Friday, June 12, 2020

June 12, 2020 Covid 19, What i believe now

Covid 19  June 2020  what I believe now.
1. Virology 101 - There are little organisms of rna that spread as parasites hitchhiking around the world on more complete entities, like human cells. They are smaller than bacteria. They are good and bad and neutral.  
2.  Covid 19 was a virus that was definitely in the Wuhan Virology Lab.  It was being studied there.  The scientists who initially said it couldn’t be from the lab were lying. The best knowledge to date says that they, including the infamous Communist ‘Batwoman’, were studying the process whereby a bat virus changes from being species limitted to being able to infcct humans.  This knowledge could lead to prevention, treatment and the development of bioweapons. Most authorities consider that this virus was not a bioweapon though no one knew this in Jan.  The virus began to infect people in Wuhan through coughs in December 2019.  The Communist Chinese Party and it’s military began lying and covering up the nature and origins of the virus.  The first great lie was the ‘wet market’ source. Half those who fell ill had no association with the wet market which didn’t sell bat food.  For 6 weeks the Communists could have stopped the virus in Wuhan but instead lied and included WHO in the spread of deceit and misinformation until mid January. This included the killing of doctors.  
3. As late as February the question if this was a lab created virus, something which could have been utterly lethal, remained uncertain.  The Chinese had paid millions of dollars to leading world researchers to publish misinformation.  Leading Nobel Prize Winning scientists said it was indeed a Chimera and that Fucin cuts in the code of the spike on the Cora virus which attached to ACe2 would not have occured naturally,. Natural development was most UN likely. It was highly difereent from it’s nearest relative.  Communist China has broken all the international laws regarding human and animal studies and experiments.
4. Given the uncertainty and the evidence that Italy’s health care system, one of the finest in the world was overwhelmed, a lock down occurred around the world to slow the spread of this virus. The simple formula that came out of Italy was that as an example 1 in 10 people over 80 would die if infected with Covid 19 but still had access to hospital and ICU. Without hospital and ICU the majority of 80 infected people (or with other major risk factors) would die.  The lockdown made medical and scientific sense given the lies of the Communist Chinese Party and Cover up and the WHO collusion.  (No different than the political machinations in Canada with Red Cross and HIV positive blood supply that killed hundreds). We still don’t know the long term consequences of this virus that is new and likely a chimera, the first of it’s kind to infect the human race. I don’t question the leaders about the lockdown at this point despite the horrible economic ramifications.  Most people in the western military perceived this as the latest Communist China ‘unconventional warface tactic’ extensively discussed in their military journals.  Think tanks in America estimated 1-2 million daeths in the US by July.  The WHO began saying that the death rate was very high 2.5% or some such thing.  The WHO has a recent history of self promotion, fear mongering and misinformation thought to be an attempt at gaining more funding. Who knows? Most world leaders erred on the side of caution.
5. Sweden did not. They quarantined the old and at risk.  Their numbers despite their radical departure from the western general approach ,after Italy , showed more early deaths than Norway but no greater deaths than Great Britain which did a full lock down.  The data from Sweden was most informative despite the leading epidemiologist later saying he felt that an intial lockdown would have been a better approach. The Sweden choice will not be truly comparable scientifically  for a year. 
6. Cruise ships full of elderly and at risk people were quarantined and we had a lab culture experiment in which only a third of the ship became ill and 2/3’s exposed to the virus remained well.
