Monday, July 29, 2024

Olympics Drag Queen Parody of the Last Supper

The Drag Queen Parody of the Last Supper of Jesus Christ at the opening ceremony of the Olympics was deeply offensive. The ‘apology’ was worse with the dissembling explanation that the central character was meant to be Dionysius, God of wine,  orgies and delusions  not Jesus Christ,God of Truth.  The insincere ‘apology’   was confirmation of the nefarious intent of the vulgar spectacle. It was an attack on Christianity and to suggest it was anything but intentional. deepens the deceit. 

It had nothing to do with LGBT or sexuality as a whole. Gay priests are as equally  offended by this attack on their religion and church.  I can’t even see Bishop Spong laughing.  The radical display was merely divisive and sordidly aggressive. Like taking a shit on your grandmother’s living room carpet. Then trying to ‘explain’ it  The Olympics have celebrated LGBT in the past. Drag queens were highly present in the Sidney Olympics and welcome.  This was different. The devil is clearly in the details. This is France where the aetheist communist minority are vying to take control of the country.  The Vichy French are alive and well as evidenced by the revival of antisemitism and anti Christianity. 

The arrogance and ignorance of the open aggression of the passe’theatre was cheap. The world now sees aetheism as the religion of communism. Aetheists have killed hundreds of millions in the last century or so.  That makes the century older killings by Christians and Catholics look like the work of choir boys. The rise of communism again in Europe after Stalin’s attack on France, the Berlin Airlift,  the aetheist murder of so many French in Vietnam is not forgotten.  The Gulags of USSR are replaced now by the communist chinese slave prisons of the Urghers. The Nazi’s were Neo pagan. The Olympic paganism display was decidedly more Nazi than Greek. Charlie Hebdo , the French satirist had been murdered by Muslims a mere 10 years ago. The parody was anti Christian. 

Were the Last Supper Parody inclusive as argued, the cowardly producers would have included Mohammed in pink tutu drag at very least. .  Maybe if they’d have had Mao naked embracing Lenin in an orgiastic threesome with Kim it would have been ‘funny’.  The Book of Mormon is satire at its finest with rapier wit rather than the bludgeoning stupidity of this Last Supper Parody.  Maybe  the wink of an apology would have been okay if they’d thrown in some rainbow turbaned Siks.  Maybe they could have shown Buddha in black fishnet stockings  rutting with a unicorn horned lavender Ganesh.   Maybe then it would be as ‘funny’ as holding up the severed head of the child of a politician. No one would have minded the severed head of the politician but the severed head of the politicians child was so tasteless by comparison.  If it had been Chelsea would Hillary have found it funny.  It all really could have been just satire.  Then a sorry we are stupid,  low brow and offensive French might have sufficed.   

But no, this was a direct attack on all Christians but especially Catholics. It was intensional and attempted to usurp the Olympics for a peevish political agenda. Saying ‘get a room’ isn’t so much censorship , I am libertarian and believe wholly in freedom of speech and presentation.  However, you can’t always play your bagpipes  in the church or  library no matter how much we believe bagpipes are the most Godly and educational of musical instruments.   

A weak apology and denial of accountability is so common of Maoist guerilla tactics. so effective against the French Foreign legionaries, the Pride of France. The strategy is to have an all out attack and if there is significant response, rapid retreat.  Sorry. We’re sorry.  Didn’t really mean to offend by raining on your parade or disrupting your wedding.    Perhaps what is needed is a parody of the artistic directors and organizers, employing the guillotine, that great French symbol, followed  with a weak ‘sorry’ ,  Sorry we didnt me an to offend. We’re just stupid and overpaid.      

Thankfully Lady Gaga and Celine Dion along with all the other performances and atheletes were so far above those who would ‘steal the stage’ for their one trick pony peeve. The real  show went  on. The Olympics ironically are supposed to  celebrates peace not communist divide and conquer or pagan war and revenge porn. Secular events include the religious and irreligious, the washed and unwashed, the barbarians and the civilized.    Putting the delirious woke aside I really did enjoy the beach volley ball and women’s fencing that opened the real worames.

The Eiffel Tower bought by the blood of the British  who died on beaches of Dunkirk makes a spectacular back drop for this incredible Olympic games. 

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