Tuesday, December 31, 2024

South to the Sun, Half Moon Bay, Day 5, 8 am

I woke at 4 am. I let Madigan out to pee.  The sky was clear and Orion stars were dazzling.,  Lovely southern night.  I saw one trailer leaving and thought about it.  LA is 6 hours and I’m only planning on going half way today possibly SAN Luis Obispo, I climbed back into the camper bed above the roof of the Ford truck.  I’m glad I did.
I woke when the lights came on from a wonderful dream. I was with a group of colleagues and felt very much a part of.  They were showing me their clinic and inviting me to join them. It was all in one building and there were at least a half dozen or more, some of who I knew and liked.  There was even a psychiatrist in a white walled office wearing white starched shirt with cuffed sleeves inviting a young couple into what was clearly a psychoanalytic psychotherapy room.  I enjoyed it all.  
There was a bit though which is a mystery. They wanted me to take an injection like a vaccine.  I did but it seemed I had to have this ‘mark’ or injection to be apart of this group. I have felt the outsider so long and remembered when another psychiatrist wanted me to take a drug to join his group.  It wasn’t ominous and I liked them all. They had wives and children and houses and were regular sorts.  Guys I admired.  
Yet I also saw the Matthew 8:20 on the wall of Jim Houston’s office, “Foxes have dens and birds of the air have nests , but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.”

I thought to of the annual artist show called the “outsider festival’. The artist as outsider but reading history I know that the Impressionists I love were mostly friends but not part of the establishment of the day.  Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo were part of the guild and yet went to Florence and Milan and Rome , places away from their homes.

I liked the dream though.  Nothing scares. I liked reading last night that Elon Musk said he was a 3000 year old alien searching for his home. He was obviously being humorous but I can relate.  He was joking about insomnia perhaps which I’ve had at times this year.  People describe happiness and I’ve had that feeling recently but more contentment I’m on an adventure and driving at times is high stress just as sailing was associated with a lot of adrenaline experiences,  I appreciate that many don’t embrace the challenges and perhaps know more serenity. I believe that emotions are contrasting and you can’t experience true joy without having known great sadness.  So many leads ‘lives of quiet desperation’ and I have known that too,

I have been so poor for days I’ve not had food.  Like a beggar I’ve depended on hand outs.  Leaving my parents home was a Prodigal son event as was coming home and being welcomed back by my mmother and brother and tentatively by my father.  Then I trusted musician friends and was betrayed. Later I’d be a dancer and have steady income. I really was rich in love.  Me and Bobby McGee described my life back then, the hitchhiking hippie married and in love working kitchens to pay for lessons and a bicycle. Bicycling across Europe to Morocco and having to borrow money to survive that first month in London.  I felt confident then.   I felt safe in the love of parents and being supported by a rich country I was so proud of.  Being Canadian was truly something after WWII and the sacrifice of the soldiers.  Our life in Canada was such a contrast to Europeans. In England they had just stopped some kinds of rationing when we were there.  

Then I was frugal doing university with just enough money to live but I had a students bachelor near the university and all I wanted to do was study. I lived in the library and was rich in books. I was meditating and praying and not long after fell in love again.  We were like our friends buying houses and working two jobs.  It was passed the time when in first year I gave blood to buy a stethoscope.  I was going somewhere. A yuppie. Young upwardly mobile professional.  I was climbing the mountain, rich in purpose and again in love,

The next divorce was a set back but not the personal betrayal or the anxiety or the alcohol and marijuana. I was drinking and smoking weed not so much for fun as to escape. I was deeply depressed with my life.  I had given up my dreams for marriage, left country and northern practice and gone into psychiatry to live in the city with her and now I didn’t know what to do. I did my American exams , had a girlfriend and thought of that life but returned to Canada and emergency work.  I really was picking up the pieces and all those other cliches.  The nurse I was with turned out to do coke. I escape to the country and was fine smoking dope but paranoid of my colleague who turned out to be a scoundrel. I only learned this from his previous associates who he stabbed in the back.  Sexually I was fucked.  I was haunted by my past.  I’d had such good times and couldn’t get over the feeling of being victimized and taken advantage of. I asked my self would I ever do that to someone struggling and realized I wouldn’t.  