7. Asian democracies, Taiwan, Singapore, South Korea, Japan all excelled. If this was a world hockey tournament Taiwan would be the all time winner. The WHO, no longer a medical or scientific organization, but a lucrative political entity eventually bought by Communist Chinese military  for a measly 2 billion dollars, claimed to speak authoritatively about Covid 19 but refused to listen to Taiwan because Communist China doesn’t like , Taiwan the Republic of China, the last democracy beyond the military domination of the imperialistic Communist Chinese Party. Communist China  had invaded and genocided Tibet years before, , and was now using the Covid 19 to silence, arrest and break all international agreements with Hong Kong that had been a million person revolt before the Communist Chinese released the virus and invaded Hong Kong with overwhelming police., reenacting Tieanemen Square. 10,000 Chinese troops invaded India last month  which it had previously attacked and had waged war with only decades before. . Imperialistic world dominion seeking Communist China  This spring at the height of Covid began increasing its military presence in the China Sea, sinking Vietnamese boats and building up military across from Taiwan. The US has moved carriers to counter the deployment of 2 Chinese carriers as well as moving Destroyers and fighter jets into the region to counter the Chinese agression.  India is also mobilizing a response to the Chinese attack increasing rail and road movement for troops into the region China has invaded.
8. Taiwan to Covid 19 is like Goretsky to Hockey.  Ironically WHO and even Justin Trudeau refuse to talk or discuss the foremost success story. Taiwan, following age old public health principles, closed the border and airports to China early Jan along with Singapore.  Canada by contrast was the last of the western democracies to close the border to China and had thousands of Chinese from the Wuhan region flying in to Canada as late as late March perhaps April.  When provincial authorites asked that the international airport in Vancouver be closed to Chinese flights, the National Public Health Doctor, Dr. Tam , called the Canadians’ racist’ despite it being that the leading Asian democracies were first to close the border and stopped the spread of contagion.  In the US TRump was the first to close the border and flights from China in early Feburary and was called racist and widely condemned by the Democrat media. Today he is widely condemned by the Democrat media for not closing the border sooner and is still called racist.
9. The tests that have been most reported on the news have been tests of the ‘presence’ of the virus. These are actual sightings of the virus in disease.  Their importance is that they identify the cause of the disease and they identify presence of contacts of the diseased person who have the disease.  Covid 19 generally has a 3 week history, approximately 3 days of asymptomatic presence but still transmissible, by bodily fluids, spit, sperm etc, then at 3-5 days of actual illness high risk of spreading by coughing occurs. Then for the next two weeks the person is ill and can transmit the disease. In 3 weeks the vast majorité  recover and have natural immunity.  By contrast Antibody testing tracks the passing of the disease.  Think of the first testing as sighting of the wolf and the antibody testing as the footprints of the wolf.  The body produces antibodies and may dispell the infection without major symptons.  As an example 97% of Canadians have the antibodies to Herpes but only one in a hundred thousand or less have the disease or spread the disease.  
10. It is this concept of the test for covid and the antibody testing which has been beyond the comprehension of literally most journalists whether intentional or lack of basic scientific training which has been why compared to the success of Taiwan and Singapore and now New Zealand political leadership, the journalists and media have dismally failed.  Most Canadians think America has done poorly without knowing that Belgium and Brussels the seat of the European Union has had the worsst performance and worst government response.  The key to understanding medicine is ‘mortality’ statistics.  This is deaths per million.  Compared to Europe Canada and the US have done far better. Brussels And Belgium  did worse with tthe most deaths per million by country. The other one is that the US has 330 million whereas Canada has 33 million so commonly Canadians ignorant of science and presented with absolute numbers wag their finger at the US when as commonly as not the differences are only obscured by the ignorance of statistics of the reporters.  As an example the US has more beds per population than Canada.  The Italian health care system is superior in many ways to the Canadian health care system for a decade raped by failure of national health care spending. The Canadian health care system had the longest waitlists in the west, least number of doctors per population and most administration with beds always in the hallways.  So when Italy was overwhelmed Canadian health officials knowing how the national government had taken money taxPayers  thougtht was going to health  ,  but instead spent it on pet projects and cronyism, it fell to the provincial governments and premiers to save the day. All the while Dr. Tam was politicking and misinforming Canadians with WHO rants and racists rants, true vulgarity for a professionl, provincial health care minister’s like Dr. Bonnie Henry were indeed saving the day. In British Columbia Premier Horgan and Health Minister Dix literally pulled rabbits out of their hats to ensure that the populace was ready for the Pandemic,.  The BC Centre for Disease Control and UBC department of medicine continue to do increadible research and provide the latest updates. Dr. Bonnie Henry is lauded all over the world for her doctor’s doctors approach to the problem and reassurance to the population. Meanwhile, and what contributes to the collective anxiety is the misinformation and fear mongering at national and international levels from individuals who have now been identified as having supreme conflicts of interest.
