Sunday, April 25, 2021

Sunday, Thank you

Madigan’s river walk was lovely today. The rain earlier May havedeterred the visitors. The locals continue but the migrants who come by car and park along the road swelling the population didn’t seen to be here. I recognised most people. Often I only know their dogs.  We smile.
Today I wore cullote shorts and the blue humingbird slogger garden shoes that have turned out to be my favourite wet weather hiking shoe. I had my quilted red plaid lumber  jack shirt and a black togue. It soit at times and threatened to rain and spit at times. I don’t like rain on a bare head but don’t take umbrellas hiking.The umbrella I save for citiy walks. 
Madigan had his first hair cut and spa visit at Dogtopia yesterday. He went from long haired hippy dog to military ready.  I worried about the chill in the air but he was always moving so it wasn’t an issue.  His heavy winter coat protects him from the elements. He still has his undercoat. I reflected that I didn’t worry about my bare legs. If it had rained I would have turned around and returned earlier.
The colorful male wood duck was at the beginning of the path swimming along the stream. The green mallard wasn’t far away. Their more somber feathered wives were  keeping near.  I always watch for the kingfisher pair I’ve seen this year already.  I’ve seen a hummingbird. I saw a lot of chickadees.  Rob said the warblers were back and I believe I’ve seen one but cannot be sure.  
I did get a lovely picture of a Song Sparrow. The sparrow was kind enough to sit for long enough for me to get out my camera and take a couple of pictures.  I have trouble identifying sparrows.  Thanks to friends I’m learning more each year.  The colour of the beak differentiates some. The savannah and fox and song all look similiar but obviously they’re not.  Whereas politics homogenizes I love biology because it cares for detail and reality. 
I suppose I’ve liked psychiatry because there is a differentiation between imagination, reality, psychosis and genius. It’s something I used to have to be clear about when I worked with admission unit to the provincial asylum.  The 19th century intellectuals had so little restraint on their musings. Here today we continue to deal with ‘ the maggots crawling off the dead bodies’ of Marx, Freud and Darwin ‘as a friend of mine described the gross error of politics and law today.  However, it’s ironic  because at the very moment the ‘facts’ conflict with the systemic errors, the lying partisan ‘fact checkers’ arise along with the whole false notion of ‘relative truth’.  There is in nature some latitude of perception with the very photo/electron issue decided by perception. But not the good is evil and down is up we hear today.
I’m reading Conrad Blacks’ history of Canada and was glad to see his leaving politics and embracing science and anthropology in his discription of the Stone Age Tribal culture of Canada. Too often today the rewriting of the past results  an  idealization of the aboriginal, a variation of the former ’noble savage’. 
I’m also reading Celts, Blood,  Iron and the Forgotten History of the Celts, Patrick Auerbach.  It’s a truly delightful read and I’m fascinated by the power of the Iron Age.  The natives of Canada were stone age and hadn’t even gone through the Bronze age when Europeans introduced them to the Iron age. Their life expectancy was thirty years.  The Stone Age was a tough time. By contrast in our post industrial age the life expectancy is 75 years on average. 
I some times feel like I’m living three lifetimes.  I’ve been married 23 years of my adult life to different women and had girlfriends for decades more. My girlfriend today has been with me most of 20 years, longer than the marriages, partly because we live separately.  Partly because we’re older. 
 It appears that monogamy we understand today may have developed first in the IndoEuropean area of North India and Persia. The most celebrated leaders by contrast of the Negro and Asian dynasties were patriarchal, one man and a multitude of wives.  By contrast when I worked in the polynesian islands one island group was actually matriarchal with the mother having several husbands. Canada is transforming to matriarchal with a surge of “single mother’s’ multipe male lovers and government support.’ 
I really enjoyed the week of heat and sunshine and look forward to it’s return. Today I’ve an online meeting and next week I get my Harley out of the Trev Deely winter home. I’ve ridden the Vespa all year but it’s not so much fun when I hear the roar of Harleys and really want to get out on the highway. The Vespar 300 Touring bike is a sweet machine, far better for the city than my Harley Electroglide. Madigan has ridden on the back of the Vespa and the Honda 420 ATV. I want to get him on the Harley and go for a cruise. Gilbert loved our trip to Merritt for the Sturges North rally where Burton Cummings stole the show. 
The Covid crisis continues with a friend in ICU we are all praying for. Another friend has had major orthopaedic surgery and we’re praying his recovery continues uneventful.  Anna is having full on braxton hicks and due yesterday or today.  We are praying for her as well. I believe in prayers. I felt my mother and aunts prayers when I was at all time lows and highest risk.
The universe is mind, God’s mind. In the beginning was the word.  The celestial sound, STring theory.  I’ve bought a book to study music theory again.  The programming of the mind is likely affected by the diffrerent preferences of musical arrangement, eastern scales and western scales.  I was thankful a patient reminded me last week of Yehudi Menuhin and Ravi Shankar. I had that LP in the 70’s and played it again and again. I’ve had my guitar out. As it’s hanging on thewall I’ve been more willing to take it down. When It was in it’s case in the back it was too much hassle to get it out.  I’ve an electric keyboard again. I think it’s my third or fourth. I gave the others away.  No room in my mobile life style. Living on the boat really restricted non essentials. I had the hitchhikers guitar then. I’d played piano taking lessons for a year when I was young.  I took guitar lessons young too but kept playing guitar, the master of three or even 5 chord songs. I love the blues.  Also folk and country rock.  Yet I don’t understand the theory of music.  There’s mathematics to music and I’ve trained in music therapy and used it with patients I’ve this sense there’s a key just outside my rational mind that I’m grasping for. It’s to do with the dancer in me too. 
