Thursday, July 8, 2010

Gifts of Recovery

The guys were in good form tonight at the meeting. Everyone seemed to be sharing on the gifts of recovery. It was a variation on the traditional gratitude meeting in which people express appreciation for all that they have gained from abstaining from alcohol and drugs. One fellow spoke of his improvement in health, another of the benefits to his business. One fellow described how on his own he had been unable to stop drinking for even a day before coming for help. People spoke about their anger and negativity while drinking and in their early days of recovery. At that there was a lot of laugher, everyone in the room remembering well how they took themselves so seriously in the early days. As usual there was a lot of laughter. Laughter and comraderie. At break, people got up and mingled, getting more coffee, some going out for a smoke. One fellow talked of his plan to tour Africa. Another had returned from Mexico. One fellow was excited that he'd paid his taxes. It was good to be back in the mainstream. So much money had been lost to the 'party' . The theme was truthfulness for some and relationship for others. It was heartfelt and meaningful as guys talked of dreams coming true. Where everything had once been sabotaged in the throes of the disease of alcoholism, in recovery everything was coming through. There were promises that were given to those who gave up alcohol and drugs and joined in the fellowship and program. Those promises led to the gifts of recovery. And tonight everyone was sharing on the material, emotional and spiritual homecoming that had begun with the simple yet oh so hard beginning of 'not picking up the first drink or drug, just for today."

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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