11. CSIS, Canada’s equivalent of the CIA,  reported in March that Canada had been inflitrated by the Communist Chinese to the ‘highest levels in government, educations and media’.  Increasing numbers of leading Canadians and scientists were exposed as receving millions from the Chinese or as with leading Democrats and Liberals   having massive financial assets in China. The Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs one of the more recently identifierd owed the Communist Chinese 1.5 million dollars. Meanwhie over a hundred countries have sued China for reparations as their attempts at cover up unravel and the chimera nature of the virus becomes more appaent.
10. Iceland and later Stanford did massive antibody testing showing that 50% of the population may have contact with Covid and hot have symptons.  80% of cases were mild and had full recovery. However those who were admitted to hospital with lung disease developed chronic fibrotic damage of unknown nature. The response to the seriousness of this was that the American Military refused for life anyone entering the military who had Covid pnemonia. So well some people say it’s ‘just the flu’ , more seriously authoritative authorities know it’s not just the flu. However this unique virus now thanks to the information of multiple sources especially Taiwan and Singapore, Japan and South Korea Britain and France and Germany, it can be said as a rule of thumb, for those under 50 the risk is 1/10 that of the flu but for those over 65 or with other major medical illness the risk is 10 times that of the flu
11. None of this was known before the end of March. If this was ‘unconventional war’ then the ‘fog of war’ concealed much as China and the WHO continue to this day to be less than transparent.
12 The principle explanation for the covert passive aggression of the Communist Chinese in not stopping the spread of the virus when they could was that it served to stop the Hong Kong Revolt from spreading and secondly it was believed that the virus would cause economic collapse in the west. China due to the unfair trade practices which were at this time the centre of western and eastern trade negotiantions had many western and especially african entities in debt to them. In Australia a leading Chinese Billionaire businessman closed the leading 1500 bed hospital at the height  of Covid laying off staff and creating panic in government circles. Australia being first to recognize the aggressive nature of the financial affairs with China issued a law limitting Chinese ownership in the country to 40% after that. Meanwhile China like a payroll loan shark was foreclosing on ports and businesses and individuals around the world who starting in February because of the panedimic and lockdown couldn’t pay back their loans.  
13.  I studied Urban Combat Medicine and remember the most important lesson of the medical training regarding Terrorism. “There are always 2 bombs. The first is for the civilians , the second is for the first responders. “ Doctors must not run to help until the area is secured, And its sure that  there’s no second bomb and no snipers.  The Communist Chinese unleased the virus then sold Personal Protection Equipment to the rest of the world. 95% of the masks sold to netherlands were faulty and would have caused care givers to contract the virus. 250 respirators bought by Canada from China were faulty and would have killed the patients. Thermometers consistently registered 36 degrees when the patients fever was 39 degrees. Meanwhile Trudeau and the Liberals government incestuously involved with the Communist Chinese had given 17 tons of Canadas personal projection equipment to China in February as Covid began to infect caregivers at the bedside. Throughout the Wave caregivers suffered shortages of n95 masks and other equipment. Just as Fonda contineus to be called “Hanoi Jane”, Trudeau may wear the name Wuhan Trudeau for years to come in the eyes of the health care workers who were so betrayed. 
