Avalon provides a safe supportive place for women to come in recovery to meet, mingle, attend groups, and various activities. There’s child minders to help with mothers. The key is discretion. It’s a quiet place, a kind of family of friends, for those who’ve been in the loud to long or too alone. It seems to meet so many women’s needs. In my work as a psychiatrist and addiction medicine specialist I've referred women repeatedly there knowing that while they have AA groups and Al Anon Family Meetings, they have a more diverse offering, but mostly they’re mostly just women in recovery helping other women.
It was an honour and privilege to be asked to be a speaker again. Avalon Women’s Drop In Centres are now in Kerrisdale, West Vancouver and White Rock but they’re really needed in every major community. Hence the need for fund raising.
The gowns were truly Hollywood red carpet. The ladies were spectacular. It was a day to remember for sure. So much good feeling and laughter.
Edge Fashions, 15223 Pacific Avenue, White Rock; Anna Kristina Boutique, Semiahmoo Mall; Malary's Fashion Network, 5755 176 Street, Cloverdale all graciously provided the fabulous fashions for the mix of volunteer and professional models.
Cindy Morrison served as Masters of Ceremony and did a very good job indeed. Uplifting and spontaneous. President Beverlie Jansen is delightful charming lady who instills confidence and calm by her very presence. Fashion Show Coordinator Rhonda McJannet was truly vivacious. As Dr. William "Hayes" I maintained my anonymity for the doctors opinion. Like other physicians and psychiatrists and addiction specialists, hospitals and agencies I'm very confident referring women to Avalon knowing they'll find safety and solution. Kari McNiven gave a heartfelt talk of her work in Avalon. Finally, Champion All Star Cheerleading added that wonderful touch of zest to made the perfect day that much more.