 I was married again. I felt rich when I met her, psychologically troubled but thousands in the bank ,no debts, all I needed and was happy with my new Vanagon.  Truly a step up from the VW bug I’d had at the end of my last marriage.  I’d traded the Mustang I had and loved for this character car and the money to carry on,  For the next 10 years I was working and sailing, living in the country in a homestead for a couple o years having a truly incredible clinic and practice but again with the sick wife.  I ‘d gone through the death of one mother in law and now faced another sick and dying and the depressed and angry daughter.    I was always alone waiting for her to come home assuming affairs and worried about the coke again. I was drinking wine and smoking dope but everything was regular. I was enjoying the country practice and colleagues again.  But it crashed.  Her mother’s death and her lack of practice and ‘I never wanted to be in the country I only came till you got it out of your system’.  All her friends laughed and said ‘we all knew she was a Shaugnassey girl’

I returned to live on the boat. She could do her thing and I would work and train asa off shore sea captain, The renanisance man.  Maybe I’d escape to sea.  I eventually did but never felt poor all those years working and supporting here and feeling that I had what I needed and money was being spent on fixing up a house or outfitting a boat but that was it.  The women only made half what I did but paid their own way though in all those years I paid the lions’s share but didn’t care because I had money to pay for roofs and /or hull paint and workers who worked with me.  

I was only poor again when I invested everything into a new practice and she again didn’t show up for work and stayed in bed and wouldn’t come out of her room.  I remember saying, I can go to work and care for a thousand depressed people and come hone but i can’t come home and care for you as well, “ I was seeing a therapist and she refused to . Her drinking and drugging and the cocaine were all worse but I was seeing the therapist and telling him the truth and he was very concerned about her cocaine, not the wine, not the pot but ‘I’ve known too many people who have lost their lives to cocaine,’. So we sent her off to see. Her family and get therapy in Southern California with family.  

Another divorce.  I was poor then. I’d gone to stay at friends, the old gang who smoked dope and drank beer, guys I hunted with, we rode off road bikes, they made whiskey in the woods.  I didn’t know that cocaine had got to them. I didn’t like cocaine.  It gave me coke jaw and made me ill. I joked with a family physician friend whop felt the same. “I get enough stimulation assisting surgery, the last thing I need is something to get me wired”.  I felt the same. I liked a glass of wine and a joint and wine.  The Irish doctors I worked with liked to drink but didn’t smoke dope. I couldn’t do both and preferred the mellow of marijuania but it made me more asocial.  

I was really poor when my friends again stole and the ex wracked up debts and I later learned was a multi millionaire and we lived off all my money but she never touch he ‘stash’ while I was wiped out just trying to get through the divorce and keep my boat but she was playing lawyer games , not showing and waiting me out, the seige game.  I couldn’t work either.  A psychiatrist with a broke heart is like a surgeon with broken fingers . I took a Hippocrates oath. I didn’t work when I might hurt someone.  I was not able to make money. I lived off my RRSP’s.  I cashed in my pension. When I finally went to welfare the lady said I couldn’t have any money  She shouted me out of the office and shamed me.  Thankfully I had years before taken out practice insurance, from my very first private practice and thereafter with the help of my private insurance broker was supported. I had not money from the Doctors union because they paid based on last year of earning and I’d been sailing.  Welfare had been the only solution but then someone suggested I contact my insurance company. I’d been staying at a friends and working for him doing construction. I clean septic systems for old people.  It was a bottom I’d later laugh. I was going to church and seeing Willie Gutowski a Christian psychiatrist and chaplain I admired.  I was clean and sober months having decided that I’d drunk after my second divorce and now with this third one I needed all my wits about me because I’d trusted friends who in their cocaine addiction stolen tens of thousands of my dollars from RRSP’s.  It was a thing they were doing at the time. Inviting people to stay with them then kicking them out and stealing all their stuff.  I was told by an associate they were glad I’d got out with my clothes.  For months after they tried to extort more money and threatened to kill me.  I actually thought these were the friends and there was the X wife and I was smoking dope and drinking and my judgment was obviously totally off. I couldn’t afford to drink. I went back to church where I’d felt safe and my mother and father had taken me.  