14. By April the lockdown as a treatment was becoming suspect. Dr. Bonnie Henry courageously declared at the beginning of May that the lockdown had accounted for more deaths than Covid 19.  It is critical to note that Taiwan and Singapore and other Asian democracies had little lockdown by comparison to the west. The essential workers and many others continued on the job however social distancing and masks and hand washing remained paramount. Taiwan the Goretsky of the Covid 19 games had been first to close it’s airport, and had also introduced strict quarantine and tracking measures, similar to steps that Dr. Bonnie Henry followed. Taiwan provided 3 masks a week and 5 masks a week to children.  The medical leader of the South Korean response emphasized the importance of masks based on their experience with the Sars epidemic and the Asian research. Meanwhile Dr. Fauci literally mocked people for recommending masks. Dr. Tam who had said flights from Wuhan were not a problem then said that there was monitoring in the airport which wasn’t occurring as Trudeau said that quarantine was adequate managed by ’trust’. In Asia quarantine was managed in stead and effectively byApps on phones and close monitoring. In the air port temperature non touch temperature checking was employed. Again,  despite the overwhelming success of the Asians, Dr. Tam poopahed their processes while thankfully Dr. Bonnie Henry recommended masks and followed what doctor doctor’s called ‘best practices’.
15. The most egregious medical events occured around the use of Hydroxychloroquine.  In France it was found to be effective preventing and helping people in early illness in cominbation with azithromycin or not.  It was used in China with benefit and celebrated by the Italian French and Spanish and Indian doctors.  Meanwile it was a medicine usedsafely by millions for 65 years for the treatment of malaria and arthritis. When I was working in the Emergency Medicine department of the Vancouver General Hospital during the height of the Aids epidemic being spat at and bled on and fearing death everything that was found to be beneficial was promoted and then tested. That was how with Covid 19 we learned that Zinc and Vitamin D and Sunlight were beneficial.  But when President Trump said HCQ was a potential cure and was optimistic trying to raise the spirits of a nation faced with despair, suddenly the Demcrat media and sadly Dr. Fauci began the campaign of ’nocebo’ . All of us are ’self healing’ so ‘placebo response’ often cited as 30% Of cure must be considered in the equation. Yet here was thousands of cases of recovery associated with the use of a safe 10cent pill compared the best big pharma solution , patentd ironically by China,  Remsifer, at $1000 a pill being literally discouraged. It was so different from the medical responses in the Aids epidemic which resulted in the celebration of health, good nutrition and exerice and the use of pharmacalogicall treatments that came along including treating the conditions traditonaly that developed to extend life. Hence with Aids we treated the pneumonias like with Covid 19 we are using Azithromycin. So why the hue and cry against standard medicine.  The most diabolitical of which was a couple of Democrat doctors in the VA creating a despicable political study suggesting HCG was deadly . The head of the VA subsequently apologised as reviews of the study showed its major flaws and partisanship. Similiar Lancet published an apparent great ‘review’ which was actually pulled by the editors and publishers of Lancet becasue the data base comnpany providing the stats was a Democrat front.  Even when the Republicans said that sunshine and freshair and exercise would reduce the spread of the virus suddenly this was mocked. It was always as if there was a segment of the society, dominated by the Communist Chinese and WHO and UN issues wanting to make a bad situation worse with media misinforming the public collectively about the science and the treatments.
16. This division between the ‘pro life’ and ‘pro death’, glass half full and glass half empty continues. Dr. Bonnie Henry reported correctly that the Lockdown was having dangerous side effects and starting May 1 ,increased  cardiac deaths from postponed life saving elective surgeries, just one example. Premier of BC, Mr. Horgan outlined increased return of personal freedom following in the footsteps of Taiwan and other world leaders. All the while Trudeau and TAm discouraged people working. Indeed the Prime Minister, young and healthy and never at risk, remained hidden in his palatial home only  coming out one hour a day and giving  himself and his co workers massive raises. Meanwhille Singapore politician cut their salaries.  Meanwhile in New Zealand the female prime minister with her baby at her side worked constantly and declared that Covid was conquered in New Zealand.  Further in Canads  when a side effect of lockdown a cabin fever crazed man shot and burnt 22 of his neighbours with illegal weapons actually one of which was obtained from the police the Prime Minister denied the influence of the Lockdown and threat of poverty and instead blamed the events on hunters and farmers who owned guns. Similir in the US when after months of lockdown facing increasing poverty people took to the streets to loot , this was consideed by democrats as a ‘racial’ issue. It was utterly bizarre.  The Chinese Communist Plan was for Xi Jinping to lead the UN and the new One World Order based on Commuhist princples in an alliance reminiscent of Hitler and Stalin, called Sharia Communism.
