Monday, August 5, 2024

Long Weekend BC DAy

Loved the Tim Minshin show at Q E Theatre. Tim Minshin’s Angry (feet) has been my favourite bit of psychiatry humor for a decade or two. I also loved Storm.  He opened with “if this plane should crash” and did a number of new songs since the Matilda and Ground Hog Days era.  I read about him winning the Edinburgh Comedy fest but couldn’t remember how exactly I came to know him AIM and Mark were big comedian fans and I wondered if they might have introduced me to him.  They’re in Sidney now.  2 children.  
Tim Minshin married to Sarah has 2 children and was born in England to his Australian parents so has this British Aussie following. I loved him sharing about his mother’s death and his father’s grief.  He said that marriage is like picking a best friend to decay with.  Laura and I laughed at that. 

He’s always been intellectual in his humor, aetheist but his critiques are valid. I don’t share his views and am enjoying Neuroscient Mario de Beauregaarsd’s audio book of Spiritual Brain which I’d read in hard cover a deacade ago, He really did a funny number on the routine criticism of intenet that ‘he’s old white and conservatie’.  I found it especially amusing because I’d just been criticized by an ‘old white guy ‘ by a racist name calling leftist, who despite acting childish and immature, doesn’t realize that he’s over 30 ow so himself  considered ‘ old  and white too.”

We drove home in the Mini from downtown. Laura’s here for the weekend.  I’ve just been barbecuing as usual. We’ve walked Madigan several times a day independently and together. I had my hair coloured and cut at Chatterer’s by Shirin who’s had her hair cut and curled so she looks like a. 30’s can can girl. She’s really cute.  She’d just been on vacation to Cancun and also visiting her mom out east.  I had my nail’s repaired at Professional, the black polish restored.  Oddly self care is ‘tiring’.  

The next day was book reading. I’ve finished a Corsair and pirate novel of Malta and Algiers featuring the Knights of the Order of St. John.  Now I’ve down loaded a SF book but have been reading whole lot of history.  I read several books on prehistory and geography and archeology, sexuality and transexuality. . Now I’m in the midst of the history of prostitution and fascinated by its ubiquity.  A Norway historian wrote it when his partner a doctor was developing a public health plan to prevent AIDS

My camper came back from Kelvin at Travco. It’s all new again.  Costly damage from my backing up with the trailer.  Turns out I needed to have an extension on the hitch so it was happening simply because of the hitch not being long enough.  I was so pleased to see my littler winter home again.  I towed it out to Chilliwack for storage and drove back.  Laura and I are off to Pemberton for the opening of bow hunting in the August long weekend.

It’s Pride weekend. I’d hoped to go to the parade and even considered buying a new frock to wear but when Laura’s here I lose interest in cross dressing and getting out. It’s just pleasant to hang out. The thought of driving down town to walk among crowds just lost its appeal. Alone with Madigan we might have donned a frock for the occasion but with Laura’s company here , Madigan, the sunshine and heat, it was better to enjoy the couch air conditioning barbecue and Prime movies.  We loved the Irish movie with Liam Neilsen.  .  Madigan has so enjoyed participating in the steak meals getting shares from two plates rather than just one. 

We also learned that the left wing Hammas PLO favourites were terroriszing the Pride Parades.  We had the Marxist corporation BLM terrorizing previous Pride parades.  Hammas is causing riots all over England and still refusing to return the Israeli hostages they stole.  The Hammas Palestinians, Trudeau’s friends,  continue to want Israelis out completely and death to Jews with their people only hearing the propaganda while the Israelis continue to be reasonable and want co existence.  Hammas wants power and money and arms.  I loved reading revolutions just mean the overthrow of one beaurocratcy to be replaced by another worse one. I certainly don’t want the Ayatollah and can’t see why the LGBT community are so anti democracy and pro Muslim. It’s all about politics making strange bed fellows. Trudeau is the friend of terrorism and anti law and order except for his elite buddies. 

The middle class is being destroyed here and the working folk like me are being attacked financially annd physically in riots.. Frankly I’m avoiding crowds and liberals because they’re so entitled and violent.  They are against self defence and so favour criminals. The left wing news media calls the Muslim mobs ranging the streets with machetes the ‘victims’.  Trudeau is the prime enabler of violence and the liberals encourage disorder so like the communists always do they can centralize authority and impose draconian measures because they let the terrorist run amok. Such a contrast to the Peaceful Freedom rally where Trudeau declared martial la. 

  I’m just glad now I didn’t go to Pride. I don’t see Pride as a parade I’d like to attend with he anti police stance, pro BLM and now pro Hamma. Trudeau was there for the selfies and it nauseates me seeing him wasting my tax dollars and showing such disrespect to middle class and aging, . But then I’ve not attended the Irish Parade either in recent years. Nor the Chines Parad. I didn’t go to the fireworks. I don’t like crowds and the lack of law and order in Trudeau canada.  I feel safe at home and am glad to be able to be here today.  

I enjoyed my Oxford course but am still waiting for results , a problem that occurred with the initial assignments.  Im considering another on line course but then I think I should be focussed on completing the three books I’ve half way completed.  I continue to work and sometimes think the books will be done when I finally retire.  I like that I paid taxes and rent and dropped off and picked up a large load of laundry that had been accumulating. I’ve not been doing laundry here despite having a washer and it’s summer so drying wouldn’t be an issue. I’ve just been plodding on and pleased with what I’ve accomplished. This weekend is a contrast because we’ve really been doing little.  Reading books, walking the dog, and hanging out. It’s so rare in my busy schedule.

On facebook I was interested in the XY female so reviewed the genetics and comments on the misinformation on FB.  I mentioned Dreger's Hermaphroitism and the Medical Invention of Sex. I was interested that ‘woke’ would make statements she was a ‘biological woman’ when she couldn’t reproduce, had XY and must be taking hormones.  The French IOC insisted on the Passport ‘rule’ yet Canada and the US allow the changing of gender on the passsport without even a physician’s involvement. The Woke want ‘facts’ to be decided by politics. Like the USSR.  God is the Dictatorship.My truth and your truth rather than one truth with multiple perception.  Meanwhile Grymes the swimmer who contested Phelps the transexual was just awarded $50 million.  The Algerian boxer who has DSD = disorder of sexual development, and was disqualified by the International Boxiang ASsociation apparently is XY but also apparently had high testosterone which shouldn’t occur as XY - Swyer’s syndrome can’t produce hormones.  The plot thickens.  I’m cetainly pro trans but don’t see Male as Female.  It continues to be that Michelle Obama is thought to be Michael and now Macron’s wife is admittedly trans.  I think there’s a third category but that’s my love of Trinity over binary reductionism.  M F and Other.  

Biden stepped down without falling andd Kamala is being promoted by the Left as the Democrat Presidential Candidate to face Trump who has been falsely accused along with the  lies upon lies by the democrats.  I don’t know . The cost of living is exponentially high. I’m older now.  I love Laura and Madigan’s companionship.  

Time for another coffee.  These are the best days of my life.  God is good all the time. Good to be sober too. Thanks Jesus.  The aethest see the dance but can’t hear the music.. I’m so thankful for the dance and music.

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