Thursday, October 22, 2020

‘Case-demic’ and Coffee

‘Case-demics,’ politics, elections, corporate greed, pseudo-science, communist war lords, Islam hegemony, persecutions around the world.  I’m here drinking coffee. It’s warm. I have this skookum heater and a roof that doesn’t leak. The winter is fast approaching. Chilly nights and chilly morning. I stood at noon yesterday face in the sun glorying in the warmth and wonder.
God save me from the approaching insanity. That great beast of fear and war and lies and corruption.  God save me. 
I love St. Patrick’s Breast Plate prayer. The ultimate protection prayer since St. Patrick was up against a lot of celtic cruelty and superstition.  
Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ to the right of me. Christ to the left of me. Christ below me. Christ above me. 
Why is the Flue Vog lady betraying me with her constant litany of irrelevant hysterical case reports of questionable test.   Stanford, Iceland and Cruise Ship data all told us that the case was merely the tip of the iceberg.  The virus was asymptomatic in 50%.  Belgium doctors collectively report a treatable disease model.  Where did that great warrior lady doctor who spoke truth in May go? Tokyo Rose. 
I am weary of politics. The election for the world looms. Trump, the Republicans and America versus XiJinping and Communist China allied with the dictators of the UN.  Agenda 21 and the lies of Davos. George Soros and Hunter Biden, yet another Epstein child sex creature. I embrace the libertarian choice but question why I should pay for your choices. Public and personal like subjective and objective are all deluded today in a mush of luke warm or downright cool news. The modern soap opera is mainstream media.  The fact checkers are the new celebrity partisan polls.  It’s good money if you can get it.  
I believe in heaven. 
Jesus Christ. God within. God will come again. I play hide and seek with God.  
It’s an age of uncertainty.
The sadness is palpable in the lives of the marginalized. 
All day I talk to those who suffer. The alcoholism and drug abuse are making the government rich.  Perhaps if the churches gave kickbacks to the courts they too could stay open like the riots and racist communist brown shirt celebrations.  Where is the opera when we need it? To think we once only concerned ourselves with the Picton Farm before the whole world became the lair of cannibals and pedophiles in high place. Cocaine! 
Demon drink. 
The great triangle of trade, weapons, drugs and slaves. Today it continues.  
I’m praying.  It is quiet here.  My little corner of the universe for this moment is peaceful. I’m considering another cup of coffee or a shower. I think I’ll shower and dress.  It’s growing late to be sitting in soft night shirt without clothes that would allow for respectable exit from my home.  In so many places people have no change of clothes. Elsewhere men and women sleep in clothes and shoes to be able to escape at night.  I’m thankful for my safety today. We take so much for granted.  A proliferation of nuclear weapons and rogue states and terrorists and hegemonies. Yet here I am with confused police and weak government and leaders gorked on the latest drugs sated from the latest bacanalian fest not that concerned.  It’s 1939 no doubt or 1972 or some re cycle year this frightening absurdist 2020 but I’m about to have a shower with hot water and soap.  
I will dress and wonder what happened to the pretty Fluvg lady.  All along Tam has been a stranger. But she seemed so nice.  I trusted them all early days but now in the fall with more threats of totalitarian measures, draconian 1984 speech and fear mongering religiously pseudoscientific I’m perplexed.  I once would have asked how can I get some of the fancy money flying about like the millions that those Wuhan liars.  
Small businesses collapse. Neighbourhoods go under. 
But not here. I’m okay for today.  It’s hard to reassure.  Will Flue vog ask for his shoes back?  I will be hated and demonized for questioning the lady.  Since the Virgin was demonized even though the Pope embraces gays men, even the likes of me are not allowed to even question. Freedom of speech is draining away as rapidly as freedom of religion. Other freedoms are passing in the growing flood but those with licenses remain. 007
The Luke warm war.  I lived to see the Berlin Wall fall.  I want to see Taiwan remain free and Hong Kong escape. Perhaps Wexit will take place and maybe even California will clean the poo off their sidewalks. Hollywood is a ghetto.  Celebrities are the new carnival.  Soon the Gypsy’s will be everywhere.  It’s quite bizarre. Best not to think of it.
I really will have another coffee but after I shower and dress. I must be ready for the next surprise.  I’d not like to greet aliens in my night shirt though I know God will not care about exteriors.  Thank you God for all the entertainment, the news, the intrigue, the stories, the confusion, the bluster and sober rattling, the old men and young ladies and the old ladies and young men.  Carpe diem.

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