17 The actual stats of New York , the poorest performing US state which influenced the overal US stats, were directly a consequence of population density and age.  In addition the metal of elevators and need to take elevators factored in and the preference of the virus for Blacks after Asians. Latinos were least appealing to the virus. Further the US insurance companies were forced ,based on the experience of AIDS , to introduce a major fee for Covid 19 deaths and treatment. In AIDS the hospitals and doctors were at first fearful of treating. I volunteered because I was single, young stupid and immortal. I’d already acquired tuberculosis in an northern  tb outbreak and suffered a year of TB treatment subsequently. I  fortunately didn’t get meningitis when i was treating children in a meningitis outbreak. This Covid 19 was my 4th serious infectious disease crisis. I’d done a dual speciality in Community Medicine/Public Health training and Psychiatry, only completing the Psychiatry exams because I’m lazy and poor, i worked in public health especially enjoying the opportunbity to work with the Amazing CDC in Saipan.  Saipan , in the Marianas Islands,  has a major CDC centre with the finest staff because Saipan and Guam are where asian diseases first strike and the military has a major concern to protect citizens and troops.  
New York Governor Cuomo forced Nursing Homes to accept and keep COVID 19 patients.  By contrast Premier Horgan and Dr. Bonnie Henry in British Columbia quarantined people with Covid 19 and through outstanding public health policy and care limitted the institutional spread of Covid 19 as a priority. To put this in spectivie I’ve rather crudely stated that if during AIDS the governor had forced brothels to keep prostitues with HIV working the calamity would be equivalent. Which is just one of the reasons it seems that there are competing forces, one wanting to see the end and reduce the spread of Covid 19 and another one wanting to see the greater spread and economic collapse of the west. Based on the best scientific and medical information half the US states increased freedom and began the restoration of the economy as recommended here in BC by Dr. Bonnie Henry and being done by the Asian Democracies , while half the US for purely political reasons tried to maintain the lockdown and destroy the economy. Meanwhile in Canada the lockdown now accounted for massive increase in overdose deaths thanks to government giving  addicts thousands of dollars.  Further suicides skyrocketed and lay offs increased. At this time in Africa dependent on western supply lines disrupted by the pandemic, the projection was of millions of black babies dying from starvation before year end . It was so omninously reminiscent of the AIDS epidemic. A few million died in north american while 100s of millions of Africans died.  So rich powerful organizations like Antifa, BLM and criminal organizations intent on looting disrupted the economy causing chaos , the people most hurt would being black babies in Africa who no one seems to care about ever despite cries of racism and other such posturing.
18.  Bill Gates stated that the greatest money to be made today in investments was vaccines with 1 billion investment and 400 billion return.  The vaccine industry has been hurt by the lucrative but controversial flu vaccine with governments doing draconian things on behalf the the people, the notorious Nazi slogan that ultimately lead to the ‘final solution’.  Unfortunately it’s reminiscent of the last crisis in which ‘good stocks’ were combined with ‘bad stocks’ to create the Fanny May and Goldman Sacks debacle and government bail outs. Vaccines are good. Measles vaccine and Polio vaccines saved millions.  Now the latest immunological advances in the treatment and cure of cancer have been using vaccine type strategies. It’s like giving an airport dog a sniff of a criminals clothes and setting the dog free to track down and attck the criminal.  Moderna and Zeneca using this 21st century techniques have vaccines in human trials that could arrive as early as late fall this year because of the courage and availability of young volunteers.  I really do look forward to having one of these vaccines. Similarly Abcella labs in vancouver in combination with Lilly has developped an antibody test which is truly space age and the best of science. The Communist antibody tests again were grossly erroneous reporting false negatives and false poisitive and over repeating and under reporting disease.  By contrast the Vancouver based researcheers are true geniuses and have developed the most accurate antibody test.  
