Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Wakening to friends squeals

Bella is back! Madigan’s little black and white Havanese girlfriend squealed outside on the street.  Madigan leaped from the bed where I was sleeping.  A frenzy of barking and squealing,  I decided I’d get up and grabbed shorts and a sweater.  Opening the door Madigan bolted out to join Bella and Luka.  It was good to see Peter talking with the beautiful Nicoletta.  
Bella greeted me and Madigan jumped all over like a baby kangaroo.,
‘Where have you been? We missed you. ‘ I asked Peter
« We were getting the motor home fixed but it just took longer than planned’.  They’d been away several weeks.  
« Everyone is well. » Peter continued.

« So glad you’re back but I have to pee, ».  Almost bursting I called Madigan who was so happy.  His little gang had returned and I was able to get to the bathroom. Morning rituals of prayer and exercise continued.  I’d lifted Madigan’s dish from the floor so he had no nibbles. He’s been groomed by Dr. Biernacki the fabulous vet and his caring assistant. Madigan had a bad grooming experience and is now afraid of groomers.  He’s had vet assisted grooming once and it went well so I’m hoping he’ll overcome his anxiety with positive experiences and aging,

It’s another lovely morning.  I’m hoping I’m losing weight. I’ve been exercising more and eating less. It’s a winning formula.  I love the weather sunny in the day with a breeze. I like being close enough to the sea that we still have sea gulls.  There’s herons here from the river and sparrows and black birds. Lots of rabbits out and about early morning. I saw lots by the airport and again when I was in Tucson. I wonder if it’s a rabbit high cycle in a large swath of territory.  A friend sighted a coyote . They’re next.

I’m juggling vehicles.  Friday I take my new Harley Nightster Special to Trev Deeley to have the radiator checked. I believe the it may have overflowed last weekend because a cup of fluid spilled out when I stopped.  Better safe than sorry as I’ve never had a liquid cooled Harley.  I called and service said bring it in.

The new Starlink parts have come for the camper and the decals are ready to be put on.  Kevin at Adventurer RV just needs a day but he’s out in Chilliwack.  Kelvin will fix the taillights and the satelite cables but he’s in town. So I’ll need to bring the camper back with me this weekend after I have the chiropracter visit with Dr. Ready. My back is always with some pain but I’m mobile if a bit fragile and thankful that it’s improved and I’m more active. It may be that my being more active has improved the back too.  

I still feel like I’m in God’s waiting room. I have not big projects or purpose just a desire to Snowbird this winter with the camper and the harley .  I really ought to be learning how to tow this huge Fifth Wheel. There’s a special license needed. I meant to take lessons in the spring but it may wait till next year.  I am very much aware at my age I’m in the space where friends die or become sick and I could too.  It seems to focus my attention. 

I still have book to write though haven’t felt must inspiration to create novels or autobiographies.  I’m working and paying taxes and paying the rent. It’s a good life. I don’t imagine I’d like retirement at this time if only because I would have to be more conscientious about spending.  I doubt I could have upgraded my motorcycles or bought the new paddle board.  I like that I’m paying off the mortgage and savings are still accumulating slowly. I don’t know what I’ll do when I’m spending principal.  I’ve never been rich in a rich sense. I put all my money into outfitting my sail boat for expeditions.  Other’s get grants and raise independent funds.  I supported ex wife’s through their medical training working two and three jobs at the time.  I’ve paid a lot to others and to charity so it’s not like I’m ever decadent. I’ve been desperately poor leaving high school then completing medical school then paying the debts of two divorces. The women I’ve been involved with have never been frugal like my mother. Party girls despite their many merits, I have indeed envied them having a sugar daddy like me despite their having goods jobs that they used to pamper themselves while I paid for the rest.  

Now again I’m comfortable.  I really am blessed and very thankful to God that I’m able to give money to family and friends and order shorts and sun dress off Amazon without worrying about the cost.  I have th $200 inversion table that I’ve only used once as it’s stored under a tarp beside my place.  It’s awkward to set up.  

I eat well despite the high cost of food today.  Madigan likes chicken so I’ve been barbecuing chicken.  We share it watching TV. I’ve begun watching the original NCIS with the new cast. It’s okay despite the Woke propaganda.  

Life is good ,   I love the sunshine and summer and look forward to a week working by the lake.  I’m hoping to swim some.  It’s quiet here early.  

Thank you God for all your blessings. Thank you for serenity. Thank you for the comfort now this lull after so many political storms with beaurocratic corruption and abuse,  ‘Trust the science’ is such a ludicrous unscientific statement. The myth of climate change emergency and the myth of overpopulation dominated the wanton government corruption and obscene spending on their cronies.  If I were getting more of the loot I’d not mind I guess.  I’m doing the next right thing and have noting more than wearing women’s clothes to be ashamed of. I’m conflicted enough by sexuality to be a their and bully.  I continue to see that the criminals in low places and high places are rewarded and folks like me are at best left alone to work as long as I don’t get too much that would attract the predators.  I’m in this modest place, no government indexed pensions, no great house asset,  just decades of works and service in a world that dénoncés men and service and celebrates the offended and the aggressive.  I’ve served in the areas of greatest need and continue to serve and am paid moderately for my service. There are no deals or windfalls just wage labor.  I’m thankful for this time.  The future is uncertain but the present is fine. The folks are the clinics are especially impressive humans and I really like the majority of my patients who I help and I enjoy helping. My men’s meeting is tonight and I look for ward to seeing George and the other friends even though they’d not share my pleasure with buying some rather soft and expensive panties on line.  I love the fine materials as much as anything .The t shirts from the conferences were really soft and not the usual mannish rough cotton that tshirts are made of.  I really like comfort and admire women for focusing on that now that I’m aging and that fought and tough young man stuff has no appeal. I simply don’t want to be hanking on wrenches or twisted under engines. Even the thought of sanding and painting my sailboat has no appeal. I’ve done it some thirty times, yearly bottom coats and top coats and sand blasting every five years about. 

Yesterday I washed my car.  That gave me joy.  Thank you Jesus.  


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