I was finally able to face the anal pain and shame and unhealed tear and hemorrhoids and had surgery. the pain was excruciating and I was up all night and didn’t take anything . I had God and I could suicidal but I wasn’t going to . I was going through the pain with God and I was admitted to hospital and was in pain and couldn’t shit because of the pain and had the worst medical care I could have known.  Third world.  Not even sits bath,  The psychiatrist may as well have been a psychologists and the nurses counsellor because they just gave me meds that worsened the constipation and worsened the pain but I wasn’t a Christian and this was shame and pain and I had a gay man in the bed beside me and the psychiatrist like the one I was seeing was saying I could drink again and didn’t need to abstain

I had gone back to church and was seeing Willie and was approached by Doug who introduced me to Willie.  I hadn’t been drinking or smoking dope months by then and was glad to know these two but I literally felt safest with Jesus and at church.  I only trusted my Christian lawyer and she got back my boat leaving many many millions for an old steel hull I’d lived on and worked on and wanted to sail across an ocean on because that was the goal before she went insane. Of course when you are insane you think everyone else is insane.  

I was living on carrots then and couldn’t afford meat, back to life as a student when I saved and scrounged but didn’t feel poor, I enjoyed most the invitations out for dinner with friends. I loved the home cooking of women.  I was very poor and didn’t know what I would do.  It was only the ex trying to sell my boat having taken it across border and broken international laws to get it to where she was selling it to a friend out of spite along with all the other things she was doing to hurt me when I’d never wanted to hurt her but did everything I could to help her pass her exams to work and live but I did’t want her doing drugs. I was shocked when I told her psycvhiatrist all I wanted was for her to not do cocaine and drink and drug and go to AA. He said ‘women don’t go to AA’.  I was late to have him be chosen as the speaker at a recovery conference I attended where he was thought the authority on addiction.  So many atheists were jumping on the ship that was floated by the spiritual.  The abstinent had money and the whole community and even religious communities hustled the recovered but said no to ‘spirituality’.  So often people would say I’d not go to AA because of the ‘god stuff’.  Yet they wouldn’t acknowledge that addiction was their religious and the religions like Catholicism wouldn’t have AA because it wasn’t god enough or their god.  The only requirement for AA was a ‘desire not to drink’ and it was suggested in the steps that a person would find a ‘god of their understanding’ that wasn’t booze or themselves. Alcoholics were described as egomaniacs with inferiority complexes.  

I was studying theology and spirituality at UBC attending Vancouver School of Theology and Regent College, and I returned to my private practice and lived on my boat and continued to see Willie, Bernie, and Ray. I ‘d gone to Homewood when I was over 6 months sober and glad for the time there with Graham Cunningham and the psychiatrists.  I was astonished that the addiction,called cancer of the brain, was so pervasive. I d married women who drank and drugged and that was as much an attraction as their obvious beauty and genius. I even took the job at UBC over Stanford because my boss to be suggested we go for a drink to celebrate. That was his test and my department at the time was full of people who liked to drink. Ironically I sat in a meeting for months with the former head when we were both sober.  I laughed when he said to me ‘if you can’t do the time don’t do the crime’ and we were both sentence to a life of sobriety. I was digging myself out of the hole and having a spiritual life and whereas all my previous friends and women I knew drank now none did.  I actually had colleagues now who were clean and sober, When I drank and smoked dope I thought everyone did but we were the minority.  I was back to meditating and praying and loving the natural highs of hiking and sailing and cycling.  

