Wednesday, August 21, 2024


The oldest law in the world is the ‘chinese law of the fish, there are big fish and little fish. The little fish must be fast and numerous.
The psychiatrist is first and foremost and agent of control. Insaniety has been described as being ‘out of control’. There is some kind of ‘normal’ to which psychiatrists adhere. That ‘normal’ is defined first and foremost by whoever or whatever wields ultimate control.  
It is said ‘history is written by the winners’.  So psychiatry and mental wellness are defined, not solely, but most significantly by those who dominate and win.  
Presently society is ruled by the UN Security Couuncil. These represent the ‘winners’ of World War II, Russia, China, USA, Britain and France.  If an individual were radically opposed to these central regimes they would be deemed ‘out of touch with reality’.  Reality in a political and material sense is defined by these ‘winners’
Deviation from the ‘norml’ is considered ‘bad’ or ‘mad’.  Bad is addressed predominantly by the Judge and jail system historically seems as ‘masculine’ and superior.  Mad was addressed predominantly by the psychiatrist and asylum system which is consider feminine and inferior.  However, if a person is considered insane they can be kept indefinitely by the Governor General’s Warrant.
In the court madness is dealt with by being declared ‘guilty’ but insane or ‘not guilty by reason of insaniety.
Saniety is being ‘in control’. 

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