Saturday, April 17, 2021

I’m like a flower

As soon as the sun comes out I blossom.  I’m like a flower.  
Madigan is hot with his fur coat searching out cool shade. Laura was siting in the sun until it moved. Now she’s escaped to the interior shade.
I just had some wind therapy on the Vespa 300 touring. I rode to New West to buy some Ethiopian Yirgacheffe and Sidona green beans I’m now ready again for a new splurge of lock downs and shortages. I filled my freezer and cupboards last week. I say it’s the survivalist in me with Communist China and Russia threatening and sable rattling in Taiwan and Ukraine.  But really it was Laura coming over for the weekend. I like to cook for her so have lots of choices. Last night barbecued steak. Tonight I’m doing pork chops and rice.  
With Covid we eat.
I had such a big outing yesterday getting my new mattress from Abbotsford. It was supposed to be 3/4 the size of my existing Kingsize. It’s a couple of inches shorter and a couple of inches on the side and a couple of inches depth but I really ought to have got a queen. But I’d bought the top of the line Sealy Posturpedic from the Bay last year and it pretty well took up the whole room. Laura couldn’t make the bed because it was so heavy and tight.   I didn’t like trying to stretch the corners of the fitted sheets with no where to move. It was also heavy.  I now have a new mattress and it’s smaller and lighter but not so dramatically as to probably warrant the effort involved.  Thanks to Murray I was able to trade them about and he gets to try it out. We both have back aches that respond to the right mattress. He’d bought a new one last year too and it never worked so he’s traded his mattress now too.  Lots of social interaction. I’m astonished at the meetings. I realize when I’m with people how much of a hermit I’ve been.
I do my work.  Laura visits on weekends. I talk with neighbours walking their dogs.  I talk with Madigan. I’m on Facebook. I do virtual meetings with doctors. But the isolation is really apparent when I meet with others.
Vivian has Covid and is on the Covid ward at VGH. I talked with Andrea who was so anxious about Vivian.  Vivian shared on FB and the prayers tumbled in .I“m hopeful. But talking with Andrea I was a regular Chatty Cathy. She told me of her sons and her husband their restaurant and B&B and how she‘s not teaching with covid so has time to read.  I find I babble with friends.  Uncertainty. I don’t know what is going on in the world. Everyone I knows is so discouraged by Trudeau and anxious about communism.  Yet we carry on.  There’s an epidemic in psychiatry and addiction medicine.  I’m astonished at the lack of  attention this real epidemic is getting. Not just the overdoses or the suicides or the anxiety and the depression but the long terms effects.  Due to the lack of resources people are asking me to see adolescents and geriatrics. Adolescent suicides are up 3x. 
Andrea and I talked about the home delivery booze and weed.
I’m available for the crisis.  I respond at least getting the ball rolling.  I like to assist. I’m critical of management and hate that whining antiauthoritianism . Its not directed locally. The present government is no longer focussed on political correctness and appearances but making really solid decisions re vaccines and priorization. I loved they got the vaccines to the northern isolated native reserves. Such good judgement.  It’s just the lock downs that don’t make much sense and prediction based on them for a virus moving through the community.  I think the devastation of community and mental health problems outweigh any discrete advantage of the lockdown approach.
Personally it’s not bad. I’m sitting here in the sun. I’ve enjoyed taking pictures of blossoms. I’m working and paying my bills. I’m able to assist so many with medications and triage, providing letters and diagnosis to help people move through the burocratice maize.  That maíz even  is increasing being pruned down by a surprisingly responsive government. 
 I like Horgan and Dix. I hope I don’t regret it . Perhaps it’s just a contrast to the bumbling idiot in Ottawa.  Still they’re reassuring.
I loved watching an SRF talk on having faith in God, fearlessness. And here I am soaking up Vit D. It’s the nicest week we’ve had. 
Laura calls it August in April.  Im loving  ít. Hết Cousin is already sưimming in the ocean. I cànt wait to be camping again.  
I ‘m also really blessed because I had my place deep cleaned by Oscar and Carolina. Oscar’s  coming to do another day next Friday. It’s just so clean and fresh. I”m embarrassed to say how long it had been since a thorough job was done. I’ve been doing spot checks. In fact I’ve been a human living in a dog house. Now it’s human again and Laura is really pleased. I’m happier when Laura’s happy. I’m happy too when Madigan is happy but there’s a balance.  Oscar has really done a great job. They pulled everything out and got at the back corners and back walls. Amazing.  I am blessed. Thank you Jesus. 

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