Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Wuhan Lab Flu

It was sad reading the recent Vanity Fair article.  I knew all the information they declared with great fan fare in the spring of 2020, except the association with the miners. It was obvious by the Communist Chinese Cover Up but journals around the world had simply stated the ‘obvious’ without the ‘politics’ of the US and WHO.  
I followed the Taiwan response from day one because they were the country that clearly was the Goretsky of the Chinese flu hockey game.  Everything they did was right.  The Taiwan sources identified the initial doctors who became ill working in the virology lab, they acted appropriately, shut down flights to Wuhan, began social distancing and distributed free masks beginning in February 2020.  They’ve had the best insights, practices and outcomes but the WHO , no longer a scientific organization but a political body ‘bought by and terrified of their dangerous master the Communist Chinese Party, wouldn’t let them ‘play’ in the Chinese Flu games.  Despicable. 
France and Indian scientists along with others around the world identified the source of the Chimera virus from ‘gain of function’ studies.  Meanwhile US and Chinese sources and their allies and the embarrassing doctors and scientists with the worst conflicts of interest made the extraordinary claims that ‘a virus couldn’t escape from a lab’.  Have they not watched Alien. Do they not know Houdini!. I’ve known teenagers who’ve escaped from asylums and jails that were impregnable.  Virus’s are a lot smarter than the average politician today. 
We all watched the rioters literally walk into Capitol Hill just as we watched the jets fly into New York for the great 9/11 only because the ‘impregnable’ America has some how left doors open to a city, to a Capital Building. Now the Wuhan Lab which we very late learned was financed by Dr. Fauci is impregnable. What I don’t understand is why the Minister of Defence under George Bush did not lose his job along with the Mayor of New York during 7/11 or why the head of Security for the Capitol Hill wasn’’t jailed.  It’s like the jokes today ‘you just had one job’.  So of course the virus escaped from the lab. We all knew that in February and it got really bad when President Trump stated that.  If Trump said ‘worship the devil’ the Democrats with their Antifida brown shirts and all their silly people would have suddenly converted to Christianity and had mob baptisms to show Trump and the Republican’s were ‘wrong’.  They were right all along.  So the Vanity Fair article tries to claim that some folks they name knew all this and suddenly a year later the ‘breakthrough’ story.  
Adults apologize. Vanity Fair should just have said, “we’re sorry’. We were so full of hate for Trump and so greedy for power that we refused to see reason.  Now thank god they see reason. I will be so happy to see that the doctors who were paid, and only later admitted ‘conflict of interest’ and published their ‘consensus science’ in Lancet, Nature and Science lose all positions in the world of Science.  They lead the world astray. They worked for the Communist Chinese. Some were paid millions of dollars to, look the other way or to say that a virus could not have come from a leaky Wuhan virology lab that had had other virus escapes before this.  Shame on the institutions of science, the scientists , the Lancet, the Nature and Science magazine. Shame on all these greedy political people who worked for the Communist Chinese and wasted a whole year chasing after pangolins and closing down ‘wet markets’ when all the while ‘Bat Woman’ was lying centre stage.  Benedict Arnold.
Now Vanity Fair says these ‘people’ with a funny dashing ‘acronyms’ were the ones who knew what was going on. I knew what was going on before them simply because I stopped listening to Dr. Fauci and WHO when they said it was ‘highly unlikely’ and such weasel words nortorious to Fauci whose advice to the President of the US was traitorous by way of it’s ambiguous politicizing language and confusing ambivalence and bizarre statements. It was like listening to the CIA explanation of the Kennedy shooting and this solo mad man story.  Later we hear about the Bay of Pigs and the Military Industrial Complex. One day when the truth be known Fauci will be found to have been on Tallahatchie Bridge!
So what Trump, the Taiwanese, Indian, Turkey, Australia and especially the French said a year ago is now Democrat Orthodoxy and not only that it was first discovered by Vanity Fair and a group of left wing sympathizers who would have done better if Trump hadn’t said be ‘racist’. What the fuck is racist about calling the Wuhan Lab Virus the Chinese Virus when labelling the virus by it’s source is common convention. Vanity Fair sillies call the doctors who labelled the West Nile Virus ‘racist’ and the “Congo Fever’ Racist and the next thing we will hear is that ‘tick fever’ discriminates against ‘ticks’. What utter ridiculous embarrassing shameful nonsense. Now Trump is racist. Vanity Fair one of the most racist magazines in world history starts pandering to the Marxist Identity politics crowd. If I disagree with you you are racist.  Such unscientific and obscene cows manure.
Anyway, yes, the Wuhan Virology Lab leaked and the Communist Chinese Military and Xi Jinping didn’t ‘fix’ the problem. It’s a ‘virus leak’. It’s like a Tanker leak and the owner of the ship puts all their money on looking the other way. 
Now Vanity Fair, the left wing rag, says ‘look at me and this ‘breaking story’.  Not one Vanity Fair journalists thought to read Indian, Turkish, Taiwanese, or French research. It’s been said that the left wing are collectively intellectual wankers with their desire to ‘censor’ anyone who disagrees with them and their utter grandiosity and arrogance. Sorry. That’s all you needed to say. Sorry, Mr. President you were right. We were wrong. Now the doctors and scientists who were paid by the Communist Chinese to distract and cover up are going to jail and at least are losing their much coveted prestigious positions for the sake of the lowest doctors and scientists like me that really haven’t been pleased at how cheap a scientist or doctor can be bought. Meanwhile no one has offered me anything for telling the truth but really I would have lied perhaps too if the Communist Chinese had given me millions of dollars. 
Still the Vanity Fair Article is correct if the people they quote are the really key people who broke the story in Taiwan, Singapore, South Korea, Japan, France and countless other places outside the xenophobic racist circle of the Imperialist running dog Vanity Fair ‘circle’.  The story is good.  I didn’t know about the mines. So thank you. It was a great read though I really wish you hadn’t given credit to President Trump and the Republicans and their sources and statements when they got it right a year before your ‘breaking story’.  The story is there and actually its rather fun to see it written with obvious pie on the face of Vanity Fair, a left wing rag that actually rose above the yellow journalism that has dominated the left throughout this horrible crisis of Covid 19.
Well done Vanity Fair.  Next time just say, We are sorry President Trump and all the scientists and doctors who weren’t working with the Communist Chinese for our hatred and tunnel vision that would not allow us to work for the good of AMerica and the world but had to see things solely through the eyes of our demonic hatred of the elected President of the US and give our allegiance to the Communists abroad and at home. Now we’ve come clean with the ‘truth’ and are still trying to save face.  Good on you, mate.  We accept your apology, girl. I know it’s hard but you finally saw and admitted what everyone else knew a year ago.  Nice ‘timeline’.  Taiwan article a year ago was better, mind you, but they were not Vanity Fair. Taiwan is a humble abused country whose learned the hard way that it’s better to tell the truth. Lying is a luxury.  Communist China lies. It still lies. It will always lie. There’s nothing ‘racist’ excerpt Vanity Fair refusing to listen to the Democratic Asian nations and worshiping the Communist Chinese. It’s like Hanoi Jane all over again as history repeats itself and the fifth column of communists continue to thrive in American journalism.  Whatever!

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