I wasn’t poor in those days but each year after a divorce and quitting drinking I’d experienced a financial ‘bottom’. Now I’m relatively rich again and old but that feeling of poverty worrying about food or rent and getting calls from the debt collecting wanting all the money my ex wife had taken still haunted me.  Fear of financial insecurity will leave us and it’s a promise and I’ve always had money I needed. I’ve had my ‘daily bravado’ of the Lord’s prayer’.  I’ll always thank Willie for telling me that Jesus said over and over again ‘do not be afraid’. I loved discussing Christianity with my friend George when he was listening to Ekart Tolle’s power of now I’d read.  We both were aware of “one day at a time’ and Brother Lawerence living in the present yet it was hard to practice this,  Living in the past we carried resentments and living in the future we had fear. The aim was to be present. Ironically I’d read Richard Alpert , Baba Ram Dass’ book Be here Now when I’d dropped acid as a hippie. Now years later I sat with 30 psychiatrists laughing and discussing which spiritual text we’d read under the influence of which drug or alcohol. I’ll never forget Hugh sharing how he always read the Bible when he was drunk on scotch.  What a crew,  I laugh so much these days.

I’m aware now when I’m not present and can do spot checks and don’t dwell on the past,  I’m under a lot of stress with this driving for days and the fatigue and rain and night. I’m aware I’m getting old but I’m getting there. Travelling ,even crossing bridges is unsettling. I’ve coming this way again. I just passed SAN Francisco where I lived in Marin Country in the late 80’s but I’d first come to San Francisco in the early 70s and been dancing in the street after attending the strawberry mountain peace and love festival in Colorado with my friend Kirk who met his guru then and left for India. I was with the most beautiful girl in the world dancing in the streets of San Francisco listening to the song ‘if in you re going to San Francisco he sure to wear some flowers in your hair’.  That had begun with the summer of love and was still going.   We were there dancing in the streets  and she wrote ‘love’ in her red lipstick on my forehead.  Decades later I’d write Love in white paint on my navy blue Baja Bug pissing off my yuppie girlfriend Suzanne who didn’t like me or the whole hippie era. I was the ‘doctor’ and should act like one,  All my life even when I was a doctor, doctors doctor, I was told I should act like a doctor.I’d been an actor and dancer and I was a doctor. I also got kicked out of high school for reciting a poem I’d written “hey man what a fuck u-‘.  Decades later I’;d be told ‘saying the work ‘fuck ‘ was un professional.  Not once did anyone check if I had Tourette’s either.  I really could related to Dr. House especially when I found his character had addiction.

I’m now so full of gratitude on a day like this looking at the sun and green grass and incredible blue sky and blue ocean,  I’ve got this crazy mutt Madigan (Gaelic for small dog) beside me and our job to day is just to drive 4 hours or so to Luis Obispo .  I love these west coast ports since I sailed into them or by them a couple of tines when I sailed south to Mexico or when I sailed to San Francisco before sailing solo in winter to Hawaii.  It’s a new day.  

God is good all of the time. All shall be well. All Shall Be Well. All manner of things shall me well,  I am struggling with comparison and envy and self pity but know these enemies of joy. I’m laughing thinking of the times when I didn’t have food or whatever and was really poor and lost but today I still have those feelings at times but by comparison today I’m rich. Maybe not in years of life. Maybe that’s what I’m grieving the life I lost and wasted though I don’t believe any life is wasted.  I just wish I’d been less afraid, kinder, more loving a better husband, sober longer. It’s 26 years and some now but I often think if I’d stopped drinking five years earlier things would have been different but the fact is what occurs is the best option. If I’d stopped drinking five years earlier, stayed in surgery, chosen a different wife I could have been hit by a car and died.  Life is the best option of the choices as the time, consciously and unconsciously.  My friend told me that when he flew his spitfire in the Battle of Britain alcohol saved his life because it stopped the shaking and gave m him courage to get back in the plane and face almost certain death, what Light foot once called ‘his liquid courage’.  Maybe being shot at, being in a plane crash being taken hostage and all those near death experiences raised the anxiety level and left me with trauma in the body that never forgets.  It was just that life happened, it unfolds as it should. The Bugghist doctor I trained with who taught me his Merton wisdom said ‘no praise, no blame, no regrets.’

And the great Tai Chi master asked what enlghtenement was ‘I shit when I’m shitting’.   When I rode my motorcycle 4000 km to Sturgies I knew when ever my mind wasn’t on the road I was dying not living.  Focus.  I’m doing ‘meditation in motion ‘ now especially with 10 lanes of highway going 100 km an hour.  

Time to get going.  I want to walk him a bit before we saddle up.  

thank you Jesus  

I thought this was an old guy 

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