I was upset with more Covid restrictions.  I beilieve Trudeau had fair warning to support the provinces need for more oxygen, more beds, more vaccinations, more doctors and nurses. The needs were well known a year ago.  I don’t question anything everyone did in the first six months. But we’re in the second sixth month of the war and our Commander in Chief the PM hasn’t had his head in the game. We’re doing worse than the third world on vaccinsations and our lockdowns are strictly a product of his waste of money and waste of time.  If he’d worked with the provincial health ministers and met their needs rather than focussing on Quebec and political correctness and all his political issues to get reeleted, the economy would have be pen back full on by January. There would be no need lockdowns. He’s persohnally solely accountable for 6 months of lockdowns due to utter incompetence and greed. Unfortunately he’s changed Canada, once a democracy, to a communist dictatorship with propaganda and the Chinese communists in the schools, and media and law.  It’s frightening.
I’m hearing of friends I most admire moving. It’s such a shame.  I love the country but loathe our politicians.
 I mostly wanted to go camping and now we’re restricted to our health district and I’m still not sure if I’m allowed to use my camper. I miss my sailboat and being able to head out to the island anchorages. 
 Im really rather blessed here. Laura believes we’ll be able to camp and we’ve got four days off from work. Camping seems the best way for me to regroup. I’m sometimes frazzled by the constant angst and despair.  This is so hard on the mentally ill. I”m seeing suicidal adolescents and turning away children that can’t find care.  I’m so saddened for the old who have suffered stoically alone, The future for the children is so affected by the corrupt spendaholics in Ottawa. Their  allegiance is to Communist China rather than Canadians.  So much foreign money and so many illegal immigrants jumping the queue.  
China continues to build it’s navy war in the South China Seas, threatening Japan and Taiwan.  It’s unilaterally rejected international law and continues to swagger like Hitler did a century ago.  Hitler rejected international law. China invaded Hong Kong and now has built up a huge naval force just like Japan once did.  The way they continue to behave as barbarian aggressors the more the whole Wuhan Lab Viral Leak looks like it was intentionall allowed to spread as communist state policy.  This is tyrrany and beligerence just like Hitler in Austria. 
Lenin wasn’t much better internally at the time, killing millions of Russians who didn’t agree with his collective communist policy , his low brow paranoid ideology, with him as the dictator.  Putin is on the border of the Ukraine. Trudeau seems more interested in which bathrooms are being used in the Canadian Military than actually alligning with the other G7 nations who once were our allies.  Trudeau had rejected the commonwealth nations and made his pact with Communist China inviting them to do military training all through 2019 on Canadian soil!
It’s  all above my pay grade. But I keep water on hand and am ready for civilization to fail for weeks. The democrats in the US allowed the take over of their city by armed beliigerents like in Chas at Portland.  That seemed like a precurser. Given the lack of response it certainly encourages mob violence, revolution. BLM and Antifida are imitation Nazi brown shirts. In Canada the liberals have done nothing against the excesses of  their favoured politically correct groups.  It’s a bit scary.  I can’t help but reflect on Freuds’ words “maybe the paranoids were right’.
Christians are the most persecuted all over but that’s not even known.  Fringe politics rules exactly the way the Nazis succeeded in the 30’s using sex offenders as the back bone of the brown shirts.  Christian churches and ministers are attacked and arrested while criminals, rapists and thugs are let out of jail. 
I could worry but God is in charge. God is good all of the time. The drama can go any way.  I do hope that right does better than might.  Communist Chinese are barbarians like Trudeau.  I would rather listen to Bach than bombs.
I pray. ‘All shall be well. All shall be well. All manner of things shall be well.’ I’m on the sidelines. I’m old enough. They say I’m middle aged but I have my share of aches.  I can’t imagine carrying an 80 lb pack and rifle. I’m mobile  armoured at best now. I’m riding a vehicle if there’s any distance to go. I’d rather head for the rear than the front too but I’ve always been defensive. I’ve served in my time. I’ve stood up to countless bullies over the years and hope that the young pick up the slack. I like freedom. I am so weary of the bullying bureaucrats who never studied Nuremberg.  Something’s rotten in the State of Denmark. I”m thankful for my studies of honors Shakespeare.  History sure repeats itself.  
Meanwhile it’s spring with the flowers simply beautiful I love the cherry blossoms. I love the fragrance. Even today with rain and clouds it’s relatively warm. I’m seeing friends in eastern and northern canada struggling through snow, still dressed in parkas. I dream of Arizona. I’ve just read another Petit western and enjoyed it.  
Thank you Jesus for all your blessings. Thank you Lord for the Holy Bible.  Let’s us again gather in church in person.  I’m tired of zoom. I’m thankful for all Emilie’s zoom work but I like church. I’m back in the clinic but don’t like not seeing faces in my work that is so much about face. The virtual office is better in some ways.  i’m on the phone so much and am increasingly finding it difficult to pick up the phone. I am affected by the tones more than the words. 
My amazing sister in law has helped me follow up on my Irish grandfather. Mom kept records and now Adell is looking out for her boys. Laura’s sister is interested in genealogy too. 
I enjoy my dreams. I look forward to sleep. I was in meetings again last night. My brother was with me and Gilbert and Madigan were there. The boat was there and houses over the harbour.  I’m always thankful for dream visitations.  I’m comforted.  I miss my family. When I see Kevin and Anna with the Meerkats out in the bush I’m reminded of my childhood, so much time camping and hiking about the woods with dad and fireside meals with mom.  I’m tired of the city.  I am really ready for some more time in the woods.  Nature heals my soul when I’m too much with people. 
Thank you Jesus. Thank you for the wonderful weather, for bringing us safe through winter, for allowing me to be of service, for protecting me. Thank you for all your blessings.  Thank you. 


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