubes with the chance of a false diagnosis of appendicitis. The sad part is that this can be a cause for infertility because of the scarring of the tubes. Infertility and scarring may occur in men as well though is far less likely.
Syphillis is the most serious of the old time Sexually Transmitted Diseases. It was apparently what the Indians gave to Columbus and his men and because of the spread in war was commonly called the ‘French Disease’ or the “English Disease’. The treponema is not that disimiliar to tuberculosis the other scourge of latterday. The first symptom is a rash and later it can invade the brain and cause dementia.
Government decisions in the past which were somehat lacking in wisdom were commonly ascribed to syphilis. Perhaps, unfortunately, due to the advances of modern medicine the government has no such excuse to day. In end stage there were ‘gumma’s’ that literally ate away the nose or some internal organ causing death by internal bleeding. It’s treatable today with antibiotics. Penicillin’s fame was indeed related to it’s success with syphilis. History texts and old Scottish songs speak of mercury cures and use of other metals. Today it is treatable and a blood test will easily indicate whether one has or doesn’t have this disease. It became rare for decades in the western world until it began to show again more frequently in the west coast gay population. It has always be prevalent in third world heterosexual populations.
Chlamydia is another bacteria which was little known a couple of decades back. Rarely did it cause symptons though it was found to be associated with pelvic inflammatory disease that crampy abdominal pain illness that mimicked appendicitis and could lead to scarring of the tubes and infertility. It’s asymptomatic in men and not known to cause any real trouble as it really is benign in most women and men but can be transmitted. It was considered a ‘bad bacteria’ when it was found in abundance with disease but it was also found commonly without disease. It’s treatable with antibiotics. Including it in the Sexually Transmitted Disease categories has greatly increased the statistical numbers of STD without there being any overall significant worsening for the population in general.
That comes to these ‘bad’ and ‘good’ bacteria. The body is not a sterile place It is inhabilited with bugs called bacteria, virus, fungus. Most of these are good and indeed having good tenants on the body is a way to keep the bad bugs from moving in. The numbers of bugs and the combinations of bugs and the presence of too many bad bugs is one part of the ‘disease’ equation.
The other part is the immunological system. The body has a recognition and defence system to keep tract of the inhabitants on its surface and in it’s bowels and vagina and urethra and bladder. The early warning system that recognises and detects those bugs without a proper overnight parking pass call up homeland security and remove the offenders. The immunological system has it’s police and armies and a whole slew of high tech weapons that are constantly being upgraded in face of changing threats. It’s just like the computer firewalls and antivirus systems except far more miraculous.
For any disease to happen at all there has to be a play between these factors and far more. It’s not simplistic. Disease is biological, psychological, sociological (political) and spiritual.
To this end I can have a sexually transmitted disease today and without any treatment not have it tomorrow. I am myself a highly specialized self healing mechanism. If we would spend some time on learning about living rather than killing each other we’d know by now why neuts can re grow tails and limbs and be able to do this ourselves at will. But collectively the world is still too primitive politically to think of anything more important than a weapon for killing humans. Occasionally when the whole of the world’s resources aren’t being applied to that task a development in health is allowed even if it’s really a sissy childish thing to heal.
Herpes is a viral example of an STD. Interestingly studies show that almost 97% of the population have had contact with this and kicked it out. It may be something that’s living in the neighbourhood naturally but only gets out of hand when other things happen. People can have one ‘episode’ of herpes….just like a cold sore but on the genitals….and never have another. It lies dormant in the body and is only really transmittable when there is an ‘outbreak’. Just like a lip cold sore in this regard. Kissing could transmitt the cold sore for the lips when a person is infectious. Most people it seems don’t have any problems with herpes but a few have recurrent episodes and then there are those that have some episodes and then it’s over not showing up again at all or only in late stages like that other herpes, zoster, which causes shingles (itchy scaly skin usually on the back in a patch distribution that’s characteristic) and can happen more commonly in the elderly.
Now consider the ‘statistics’. If one is talking about sexually transmitted disease and includes herpes one really could say 4 out of 4 boys and girls have a sexually transmitted disease. Watch this statistically because what I’m going to tell you is whatever way you slice the pie you can get 8 out of 4 people with a sexually transmitted disease depending on how you juggle the numbers. Most commonly the person with one sexually transmitted disease has another but if the statistic is 1 in 4 it may be arrived at by 1 girl having two diseases and another having 2 and the rest having none then with some fancy division you get this higher number. Further the same person often is getting the disease over and over but commonly this is how the numbers are altered upwards much like the Americans in Florida alter their vote numbers to get whatever "politically correct" number they want. Always consider statistics being flouted in terms of incidence and prevalence. Incidence meanss the number of 'new cases" and prevalence is the number of 'existing cases'. Further does the statistic reflect the number of individuals with a disease or the number of diseases because in the latter (perhaps taken from the lab) the number can be grossly affected by recurrence of the disease in one individual, several diseases in one individual or multiple testings of one individual during the course of their one disease.
And yes, the statistics are being manipulated . The statistics are what get jobs and money for the industries that are paying for the advertising and promoting the treatments. Even penicillin which is really cheap has a political lobby. If you don't believe this I have some marvellous swamp land to sell you which will come equipped with a terrorist and a drug dealer in every room.
A lot of statistics are just used to scare people and sometimes they may create the very ‘self fulfilling prophecy’ they hoped to avoid in their attempt to wake up the pollyana. The fact remains that sex is already ‘dirty’ enough in this culture that it really doesn’t help to dirty the waters more with misinformation and fear mongering. Be safe but don’t be stupid.