19 Unfortunately and highly suspciously the Chinese Communist Party Military has a vaccine which Wuhan Trudeau has agreed to study and brand with the Canadian name. Chinese products because of their defects, not because of racism, now have a most spurious reputation. The Chines vaccine is an old techonology based on abortus stem cells that may as well be wearing bell bottoms. It’s a disgusting adjuvant and vector that comes from the last century,.  Today stem cells can be made from any skin cells and don’t require the killing of babies. Meanwhile Communist China poisoned the world and now just happens to want to sell an antidote under the Canadian brand.  Conspiracy theorists saying that UN Agenda 21 and 2030 desire to depopulate the world of the non elite need look no further than this abomination which unfortunately scandalizes vaccines which are life saving. I really can’t wait to be tested for antibodies to see if I have natural immunity or to get a Moderna or Zeneca vaccine to induce natural immunity.  
20.That’s about where it is today.  Spritually there is a war between life and death and pro life forces and death forces. Freud called this to Eros and Thanatos.  When the Nazi came to kill him he finally said, ‘maybe the paranoids were right ‘ Like the Beatles “I don’t want a revolution’. I fear for the mentally ill, the pensioners and all those on fixed income or ill because whenthere is societal disruption,  and when gun laws are imposed and  totalitarianism follows, it is those who are the most vulnerable, the old and infirm, who are  first killed.  My friend who survived the Pol Pot concerntration camps said that saddest thing was seeing the patients murdered on mass but the intellectuals and professors followed. Half of Cambodia 2 1/2 million were murdered by that communist take over. Like China under Mao who brought in gun control and murdered 100 million Chinese.
22. Life is not worth much in totalitarian states like the dictator ruled states of the UN which now condemns Israel which is at this moment also producing cures and a vaccine.  The production of most of my patients medications had been outsourced to Communist china and they immediately threatened indirectly to cut off the supply. Fortunately we have 4 months supply in Canada, and Israel, first, followed by India and south American nations offered to up production along with American companies who have already begun to meet the threatened deficits.  Already in Canada Canadian companies are producing masks and other essentials that suddenly became absent when the Chinese producd defective equipment intentionally or unintentionally.  
22. I am wearing a Canadian mask when I’m around people in the Market. I’m washing my hands with an oil based soap. I’m taking Hydroxycholoroquine preventatively ,the lowest dose when I’m going to be in medical high risk settings. I’m taking zinc and vitamin d and walking my dog twice a day and getting out in the sun whenever it’s not raining .I”m socially distancing. I’m doing virtual work from home and thankful for the recommendations of the College of Physicians and Surgeons which literaly cut through all manner of bureaucratic nonsense and red tape and focussed 100% on patient care.  Again the guidance and leadership of the NDP in BC under premier Mr. Horgan, Health Minister Mr. Dix and Chief Medical Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry has been nothing less than miraculous. 
I was delighted to learn that Russia has producerd a new antiviral called Aguifer which shortens the disease to 4 days.  Amazing breakthrough.  The longer at risk populations can avoid getting ill the better the treatment potential. Thanks to the New York ICU doctors we learned that having patients lie on their stomachs could save them from needing ventilators. Thanks to the Milan sacrifice we learned that the respirators pressures needed to be low. 
The most exciting space age treatment is a UV insert in the lung that literally kills the virus in the ICU by internal light therapy. 100 % effective but unfortuantely to date prohibitively expensive and not readily availabe. The advances in the treatment of Covid 19 however can be likeened to doing in 4 months what took 4 years to do with AIDS. The scientific work is amazing. It really does follow Moore’s Law. Thanks to Dr. Bonnie Henry and Mr. Dix if I got sick today I’d get the medical resources from UBC Medicine a world leading infectious disease and clinical hospial and I’d survive with the increible nursing and medical staff.  I don’t want to get sick though and the later it is if I do the more likely I’d have HCQ , Azithromycin, and Aguafir and even a Moderna or Zeneca vaccine.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

as usual and excellent article

trying to inoculate 7 billion people seems impossible