Monday, December 23, 2024

Camper Life begins again

Two more days till Christmas and 2 more days after that I head south for the winter. I’ve transferred all that’s necessary and important to my Camper. My valuables along with hunting supplies have gone into storage. I’m on Star Link now and will be able to set it up along the route. I do like stopping at MacDonalds for their excellent coffee and because their wifi carries on from one place to the next. Madigan likes their burgers too.  I’ve all the components necessary for virtual work to continue.  I’ve the next week for camping and travel. 
I haven’t had any special Christmas feelings. I appreciated Hansel’s Messiah but haven’t heard many Christmas caroles. The lights have been wonderful The winter solstice was Saturday Dec. 21.  I’ve been quite exhausted with the outfitting and finishing up details of work.  Now here I am in this little world and almost ready to go. The days are getting longer.  The Birth of Baby Jesus is about to happen again.  The old year is ending and a new year beginning.  
The new President is taking office in Jan 6-20.  I’ll be in the US then and hope that there won’t be troubles that affect my travel plans. I’m looking forward to going to Mexico again this year but am concerned about the migrants and illegal aliens and criminals associated with them. So far I’ve heard that Rosario is safe and fine.  Tijuana is a concern outside major tourist areas but once south of Ensenada everything is fine according to what I’ve learned. I’ll investigate further south
Peter and Larry are wintering in LA. I’d hoped to stop over for a few days, leave Madigan in the camper and spend a couple of days visiting art galleries.  Then I’d really like to move on to Yuma and Algadones. I’m considered a stop at the Salton Sea State Park in Southern California. I’ve the new Honda 3200 Generator and want to spend more time off grid. 
Trudeau money is only 60 - 70 cent on the American dollar.  In Mexico it’s always inexpensive.  Truthfully I like bargains and deals and don’t like paying even more than necessary for the incompetence of leardership we’ve had this last 10 years.  
I’m hoping to visit Hay Bay and see the nephews and great nephews late spring. I’ve my zodiac trailer and motor to bring back.  I like the idea of fishing this summer.  I even consider hunting with the boat in the fall rather than driving all over with the Honda Tracker scaring game away.  It’s always novelty.  What to do till the Messiah comes?
I’m enjoying work. I’ve accepted my role as a cog in the machine and am no longer trying to push the universe.  The Serenity Prayer helps.  I like that it was once said that “Hay would no only lead a horse to water but push them under to force them to drink.”  I was heavily invested in ‘outcome measures’.  My time in Community Medicine certainly affected my Psychiatry training. Now I’m more the ‘facilitator’ rather than ‘healer’.  I don’t have to walk on water. I don’t have to be a ‘channel of healing’. I’m just hear to serve.  I wonder if I had it to do over I’d not ‘select’ much more and help the motivated rather than spend time with those who are by all appearances ‘precontemplation’.  
I’m thinking of death and end of life and what it means. I’ve nothing better to do than this. I could be proactive and seek a different service and role but the present is just fine. I found last year I was ready to come home in a couple of months.  This year I was even thinking a few weeks in Mexico on the beach would serve.  Each year I’ve recovered somewhat though my back remains weak and painful.  I was at a low the last few days dragging myself through packing and stowing but now I’m in the camper ready to go I’m beginning to be excited with life again.  I find travelling listening to audio books, seeing the incredible world invigorating. 
I’ve a number of patients who are chronically angry blaming the world, me and everyone else for their illness,  I think how my colleagues avoid Narcisists , Borderline Personality Disorders, addicted and alcoholic but here I am with most of my practice seeing people who the ‘cherry picking’ clinicians would exclude. I’ve certainly been inclusive but have resented the authorities scapegoating me and others like me because of the systemic problems of the system. Their arrogance is as upsetting as that Herod Trudeau fellow worshipping his own brand of chauvinism and sharia communism all the while lying with forked tongue.
It’s the season of forgiveness. Peace on earth. Joy to all. I pray ‘may thy light shine forever on the sanctuary of my devotion” from Paramahans and Lord Jesus Christ Son of God Have mercy on me a sinner from the desert fathers. There is no doubt I’m a sinner and miss the mark. I observe the fear and negativity and character defects in my thoughts and struggle daily to be a better person.  
Today I’m waiting for Paul to come with his tow truck and take the RV to storage. Laura is coming over. I have a trip to the TD bank and a trip to Ralf’s Radio to get a SIM card for my Satellite phone , The SIM Card I have is only for Canada as I’ve used it for emergencies in the backwoods. Now I want want that’s good for Canada , US and Mexico.  
I like expeditions and adventures. Once I find the place I’ll set up for weeks and settle in with my work and day trips on the weekends. I’m getting myself a new lawn chair in the south. I bought one last year and left it with the tracker. It really was spookum so I’m planning on finding another one of equal quality then I’ll have two .  I still have an old one I’vc had nearly 10 years.  At lunch in the south I sit outside in the sun on the lawn chair having lunch and a nap.  I walk the dog several times a day and will use the Vespa to make store runs. I used the truck last year and the Harley but this year I’m going to try to do everything with the Vespa and leave the Camper on the Truck.  That may change.
It’s a good life. I’m grateful to be alive and well enough to do these excursions.  I’m exited. I love my dog.. What a crazy growly attitudinous companion.  I like the compactness of this, like the sailboat, everything close, all I need in a little package.  The RV is like a house and I know I’ll miss my couch and that this place will become a little tight in time. I only lasted a couple of months last year before wanting to return.  
It’s getting light outside. I’ve been waking at 4 am these last few days and getting up early.  I had a great meal of fish and chips at White Spot last night sitting in the car with service and Madigan enjoying his burger paddy.  I’ve lots of food and just need milk for coffee.  Probably some bread soon too.  
It’s a new day. Thank you Jesus. Thank you God.  Thank you. Thank you.  Thank you.  

Kelvin from Travco did a fabulous job of winterizing the RV and helping me close up the slides and stow for storage.  He really was a god send last year and all winter but especially now,  I’m just so exhausted at the end of the year and Kelvin makes sure it’s all going to be okay.  He checked out the camper too.  It’s sure good to have others helping especially as I age and become weaker, physically if not so much mentally.  But I do get brain fog at the end of the day or when I’ve been dealing with too many moving parts.  Thank you all for the help. We are not alone. 

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