Friday, May 14, 2021

Madigan - biker dog

Madigan’s done another ride in his Trev Deeley Biker Dog riding box.  I moved him from the passenger seat to the top of the world on the box. He really liked the view.  We drove to the dog park where he had a little run.  It’s now his first time being left outside while I run into a store. He didn’t like that. Lots of cries and barking and then he stopped being a little dog and jumped up on the table where he could be a big dog. The barking stopped and he waited quietly.

A little drama unfolded. I don’t go to Starbucks much anymore. I always preferred Blenz and a number of the local cafe’s but it’s Madigan’s first longer ride and I’m trying to keep the trips short for him. There were tables outside and a parking spot where I could watch the bike. It’s Vancouver so I worry about the new bag being stolen.  It’s only strapped on. Further the Starbucks had a window and the tell right by the door so I could watch him as I ran in and out.  
So much for expectation.  Two girls before me began to do their Huffington Post Starbucks routine with the barista. It didn’t help it was a different language.  Then suddenly a boy about 10 approaches Madigan who is now terrified and his whole body language is fear as he pulls far away.  I run out and tell the boy. “Leave my dog alone. You are never approach a dog who is not alone when it is tied up and alone.” 
He actually sneers at me.  And moves further towards the dog.  “Get away from my dog.” I raise my voice.  Meanwhile another child, what appears to be his sister, has been standing and watching and now she moves in on Madigan.  I tell her. “Stay away from my dog.” Laughing at me , she walks away. She only backs away when I ‘command her” “Don’t touch my dog.”  They walk away looking back with that ‘what’s your problem”.  
As I’m about to go back into the Starbucks, a young man, maybe in his 30’s,maybe 40’s, blocks my path. 
“Did you just shout at children”.  
“Yes, they wouldn’t leave my dog alone.”
“You can’t shout at children.”
“Yes, I was afraid they’d hurt my dog. They wouldn’t leave him alone.”
“They wouldn’t hurt you dog.” He said.

That’s when I knew he was a total idiot. A fist class loser. He knew nothing about children. He knew nothing about dogs. He was a trouble maker. An instigator. 

I was a big old biker and he has major fathers issues. 

“You know nothing. Don’t talk to me and get out of my way.”  
He moved out of my way then.  I thought of Darwin awards. I had just wanted a coffee. I knew I shouldn’t leave the dog alone for a moment. I ‘d already seen a child attack my Scotty hitting it with a stick while it was tied to a post. I don’t know what his issue was that he’d attack a tied dog. His mother ran up but a police man had been standing there.  She began screaming my dog had frightened her child who she was now holding to her with the stick visibly still in his hand.

Tom was there in West VAncouver as we sat on a patio with the Scotty tied beside us. Tom had gone in for the order and stayed at watch Stuart. Now we were eating out lunch when this woman came up right beside us and told her 6 or 7 year old son , “Take stick. Poke dog in eye. Make much money....Now. Now!”  The Scotty backed away as far as he could while the boy began to approach him with a stick.  I jumped off the patio and got between the boy and Stuart.  The boy looked relieved.  The mother looked solely like she’d missed an opportunity. insurance scammers and thieves.  Multiculturalism just means that the number of sociopaths and psychopaths have increased with their devious ways to take advantage of a culture and people adapting poorly to the influx of criminals and economic migrants from other lands whose families didn’t see me as human.  That’s who we as a species justify our poor behaviour. We imagine lines and put the other guy other the other sides.  She wasn’t kind. She might steal from her sister even or sacrifice her son for money.  A true psychopath or she might just be a clever sociopath who saw an economic opportunity.  

Lenin called the loser’ a useful idiot’.  Only after I realized my mistake.  

“No I didn’t shout at the children” I should have said. That’s the politically correct response. Lie, lie, deny, deny.  I’m growing deaf and his ‘false accusation’ was disrespectful of my hearing impairment. Laura says I’m talking louder. 

The truth is I shouldn’t have left Madigan even for a moment. It’s likely against the law though I was a few feet away inside a door.  The ‘useful idiot’ knows the law is on the side of whoever knows the ‘latest language’.  King Lear said to his daughter ‘we’ll talk of court things.”  I so miss the cartoonist who yearly reported the ‘outlawed words’ in the Georgia Strait. He selected all the key ‘bureaucratic phases’ that had been abused the year before and stated they could not be used in the coming year. Words like ‘sustainability’ and ‘science’ and ‘climate change’.  Power words that the mob shouts because the propagandists have paid anyone savvy enough to use the words that were the ‘fashion of the week’.  Today it’s ‘racism’.  

Now thanks to Starbucks I’ve learned a lesson and had a story. I used to love Starbucks especially overseas.  I ‘m sorry they’re attracting the cultural riff raff. 

A delightful older Chinese man who witnessed the whole drama, laughed as I passed, “Dog smarter than that man,” he said. “Children’s parents should teach them.” I always thought culture wasn’t about colour or something deeper, like character. 

My brave little biker dog, jumped up on the table after the children and the idiot laughed and I ran in for my coffee and came back.  He likes this Starbucks. Lots of great smells. 

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