Sunday, October 25, 2020

More Fall Hunting

As I’d forgot the key to get into the RV storage ,we’d brought the camper home to stow another week. It had to be winterized with non toxic antifreeze as well.  
Friday morning at 2 am I was up and headed for the camper with my rifle.  I’d packed everything else I’d needed and shopped the night before.  3 am I was on the road.
My plan was to hunt between the  Coquahala Summit and Merrit.  A snow storm was in full force by the time I got up the Coquahala. Big trucks were sluicing sideways.  I had chains but couldn’t stop to put them on. By the time I got to the summit the snow was heavy and I wasn’t sure if I went out of the big truck tracks I could get back.  This was not going to work.  I left the highway at a turn around and almost got stuck trying to drive through fresh snow.  Crusty with ice underneath. 
I came back on the highway heading the other direction. I’d had to wait for the big trucks to pass and have a really large space. Even so I was drifting and sluicing and couldn’t accelerate without fishtailing the camper loaded truck.I steadily gained speed as I saw another big truck in my mirror gaining. Finally, I had enough speed  to keep ahead .  At the chain up area I pulled off to wait. I’d almost pissed myself.  Thank God for my own portable toilet. I didn’t know how I was going to get down.  Finally a plow came along and and with several big trucks we convoyed down the mountain slowly.  My wiper was frozen and visibility was terrible. It was still night too so altogether awful.  
I was praying and really thanked God when I got down to the rain. I pulled off at one of the creeks I’d remembered people tenting at during the summer.  I found just such a pull off and had a nap waking when the sun came up.  I hiked 5 km up the mountain using the Sat Phone to give Laura my Lat and Long.  High enough up the cell phone showed one bar and I was actually able to text.  
No deer or bear or grouse.  My feet hurt walking on the rocks and coming down my legs were rubber.  It really was beautiful.  4 hours of hiking in the backwoods.  I was thankful to find my truck.  I made duck and pork pate on buns and ate up.  Then I headed over to Harrison’s wanting to stay low to be out of the snow and sleet.  Harrison’s was just right. I’m parked on a bit of space separated from the main logging road. I’ve done the night hunt....walking painfully uphill a km and sitting listening to the night sounds beginning. In the dark I walked down to the camper.  
Barbecued pork chops and barbecue chips.  Delicious meal. I’ve been listening the brilliant Louise Penny All the Devils Are Here audiobook and loving it. I’m also reading a John Steel book .Now I’m going to bed.  I’m exhausted. I’ve taken robaxin and Advil .  Mostly my calves and feet hurt, but there is my back that chirps up.  Amazing how restorative a night of sleep is.  I realize I only had 4 hours sleep last night.  Hunting is a lot of repetitive work.  I stalk and slowly walk as quietly as I can be going up.  Coming down I’m not so quiet.  Tonight I sat on a log really quiet not moving.   Loved watching the night come on.  The moon and stars are out among the clouds.  Just lovely. 
This camper is skookum and my meal was perfect.
Thank you God for these days!!!!

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